Mecha RP: Legend of M

AceOfSpades0210 said:
"EXEA, prepare combat systems. We aren't fighting beasties today.." Valk's voice was low, solely because he was now within his cockpit. The machine was racing towards the League headquarters, having been left behind and missing what had already occured. "Why didn't you tell me they were leaving?" He asked the machine, partially upset that he was missing a battle that could completely change their position in the war.
"V, you told me to never bother you when you're relieving yourself in the restroom." The feminine voice of the machine responded, the usual melancholy or emotionless tone sounding almost irritated.

"Oh shut up.." The pilot wasn't sure whether he was on the communications line or not. Usually there was a sign on his screen telling him who he was connected with, but he had the screen disabled to give him more visibility of his surroundings.

"Heads up, V." The machine warned him, launching itself into the air and automatically raising the blade-rifle. Valk aimed the rifle, looking down the scope to see the armed tanks firing upon the rebel position. He pulled the trigger, a heavy explosion down the barrel of his weapon fired a round straight towards one of the tanks. The bullet embed itself into the metal vessel, a massive explosion engulfing the small radius.

"Bulls eye!" Valk cheered from the cockpit, keeping a steady eye on the radar to his bottom left for any heat signatures approaching him.

(Open for interaction. He's a bit further from the battlefield, since I'm not to sure on the exact surroundings. Hope I didn't ruin anything.)

A new bogey bleeped into existence on Cutter's HUD. Nothing but question marks were next to it for a type, and its mass readings were giving the Riptide's sensors fits.

"We got a new player on the field folks!" Cutter calls into the League broadcast channel. "Moving to engage!"

The Riptide blasts into the air and towards the EXEA's left flank. Cutter looses a salvo of smart missiles mid-flight, and as he touches down unleashes a burst from the ion accelerator aimed at the other mech's left leg. He immediately fires the jets again to circle around toward the rear of the EXEA, attempting to keep the range open.

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Raider867 said:
"Thanks Ivis." Klein replies before running into the ship, going for the engine room first. He has his rifle ready.
@Crimrose @dr xenon

"League troops closing in!" Someone shouts from behind Rosie. She'd already made her way to the engine room and they were starting to get a sense of how this technology worked.

"Again, I said to push the button in the middle of the panel!" she barks at one of the techs as she hustles over to where her techs were taking cover in the hatchway behind the corpses of the heavy infantrymen who had escorted them so far. Professor Mu'Duk hung from the overhead by his tail, reloading his assault shotgun. The stub of his cigarette glowing dully in the haze of gunsmoke. He chirps at Rosie and fires two shots down the passageway to give her some cover.

"GET ZOME!" Rosie shouts as she unloads two concussion grenades down the passageway at the encroaching League forces. A single tear makes a clear streak down her cheek as she stands behind the assault trooper she only echanged a few words with just a few minutes before.

@dr xenon @CERBERUS177 @A Skull on the Shelf @Raider867 @AceOfSpades0210 @Crimrose @Salex @Foxora @GasMaskie

The fighting in the hanger had grown to a crescendo, as both forces began to converge. Roland reached for his radio as he ran along the catwalks.

"All remaining mechanized units, we are under heavy assault inside the main hanger bay! To anyone still fighting, we need covering fire!" He tackled his way into what seemed to be a control room and readied his rifle. Thankfully it seemed to be empty. Lowering the gun, he looked over the control panel until he found a series of levers. He pulled the first, lowering a large bridge up to the ship so that the forces could board more easily. As he pulled each of the others, the various clamps holding the ship in place.

"The way is open. Let's just hope everyone makes it." He said to himself before running for the door.

(let's get everyone on board so that we can get out of here.)
Klein evaded the grenades. "Damn." He growls before turning to fire some shots down the passageway. "You're not getting this ship!" He yells.

@dr xenon
"V, mecha heat signature approaching from the left." The machine's warning was brief, but delayed as Valk was already turning to face the oncoming barrage of missiles. He pointed the end of the rifle, the sound of the inner mechanics shifting and the end of the barrel widening slightly. From within the cockpit, Valk pulled on the trigger to unleash his next shot. The projectile quickly left the barrel, and near instantly split off into a scattershot. Missile met shrapnel rounds, nearly round for round, at least until one of the missiles broke through the smoke to hit EXEA.

