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Laughing a bit as I take a sip of my coffee, hooking one heal over the other as I lean against the counter I sigh. "Now we get bills, responsibilities, etc, etc..." Rolling my eyes I take another sip of coffee.
"Speaking of, rent is due next week." Sighs, I walk to the living room. "I think it's somewhere in here.." I search for the envelope in the month filer. "Aha, found it" I pull out the small envelope.
"Uuuuughh..." I groan pressing my head to the heat of the mug in my pale hands, "By the sound of it- it's time to pull a double shift.." I groan again missing the days when my worst fears revolved around the closet after a scary movie and the toilet after a out night of tequila.
I nod sadly, "Yeah, it is." I glance at the clock and groan. "Hey I have to get ready for work." I begin to walk to my room to change.
Flicking my wrist so I could see the time on the watch that clung to it letting out a sigh before checking the calendar for the side notes I used for my schedule, "Eh.." I groaned, "Looks like I get to hang out until around lunch, then I have to pull the bartista role-" Rolling my eyes I set my cup down, pushing my hair into a tighter bun before grumbling about the obnoxious college freshman who hung around.
I enter my room and pour some food for Opeth and Thall. I gather up my work clothes and change. After changing, I grab my work apron and slide on my shoes. "Well guys, I'll be back around 7-7:30 okay?" I say to them before heading out my bedroom. While walking down the hall I feel my phone go off and I check it. I begin running and head to the door "I'll see you after work" I call out before opening and shutting the door behind me.
Sighing, I walk over to my room, feeding the cats before I wandered back to the living room. Flopping onto the couch I pulled my computer out and began typing, "Morning." I muttered to her feline friends as they peaked over the side of the couch.
I run down the street to the cafe down the road and open the door. I hear the little chime as I open the door. "Hey Sammi" I call out to the worker just leaving, getting a slight nod in return. "Well, its a job.." I mutter to myself. I walk to the back office and clock in and begin making pastries for the customers. I turn on the coffee makers and fill everything up. Afterwards, I sit down on the stool by the cash register, picking up the book that I keep there and begin reading. 'I wake up, not opening my eyes, and enjoy the warmth of the beating hitting my skin. I slowly open my eyes and become blinded by the sunlight. Sitting up slowly, I take a deep breath, filling my nose with the sweet sent of the ocean breeze.'
Groaning into my hands as some time had passed, and I had begun a Skype call with my best friends, they had decided to stay in our crowded San Francisco town to pursue pencil pushing office jobs. 'Oh come on!' Cried Jamie, my best friend since birth, he had been there through my best- and worst times, 'Spill! You know the good stuff, all the ewy gooie good stuff.' I forgot to mention he was completely and utterly gay. Not a bad thing, he was hardly like the stereotype, being athletic and broadly built, though he did have a better fashion sense than I. "J, come on.." I groaned into my hands, "I'm not dating my roomate."
After serving a few customers, someone I never thought would enter the cafe I worked at, entered. "Uh..H-hey..." I stammer. I get a smirk from the person 'Oliver, one double shot espresso please.' they said. I was shaking while getting it ready. "So what are you doing in uh town Lisa?" I ask "You've never been here before." I hand her the coffee "6.58" I say. 'Thanks but don't expect me around much' I nod quickly and start cleaning up. "Okay Oli just a few more ours." I mutter
Rolling my eyes as I locked the door to the quiet apartment, bidding momentary farewell to the felines of the house before bounding down the stairs, Jamie's call had taken a large chunk of time out of my free time so now not only was I almost late, but I skipped lunch. Groaning as I skidded around the bend, eyes glued to the end of the street, with the occasional glance at my watch, I cant be late! I think as I turn the final bend. Slipping in the back of the quaint shop, tying up my hair, and wrapping my waist apron around my hips I grab my name tag, check in, and move myself in front of the cash-register with 30 seconds to spare. Murmuring hushed giggles of 'Sorry' to my morning shift co-worker I slip a soft smile on my face accepting the next customer in line for their choice of beverage and/or meal.
'Hey Oli, can you work a double today? You'll be working until 6 instead of 4.' the manager asks me. Sighing, I glance at the clock. It was only 1. "Yeah, I guess so." I murmur. 'Sweet, thanks' they said excitedly. Yea, I'm glad you're happy. I think to myself. With no customers I put 4 dollars in the register and make myself a coffee.
Time ticked by slowly, with college freshman spouting off cheesy pickup lines they probably found on tumblr, and fake chicks. "Will that be all for you?" I ask a soft smile glued to my lips as I glanced over a particularly fake girl, bleached hair, diamond studs, short shorts, high heals, tight fitting jacket. Did this chick not know it was mid winter? Reaching out to grasp her card, the internal screaming was loud, her nails, long acrylic hot pink talons clicked on the premium silver visa. Swallowing my opinions I refresh my smile and ask calmly, "Credit or debit?"
My book became boring, my coffee stale. I glance at the clock, it's 4. I sigh, knowing I originally would be clocking out right now. I walk to the back taking my break, and grab a pastry as I go. I hang my head and count to ten, trying to stay awake. Nibbling on my pastry, I begin to think.
Rush hour had begun this side of town, classes had let out due to the Blizzard that was threatening their state. Kids had rushed in for the warmth food and drinks. Rushing between the back for oven fresh pastries and the front for the next order I get into the robotic action of "Hi- Credit or debit? Would you like cream?"
I go back to the front of the store due to the all to familiar chime of the bell when the door opens. I walk to the counter, and sigh. Rush hour. "Hi, what would you like today?" I tap my shoe, impatiently. I grab their orders and hand it to them, in a robotic way. I walk to the machines to make more coffee, then I start making more pastries. Only a few more hours Oli, its okay. Don't stress. I think to myself.

