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I walk into a small shop and glance around as if I were to be buying something. I glance back out at the winter storm, threatening to get worse by the second. I take it a huge breath of warm air, preparing to go back out there. If you only hadn't forgotten your ke- I stop mid thought, I quickly grab my wallet out of my pocket and open it. Fumbling around, I found my spare key I've had since I've gotten the apartment. I groan and begin walking back to the apartment, embarrassed at myself for forgetting I had a spare key on me at all times.
Calling out for the manager, Zedgie-- don't ask I can't tell you his history, to get the area cleaned so we can get some more cash. Grinning as he begrudgingly takes the task of janitor to the max as he cleans the fluids that had previously been inside the man from the man, as well as the floors.

Pulling up a shot I slide it down the line to an awaiting hand, before it was drained, returned, cleaned only to repeat the process. Working up a sheen of sweat on my forehead I glance at the clock, biting my lip I hold back a sigh, 3am couldn't come any faster as it was only 12. "Faaa...ck.." I mutter before smiling at a sweaty old man, drunk off his assistant asking for more poison for his bottle.
Taking my time getting back to the apartments, I smile as my ears are not being hammered by noises. I chuckle to myself and kick a little bit of snow, as I did as a kid. Grinning from ear to ear, I begin running down the sidewalk before I came to a sliding stop. I laughed out loud and turned left down the road of the apartments. I chuckled, spinning in circles looking at the winter night sky. The cold was biting at my very flesh, but I didn't care. I sigh in happiness, feeling content. I walk to the door leading to the building of apartments. Walking to room 12, I hummed to myself.
Pulling out my phone I checked for messages, alerts, etc. Finding none besides a mental check, a picture of my demon beasts and my roomie I sigh before shooting a text out to my roomie.

'Hey, could yout feed the creatures for me? AND take the muttdog out? PLEASEEEE??'

Hitting send I turned to the bar again sending shots out, taking lifeless glasses to the wash before returning them to their soul. Glancing over at the dance floor as I house the hose for a mug of beer I find myself choking on laughter, honestly some girls just can't get the memo. I mean if your flapping your ass on some guy and he keeps walking away-- stop.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I laughed, pulling it out. Reading the text, I respond 'Sure thing, I'll be sure to do that'. I hit send and unlocked the door to the apartment. I feed the animals and grab the leash, "Alright, let's go." I hook the leash to the pup, and head outside. Kitty's tail wagging like crazy as we walked. I looked outside, smiling but not ready to go back out in the winter wrath.
Slipping my phone out I shoot back a smilie emoji, before getting back to work, 1:30.
I take a deep breath and begin to start playing with the pup, running, flopping in the snow. I smile as he jumps on me as I fell in the snow. "Alright, do your business." I smile. Turning the other way, I wait for the business to be done.
Groaning as I pull off my heals, I glance at my co-worker as she slips a pair of her own dreadful height monsters. Shaking my head as she primped herself in the mirror, I slipped on a giant sweater and fuzzy boots. "Careful kid, the boys out there seem to have taken a liking to the color purple." I wink before pulling a beanie over my head and skipping out the door.
Hearing the pup start running around, I kneel and pat my legs. Smiling, I pet him. He put his paws on my chest to push me back in the snow. I lay there with the leash in hand, the dog walks around somewhat freely. I watch the snow fall around me, the way the mist forms from my breath. I lay and watch the dog. Content, I sit up and draw faces in the snow.
Shivering at the cold blast of air as I continue to walk through the alley to the open streets, I look up at the sky briefly before continuing onto the path that would lead us home.
I stand up and brush the snow off of both me and the dog. "Alright, it's getting a bit cold now. Let's go back inside." I mutter to Kitty. Doing a double check, looking for snow, I smile and begin walking back into the apartment complex.
Being a good few blocks out I shiver pulling the fluffy sweater closer to myself in attempts, which failed, to keep myself in some state of warmth. Rolling my eyes at the men who streamed down the streets in flocks or pairs, cat calling me as though I seemed even slightly interested. I mean really? I'm a short shit, with a giant beanie with tails on, a ginormicly thick sweater, and reinforced ripped up skinny jeans. Honestly the nerve.
I wasn't that cold, Kitty didn't seem to be either. "Wanna go for a walk boy, just a quick one. Maybe around the block." I say to the all too happy dog. Wearing a coat, a jacket, and a sweater I was more than warm. "Let's go then" I mutter. I begin walking. Just a quick walk, this place is fucking crawling with creeps at night. I think to myself.
Shooting some perv the finger as he wolf whistles I press on, feeling the shivers of heebiejeebies crawl down my spine as the sure to be drunk men watch me as I'm on my way. Honestly you'd think after a year or so of working down this strip I'd have been used to the idea of sex hungry beasts prancing the streets. But no, logic is not that kind.
I turn down street, going towards a more lit place. "We'll just go around the block okay?" I say to the pup.
Jogging up the stairs to the main strip that would lead to the apartments I chew my lips a bit as I carefully place my feet in the places not completely covered in ice and snow. Passing a group of blacked out shops, I look at their name plates, the color that was there a few months ago-- only to have been shut down with the all in one shop. Kinda sad.
I turn back to the street that'll take me back home. "Alright, let's go back." The apartments weren't that fr, maybe a 2 minute walk down the street. I smile, wanting to get back to the warmth. "We've been out long enough."
Walking past the stairs that would lead to the room most likely filled with warmth and an amazing bed that I could basically melt in, I tapped my way down to the mail quarter. Opening the icy door I find the room with its lone flickering light less than comforting, shifting quickly to the box with my room number I slip the key into the worn slot and empty said box of all its secrets-- mainly bills and advertisements.
I walk in the hall of the apartment, surrounded by warmth. I walk straight to the apartment and release the pup to the cozy apartment.
Tapping up the hall I relished in the rush of warmth that greeted me as I opened and closed the apartment door. Glancing around I sigh flipping off my shoes, and flopping back first onto the couch. Ah to be home.
Walking out of my room, after putting the leash back. I walk to the living room to pick up my book from the table. Seeing Al on the couch, "Welcome home, want a cup of hot tea?" I ask, tiredly.
Waving lazily I shook my head, "No, I'm fine. Thanks though. You should go to bed." I yawn eyes remaining firmly shut.
I nod, "Want a blanket or anything?" I ask sleepily. I lean against the wall, supporting my tired self. "Just let me know if you do, you know where my room is." I turn around and walk back to the darkness of my room. I open the door quietly, leaving it open some, then flop onto my bed and feel two warm masses curl up beside me. I pet them for a few seconds before y body went numb and my head clear.
Mumbling something along the lines of 'Olay' and 'You'd bet your ass' I fell into a REM sleep, my legs were doomed to be one hell of a numb pain in the morning-- But thats in the morning. Around my I have the slight sense of warm mounds of fur curling up around me and a larger body of fur pressing itself under my hand. Smiling I find myself dead to the world, yet content.
I tossed and turned until I awoke. I glanced at the clock, it flashed its blue hue of light, '4:32 A.M.' Only an hour of sleep, and I was awake I yawned and sat up. I felt a mass of heat stretch then flip. Not being able to go back to sleep, I walked over to my desk and covered my eyes as I flicked on the desk lamp. Slowly removing my hand, letting only a little bit of little seep through the openings between my fingers, I sit down at my desk. I grab my, I guess you can say its a "diary", journal and begin to write.

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