"Shit.. EXEA focus exterior repairs on the armor. Deactivate energy being sent to the advanced sensory." As the smoke around the mech's legs cleared, it was clear to see the damage the missile had delivered. Athough it was minor, being small cracks in the lower left thigh, every piece counted in an all out battle. Orange light seeped from the edges of the cracks, interior heating attempting to solidify the damaged armor. It was nothing compared to an engineer's work, but it saved the armor for a few more hits.

Valk pushed the controls of the mech forward, attempting to close the gap between himself and the enemy machine. The rifle in his hands quickly had the barrel shift in place, metal plates now covering the firearm to recreate it into a blade. At the sharpened edge of the armament, chains were exposed to reveal the sawblade within. Valk could only assume that since the mech had powerful ranged explosives that it could not fire them at close range, at least not without damaging itself. The flight boosters attached to EXEA's back allowed for a quicker burst of speed, his blade held out in front of him in an attempt to slash through with gained velocity alone.

@dr xenon (Hope that wasn't too bad, dude. I'm currently on the road.)
It was a brief moment of reprieve, for Staltz as it gunned down the last tank within the range of it's assault rifle. As Fox took a look around him at all the fallen troops, tanks, mech's, jets, and the like he peered then focused his gaze at the base, where a lot of attention for both sides was going into now that the rebels were raiding a ship.

He had Staltz reload another clip before holstering the rifle and stood there. "You know... I wonder if people remember who our true enemy is... There seem to be more guns pointed at each other rather than a kaiju lately..." He scratched his cheek and sighed, there wasn't much point standing around now. Staltz jumped and took flight toward the base. Responding to Roland's back up request

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Klein continues to fire inside the engine room in bursts, taking cover before firing again. He takes cover again, thinking of what he could do as he is in cover.

@dr xenon
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Jack reached the base and started helping clear out rebel soldiers, using low caliber rounds, here tore some of the enemy soldiers to shreads, literally . He sat in the red zone of the base helping medics reach the wounded soldiers who were out in the open. Jack then stood proudly in the hanger, keeping watch over the wounded. "This is metal head, I have taken back control over hanger 7 , I plan to stay and watch over the wounded, casavac is strongly recommended here, over." He said, keeping watch over the doors.
AceOfSpades0210 said:
"V, mecha heat signature approaching from the left." The machine's warning was brief, but delayed as Valk was already turning to face the oncoming barrage of missiles. He pointed the end of the rifle, the sound of the inner mechanics shifting and the end of the barrel widening slightly. From within the cockpit, Valk pulled on the trigger to unleash his next shot. The projectile quickly left the barrel, and near instantly split off into a scattershot. Missile met shrapnel rounds, nearly round for round, at least until one of the missiles broke through the smoke to hit EXEA.
"Shit.. EXEA focus exterior repairs on the armor. Deactivate energy being sent to the advanced sensory." As the smoke around the mech's legs cleared, it was clear to see the damage the missile had delivered. Athough it was minor, being small cracks in the lower left thigh, every piece counted in an all out battle. Orange light seeped from the edges of the cracks, interior heating attempting to solidify the damaged armor. It was nothing compared to an engineer's work, but it saved the armor for a few more hits.

Valk pushed the controls of the mech forward, attempting to close the gap between himself and the enemy machine. The rifle in his hands quickly had the barrel shift in place, metal plates now covering the firearm to recreate it into a blade. At the sharpened edge of the armament, chains were exposed to reveal the sawblade within. Valk could only assume that since the mech had powerful ranged explosives that it could not fire them at close range, at least not without damaging itself. The flight boosters attached to EXEA's back allowed for a quicker burst of speed, his blade held out in front of him in an attempt to slash through with gained velocity alone.

@dr xenon (Hope that wasn't too bad, dude. I'm currently on the road.)

"NnNNGGGHHhhh!!!" Cutter growls as the EXEA's blade slams into his forceshield and forces him to brace the Riptide against the impact. Sparks fly between the two mechs as the forcefield struggles and fails to hold the other mech at bay. "Damn that fellas fast! Didn't 'spect that burst o' speed! Designate opponent mech type Tiger! That was a helluva pounce!"

Cutter even kicks in the jump jets to keep his balance and the chainblade begins to chip away at his armor. He twists the Riptide's left forearm around to bring the twin Fusion Beams to bear pointblank at the EXEA's belly, blossoming them into the fusion blades he'd shown earlier in the fight. Their hellish, armor melting blades reaching our for the EXEA just as his own telltales began to flash orange.

