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Muffled sobs were emitting from my lips, unwillingly yet unstoppable as I fight my night terrors. The pets had abandoned me for my actual room long ago, growing annoyed at my shaking and unresponsive form, not that I'd noticed or minded-- I mean its somewhat embarrassing to cry in your sleep, let alone have witnesses. Even if they are your loved ones.
I glance at my nightstand, it had only been 20 minutes. I sigh, and begin walking to the kitchen to get a light snack and some tea. I stumble a littl on my way out the door, landing softly on all fours. I sigh, knowing that if I barely heard it, no one else heard it.
Still curled in fetal position dead to the world, or more like stuck in my own, I subconsciously bite my hand through the blanket as I remembered my father. Oh such a loving character-- No really. Not. Body still quaking yet sobs still muted to near silence.
I felt my way to the kitchen and switched on the oven light, the dimmest light in the kitchen and started making tea.
Waking half way through a sob I rub my eyes and my throat, both becoming sore as time had allowed them to become raw with the silent cries of my night terrors. Squeezing my eyes shut against the burn, I silently move to my actual room as I had seen the dim light being activated. Pulling myself into my room I curl up in my closet bed design, pressing myself to the cold mattress letting out a wavering sigh.
Flicking on the light in my closet space, I pull my bag in from the floor of my room before closing the door to the room. Having closed the closet bed's door, the light above the bed glowed making the room light and comfy.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/e4ecaaf4d8471106f11af6951cdcd1da.jpg.23d6dff54ab20931cf0effef161dc30f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/e4ecaaf4d8471106f11af6951cdcd1da.jpg.23d6dff54ab20931cf0effef161dc30f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The microwave beeped, but I had already slid down to the kitchen floor and curled up in a ball. I was snoring softly, my head on my arms and my body against the cabinets.
Writing an essay for the job that I had actually come here for I bite my lips, honestly I sucked at the whole introduce yourself via paper and pen. Rather I had found myself better at the simple life of walking in with my recommendations and resume while I showed my true colors. Groaning inwardly I select all the text press delete, and begin the lovely charade all over again.
After 15 minutes, I smack my hand on the cabinet and wake up. I sit up, back pressed against the cabinet, my head on my knees half asleep. I sigh, and slowly end up standing up then head back to my bedroom and open my door, leaving it open and walk to my desk. I see an envelope on a stack of papers and pick it up, and read Hanover University. I remember getting this in the mail a few weeks ago but forgot to open it. I opened it and seen a college application form. I sat down and clicked a pen and began filling the form out.
The clicking of the keys lulling me into a daze, I shake myself free of the sleepy tendrils dragging me to the depths of my mind. Pushing myself up and out of the cabinet, I stretched before moving about the house. Nothing better for a restless mind than to clean the cage it lives in.
I finished filling it out and put it in the return envelope. I slid on my shoes to take it to the post, I begin to head for the front door. "Morning." I say tiredly. I grab my jacket from the back of the kitchen chair and slid it over my chilled arms.
"Morning.." I chant back pushing my messy mass of mane from my face, heading for the coffee pot I flash my teeth in a mock smile, while looking more like a predator warding off certain death-- aka awareness of the all too looming day ahead.
I step outside and head to the mailbox, passing a window and see my hair everywhere. I shrug and drop it off so it can be sent out, and head back to the apartment. Opening the door, I shrug out of my jacket and slide my shoes off. I hang my jacket off and place my shoes out of the way and make my way to the couch and sit down, hearing the sound of small thud coming from my room.
Sliding around the kitchen, I pause to the thud, but assume you can handle it, so I continue shuffling around on the fricktionless floors in my fuzzy socks. "Coofffeeee~"
Sliding around the kitchen, I pause to the thud, but assume you can handle it, so I continue shuffling around on the fricktionless floors in my fuzzy socks. "Coofffeeee~"
I groan as I get off the couch to see which heathen had made the sound. I open the door to my room and see my organizer on the ground, papers and documents scattered everywhere. Opeth, sound asleep on my pillow, hadn't moved other than a small twitch in her ears and tail. Thall, sitting on my desk pawing at my desk lamp, turned his head and meowed almost innocently as if he were saying 'it wasn't me'. I sigh looking at the mess, and begin walking to Thall. I pick the heathen up and set him on my bed, then began picking up the mess of papers my floor ha become.
Humming a tune octaves lower than any girl should to myself as I slide from one end of the kitchen to the other. "Hey Oli!" I call out to you, dancing around kitty as she tapped around on the cold linoleum floors. "Do you want some breakfast?" I called out. It wasn't often that we had time to eat in the mornings, let alone actually converse or clean; seeing as our schedules made the window of social activity turn to the window of sleep.
Hearing you, I call back "Uh sure, let me finish picking up these papers and I'll be right out." I stack them to the corect order and finish organzing them. I rub my face and change into my batman sweatpants and a simple grey hoodie. I make my way to the kitchen, trying not to trip over Thall and Opeth weaving between my legs. I walk into the living room and look at the two fluff balls looking at me "Guys, go to the couch or something. I'll pet you in a minute." I head to the kitchen, and looks at you "Need any help?" I ask, watching you.

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"Nah," I say flashing a wink at you sliding to the cupboards, "Any requests? If not, its cinnamon rolls with extra on the cinna." I smirk into the depths of the cabinet running my hand along the woodwork trying to decide what to use, so, etc.
I smile, watching you then stop to think. "Ya know, cinnamon rolls sounds delicious." I say, feeling a fluff rub against my leg. I kneel and pet Thall as he presses against my leg. "Do you have to work a late night shift tonight?" I ask, stopping from the petting to look at you.
"Yep." I smile half heartedly at the cinnamon container before pulling down the yeast and measuring cups. "Jeff signed me up for tonight, tomorrow,.... the rest of my life, until I'm beyond the grave, then it's triple shifts for the insomniac zombie." I groaned like a zombie holding a mixing bowel in front of me, before mimicking Frankenstein. "Paycheck sucks, student loan is crap.." Shaking my head I full a measuring cup with water before doing as I knew how.
I chuckle while watching you, taking a seat at the table just outside the kitchen. "Ah, I actually have the night off. Kelly, surprisingly enough, didn't schedule me for tonight." I stretch and say. I watch as you mimic Frankenstein and smile. Clicking my tongue, I call Opeth over to me.
Smiling I sigh, "Jeez, We only have nights off on days that are separate."
I chuckle to myself, then sigh at that realization. "Hey, uh, when is your next day off?" I ask, looking up from the fluff that is weaving around my legs. I rub my neck, then stand up.

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