Rushing through the doors with the last batch of pastries before my shift here ends, I struggle a bit to please my remaining coustomers, around 12 or so, while my co-worker attempts endlessly to get me to cover for another shift.

"Oh come on!" She presses, hovering around me as though obstructing my workspace will make me stay for another shift.

"Cal' kid, I told you have a shift at the bar tonight, I can't hun, it's not that I wont, I just cant." With that I slid the card of my final coustomers waving them off as I slipped off my h-apron, slipping into the back for my coat hearing hushed curses muttered in my wake.
As the last of my customers leave, I slid my apron off and sigh. "Hey Jake, I'll see you Wednesday." I clock out and slide my coat on, preparing for the fierce cold that awaits outside. I take a deep breath and step outside, instantly chilled to the bone. I try rushing back home, but end up slipping on the ice that was covered in snow. "Oh fu-" I catch myself on a street lamp before I end up damaging myself. Clenching my jaw, I steady myself and continue on my trek back to the apartments.
Skidding down the walk, I let out a squeak as my boots attempted to loose their grip on the ice. Grasping the direction I pulled myself to a stop as I made the sharp turn down the alley that would lead me to my second shift. Dodging the grabby hands of creepers and longing gazes of stay cats I burst past the backyard bumper, who despite his looks is a really nice guy with three kids, into the back where I change into my more revealing uniform. Slipping on the sky high heels I sway to the bar winking at the boys with my shadowed makeup applied to a T.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2e35259eb13ca6c3284080ed816d2889.jpg.1ce24d0de3b2e09beb5d5dfcb1c5ead6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2e35259eb13ca6c3284080ed816d2889.jpg.1ce24d0de3b2e09beb5d5dfcb1c5ead6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I walk slowly, the cold taking its toll. I round the corner to the apartments, the temperature dropping more. My breath had become a dense mist instead of just wispy air. Sighing, I reach the door to the apartment complex. I'm greeted with a blast of warm air, and I stand in the hall for a few minutes to get feeling back in my body. Once I regained my sense of feeling I walked to the apartment door. I search my pockets looking for my keys, only to realize I left them in my room. I groan and put my head against the door. Smooth one Oli, I think to myself.
Serving up the line, I sigh as a kid proxy fresh into his 20s asks for my number. I smile as though I was bearing my teeth before slipping him a note with the number to the nearest corner pickup.
I sigh and walk back out to the freezing cold weather, having nothing else to do. I begin to walk, glancing back longingly at the building wanting the heat. I walk back towards the cafe, taking in the way the snow shimmers at night. I yawn a bit, walking past the cafe I work at.
Glancing down at the clock I keep down under the bar for the lack of light, I groan inwardly was the idea of '$20' an hour looms ahead of my mind, just enough to make me stay after the grueling shift at the shop. Pursing my lips at the boy in front of me I hold my hand out for his ID, honestly, kids these days and trying to get themselves slammed.
I look up at the sky as the snow began to fall heavier and heavier. I cup my hands and bring them to my mouth, warming them. I pass by a few shops that were closing up for the night, mostly just a bunch of nick-knacks and candy shops. I jump as 2 cats ran out of an alley, meowing then bolting out of site. I chuckle to myself as they run off, the cats reminding me of Opeth and Thall.
Leaning back on the back counter of the bar, I leaned into the wine tips, while leaning away from my good friend who was practicing one of the more fun bar tricks. Honestly I don't know why I gripe and groan about this job, it's interesting, various in company, and always somehow entertaining-- let alone,safe from the icy claws of the winter wrath.

Pulling a couple beers out I pop them expertly on the bottle opener before sliding them down to the kids at the end of the bar, sending them a quick wink before turning to shove a guy away from the bar before he simultaneously stole and puked on the bar.

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