ARMOR BREACH IMMINENT the Riptide intoned.


"Yeh, well we evade when I say we evade!"

@AceOfSpades0210 (That's great dude!)
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Raider867 said:
Klein continues to fire inside the engine room in bursts, taking cover before firing again. He takes cover again, thinking of what he could do as he is in cover.
@dr xenon

"Professor Mu'Duk," Rosie growled, "If you could so kind AS TO HELP THOSE EEE-DEE-YOTS on the control board, thank you wery much!"

The monkey squealed as he leapt away in the general direction of the control panel. Rosie pulled a grenade from her bandolier with red and black spiral painted across its rounded nose and fed it into the drum. Racking it she spun by the open hatchway and fired it down the passageway.

"A gift from da Rebellion!" she shouts as it bounces down the hallway toward Klein. "Dat should giwe dem zomething to tink about. Close and dog dat hatchway!"

The other mechanics hurriedly closed the hatchway before hearing the muffled crump of the grenade going off.

"Ve don't vant dat ting open now," she says as she hears a commotion from the control panel. Turning she sees Professor Mu'duk casually lighting a fresh cigarette from the remnant of his last as he stand amid a glorious and growing patch of green status lights. She cranks her helmet comms to the command channel. "Capetan Hawker - ENGINES ARE HOT! THE CANDLE IS LIT!"

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@AceOfSpades0210[/URL] (That's great dude!)
Valk's eyes darted down on the screen to see the fusion blades reach out for his stomach, looking back up to glare at the mech in front of him, as if he was glaring down at the other pilot. "EXEA, quick! All energy output focusing on sensory limiters, transfer that energy into the revolutions of the saw blade!" His mouth was curled into a snarl, the words coming out of his mouth near-snarl. His arms continued to push forward trying to force the saw through the mech that he was locked in combat with.

"V, if I remove the sensory limiters there will be little recognition of the damage dealt to my frame. I will not be able to assess the damage and avoid other offensive maneuvers as effectively." The machine explained, falling on deaf ears as Valk barked back.

"We won't need it! We'll saw right through his frame and render him unable to continue. After that, we can stick to extended ranges until repairs have been completed." Valk then shifted his fingers on the left hand controls, revealing an orange button. He pressed hard on the button like it was a second trigger, and an orange light began to form around the mecha's chest. "Or we'll blast a hole through his cockpit!"

"Activating the core's blast at this surely damage you as well, perhaps rendering the core susceptible to heavy impact." EXEA commented on Valk's latest action, but not stopping the action from continuing.

The saw blades on EXEA's armament began to spin nearly three times as fast as it had previously, swallowing bits of the metal that were being torn from the other mech. Along with the extreme boost given to the blade, the orange glow around its chest grew to an immense brightness as if it were about to explode. "Keep him close EXEA, and it'll be one deadly League mecha down!" Valk cheered, a line of sweat dripping down the side of his face.

@dr xenon
The grenade explodes at the exact moment Klein tries to dive out of the way, the blast knocking him unconscious. Klein's comm line turns to static as the grenade explodes.

@dr xenon
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The intense firefight in hanger 13 was a losing battle, what sounded like an asteroid impact from outside had stalled the fighting as everyone was shaken off their feet, but the League forces never regained their momentum, with a large portion crushed beneath the debris shaken loose from the roof.

The rebels pressed harder then ever before, and had all but won the fight in the hanger bay.

Roux faced the entry ramp for the ship, it lead to a small cargo room near the ground floor.

Surprisingly rebels were fighting in there too.

-when did we get surrounded?-

He realised with shame that he turned his radio off to focus on fighting, having lost himself to the fight he couldn't be warned of any flanking.

He took cover and counted how many troopers still stood nearby.

It was a total mess, he had six soldiers within shouting distance, another group of eight were pinned near a forklift, and scattered everywhere were lone wolves desperately trying to halt the advance.

Turning his radio on he opened a line to Jackson.

"Make or break Jackson, we gotta make a decision here. My lines broke. Totally surrounded. Casualties..."

Roux looked with barely restrained fury at the thrown away lives of league troopers who should never have left boot camp.

"Too damn many. Surrender or retreat?"

Roux had never considered surrender before, having always fought with a frighteningly comfortable willingness to die.

But he couldn't this time, not when he had the entire Black Dawn to avenge.

He was frustrated, as soon as he stood in that damned pod he hasn't been able to get his grip back on anything.

That frustration turned to anger, popping out from cover to take some shots only exaggerated it.

He didn't remember the next few moments clearly, but a bullet passing through his thigh gave him pause.

He dropped back behind cover and drew his own pistol, tossing aside the now empty League gun.

"Where the hell where the Legues reinforcements? They left them here to die, no way known they didn't know a force this big was on the move!"

He raged to Jackson, he knew it wasn't his fault... But he was too angry at everything to care.

-as long as I get scorch back either way.- he thought.

@dr xenon

"... THE CANDLE IS LIT!" Captain Hawker heard in her earbud. She keyed her own comm to the open channel shared by the Rebel forces.

"Attention all allied forces - code word Agamemnon," she enunciated the code word calling all rebel forces to the captured super-carrier as clearly and calmly as if she were reciting a Shakespearean sonnet. "Repeat - code word Agamemnon. Now would someone be so kind as to open the door for us?"

Then she flipped to the engineering channel.

"Capital work, Chief Strelchenko, give us all she's got!"
AceOfSpades0210 said:
Valk's eyes darted down on the screen to see the fusion blades reach out for his stomach, looking back up to glare at the mech in front of him, as if he was glaring down at the other pilot. "EXEA, quick! All energy output focusing on sensory limiters, transfer that energy into the revolutions of the saw blade!" His mouth was curled into a snarl, the words coming out of his mouth near-snarl. His arms continued to push forward trying to force the saw through the mech that he was locked in combat with.
"V, if I remove the sensory limiters there will be little recognition of the damage dealt to my frame. I will not be able to assess the damage and avoid other offensive maneuvers as effectively." The machine explained, falling on deaf ears as Valk barked back.

"We won't need it! We'll saw right through his frame and render him unable to continue. After that, we can stick to extended ranges until repairs have been completed." Valk then shifted his fingers on the left hand controls, revealing an orange button. He pressed hard on the button like it was a second trigger, and an orange light began to form around the mecha's chest. "Or we'll blast a hole through his cockpit!"

"Activating the core's blast at this surely damage you as well, perhaps rendering the core susceptible to heavy impact." EXEA commented on Valk's latest action, but not stopping the action from continuing.

The saw blades on EXEA's armament began to spin nearly three times as fast as it had previously, swallowing bits of the metal that were being torn from the other mech. Along with the extreme boost given to the blade, the orange glow around its chest grew to an immense brightness as if it were about to explode. "Keep him close EXEA, and it'll be one deadly League mecha down!" Valk cheered, a line of sweat dripping down the side of his face.

@dr xenon
"Well that don't look good," Cutter says in response to the glow coming from the EXEA's chest and reading the damage meters on his armor. "NOVA BURST ON SHIELDS!"

The dark-matter generator that supplements the Riptide's special maneuvers dumped ungodly, almost unmanageable amounts of power into the Riptide's force shield. With a blinding light and crackle like lightning the two mechs burst apart. The Riptide tumbles backward and Cutter fights to cartwheel back into a standing position.


He sees the rebel forces start to stream away from the fights and toward the ship docks.

"Roux, I'd say stay put - looks like the rebs are on the bounce toward the docks!"


He sees the rebel forces start to stream away from the fights and toward the ship docks.

"Roux, I'd say stay put - looks like the rebs are on the bounce toward the docks!"

The EXEA flew backwards soon after the explosion, the system's automatic jet boosters activating prior to the mech hit the ground. The core that had released the explosion was a molten orange, nearing collapse. The blade in his hands was nearly undamaged, the dark grey paint along its edge scratched and some of the saw edging looked chipped.

"V, we have received orders to head towards the ship. It has nearly been captured and we are being ordered to assist in the final push for victory." The machine told him, relaying the suppressed orders sent to Valk.

The male suppressed another growl, the blade reverting back to its rifle form. He aimed it down towards the other mech, firing focused rounds to keep the machine away if it decided to advance. "Alright, guide us to the ship, I'll focus fire and keep this one at a distance!"

The mech's cockpit resounded in a light chime, identifying EXEA's recognition of the command. The mech's legs began to move on its own, and the upper torso was turned towards the other mech as Valk continued to fire shots of shrapnel gained by his sawblade. The mecha continued to make its way to the ship, Valk unaware of his surroundings to keep the exterior secure.

@dr xenon
Staltz flies toward the base before flying low enough tot he ground to cut off the flight module, duck low when it lands on it's feet, and slides into the main hangar "Coming through!" mowing over the league infantry that was in the way. At this time Fox pulled out his rifle and caused chaos withe the forced by unloading his whole clip into the infantry, Once it was empty he morphed into Vehicle mode and drove off making a break for the Ship docks. "So we're heading out finally?" l
Clayton turned Lucky into the swipe and the chest armor took the brunt of the hit. Lucky stayed standing but was forced back several feet. Clayton keyed his own speakers. "Who you callin' punk, Shiny?" He grabbed hold of the right arm while putting Luckys left leg on Thunder Childs hip. He used it as leverage in an attempt to wrench the arm from its socket.

This plan failed when an expertly handled rebel TOW missile struck Lucky behind the knee, one of the few weakpoints in his armor, and the leg collapsed. Clayton clung to the mechs arm to keep Lucky stable. Alarms blared as more fire from rebel forces began to pummel him. It donned on him that this was a losing battle. Maydays were being broadcast on all channels. He also heard garbled words saying the carrier had been boarded. He became infuriated. "No! This is not how I go down!" He leveled his rifle at his opponents waist and opened fire.

(Btw. My intention is that Clayton loses this fight and is taken prisoner. So go nuts.)
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(What a coincidence, so is mine for Klein, but he's already unconscious on the ship)
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As Klein is unconscious, he has a memory flash into his mind. It was the time his sister left.

[[Klein's Memory]]

Klein walks up to his sister. "Sis? What's going on?" Klein asks curiously. His sister turns, smiling softly. "Sis?" Klein repeats.

"Here. I want you to have it. Something to remember me by." Klein's sister says softly, putting something in his hand. He opens his hand and views it. It was her necklace.

"Your necklace...? Why...?" Klein asks, looking up at her.

"I have to go away for a while. Out of the blue zone. You will likely never see me again." She says softly. Klein lowers his head. "Why? Why leave...?"

"Because I have realized what I wanted. Soon, you will realize it too. Until then... Keep my necklace safe..." Klein's sister says softly, hugging him before taking a bag and leaving the house. Klein just stood there looking at the necklace. He then puts the necklace around his neck. "I promise to keep it safe, sis." He says to himself firmly. Somehow he feels she went to the Rebels but he doesn't know this for sure. All he knows is that he's going to find her if it's the last thing he'll do. He will never take the necklace off until then.

[[End of the Memory]]

(Just a bit of detailed backstory as to how he got the necklace and some extra stuff)

(@Salex I don't know what you mean. You mean what happened in the OOC chat or what happened IC but explained in OOC Chat?)
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"STAY PUT?!" Roux screamed into his headset, as he tore the receiver of his helmet off, tossing it away.

"FINE. BE LIKE THAT! YOU'LL GET WHAT YOU BLOODY WANT!" he roared, strafing through cover to cover as quickly as he humanly could, holding his weapon drawn he fired at every exposed rebel almost as quickly as he saw them, He took a few shots to the chest, each time taking his wind but thankfully not piercing his personal armor... He switched his gun from burst fire to single fire as he slid behind three rebels in cover.

Bang, Bang, Bang, Three down, Gripping limbs that burned hot enough to burn through body armor.

Turning from their cover, pausing only throw off anybody that had him in his sights He begun to dance around from cover taking shots at anyone he saw exposed, while almost floating between steps, as his implants made him literally lighter, he gets more erratic, harder to follow... Roux was too angry to even notice...

"fine." He spat through gritted teeth.

He slowed only for a moment. Finding cover behind a large chunk what was once a full mech. tuning his transmitters onto open bands he raged!


As mad as he was, he knew there were other troopers in here, he needed to give them as much of a chance to get through this as he could. His bounty alone already drew the friendly fire from the pricks he was protecting, Whats a few more bullets from all the undisciplined rebels? one less scope on a 'friendly'

his rage spiraled, Diving out into the fray once more, this time pushing into the enemy lines to draw as much fire as he could. Hid rage was a trance... Seemingly uncontrolled and furious, when in reality Roux had simply stopped caring about anything further then what was needed to best possibly secure this spot. Leaping as far in the front line as he dared he took out rebel after rebel with blistering disabling shots. His gun jamming mid-air.

"THE HELL IS YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND DOWN HERE?! HIDING?!" HE roared landing by a wounded League trooper. Quickly holstering his gun and finding another free League pistol far too easily then was comfortable.

He stood and Screamed into the crowd, Firing relentlessly at everything without a league logo.

The Trooper was much less green then the last ones, "All KiA! Short band are getting jammed we can't even call out for help!.

Roux blinked. Well... perfect.

"Ok Jackson." he starts calmly.

"I'll save as many as I can for as long as I can. But if we survive this I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!"

@dr xenon
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Tierax said:
"STAY PUT?!" Roux screamed into his headset, as he tore the receiver of his helmet off, tossing it away.
"FINE. BE LIKE THAT! YOU'LL GET WHAT YOU BLOODY WANT!" he roared, strafing through cover to cover as quickly as he humanly could, holding his weapon drawn he fired at every exposed rebel almost as quickly as he saw them, He took a few shots to the chest, each time taking his wind but thankfully not piercing his personal armor... He switched his gun from burst fire to single fire as he slid behind three rebels in cover.

Bang, Bang, Bang, Three down, Gripping limbs that burned hot enough to burn through body armor.

Turning from their cover, pausing only throw off anybody that had him in his sights He begun to dance around from cover taking shots at anyone he saw exposed, while almost floating between steps, as his implants made him literally lighter, he gets more erratic, harder to follow... Roux was too angry to even notice...

"fine." He spat through gritted teeth.

He slowed only for a moment. Finding cover behind a large chunk what was once a full mech. tuning his transmitters onto open bands he raged!


As mad as he was, he knew there were other troopers in here, he needed to give them as much of a chance to get through this as he could. His bounty alone already drew the friendly fire from the pricks he was protecting, Whats a few more bullets from all the undisciplined rebels? one less scope on a 'friendly'

his rage spiraled, Diving out into the fray once more, this time pushing into the enemy lines to draw as much fire as he could. Hid rage was a trance... Seemingly uncontrolled and furious, when in reality Roux had simply stopped caring about anything further then what was needed to best possibly secure this spot. Leaping as far in the front line as he dared he took out rebel after rebel with blistering disabling shots. His gun jamming mid-air.

"THE HELL IS YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND DOWN HERE?! HIDING?!" HE roared landing by a wounded League trooper. Quickly holstering his gun and finding another free League pistol far too easily then was comfortable.

He stood and Screamed into the crowd, Firing relentlessly at everything without a league logo.

The Trooper was much less green then the last ones, "All KiA! Short band are getting jammed we can't even call out for help!.

Roux blinked. Well... perfect.

"Ok Jackson." he starts calmly.

"I'll save as many as I can for as long as I can. But if we survive this I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!"

@dr xenon

"Next time, Tiger," Jackson muttered to himself while dodging and deflecting the EXEA's shots. "I gotta go take care o' my recruit."

He continued to run full sensor sweeps of the enemy mech, gathering as mush data as possible on it for review later. Ignoring the amber and flashing red tell-tales on his HUD and physical displays he balsted off toward Hangar 13. Doing a quick assessment from the air he fired the jets mid-air and screamed in toward the crane access on its roof. The wreck of the crane Roux had dodged just minutes before blocked immediate entry, but a few swipes with his plasma blades - blades designed to cut through mech armor and Kaiju hide - made quick work of its journeyman steel.

"Almost big enough, " he muttered. "I hope I don' regret this ..."

He triggered the release on his ion accelerator and the cannon slung under his right arm dropped to the hangar roof with a clang while he also killed the plasma blades. Diving through the crane access while twisting like a Cirque du Soleil artist he added to the scrapes in his paint job. Sticking the Superhero landing on the hangar bay floor near Roux he shakes the ground beneath him. The Riptide positioned between Roux and the rebels retreating toward the ship, he fires a few blasts toward them to urge them onward. The hellish bolts vaporize the infantrymen. Not even smoldering bones are left behind. The survivors drop their weapons and run.

Not trusting that there might not be a stray bullet or two, Cutter pushes all available power to shields.

SHIELDS AT MAXIMUM the Riptide tells him redundantly.

Cutter flips on the external speakers.

"Lesson 2, Recruit, Mech pilots don't die in the mud."

@Tierax , @AceOfSpades0210
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because of steven's slowness in his mecha, he couldn't assist much and was forced to retreat... helplessly waiting in the back until the fight was over.... his mech now clearly had a weakness: other mechs, which was big if he wanted to fight other mechas face to face

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