Mass Combat

*lurking on the sidelines with popcorn* What about Lookshy? I rather doubt they want to move back to the Blessed Isle...they're not too keen on each other last I knew...


Edit: Ninja'd. Dern. Ah well...guess I'll just stick to watching for now.
I welcome Lookshy into the Sun faction alliance and recognize their Sovreignty of state.

I also offer them trade in military goods with recently reclaimed Denandsor and offer the services of my circle's Twilight engineer to help them restore their defunct factory cathedrals.
Unacceptable. Lookshy is Jade Faction. Attempting to take Lookshy will make any treaty null. If you even think you could...which I seriously doubt is likely. The Anathema faction lacks the numbers.
in that case a counter proposal would allow Lookshy and the river channels between lookshy and the sea to be Jade controlled, with provisions for free passage to Sun faction allied shipping, both commercial and military

the question is the, what of Greyfall,s given that it likely does have Bronze infiltration, should we mount a joiunt investigation there? What of the people and land of the place, what is an acceptable trade? maybe one of the rivers that lead from Mt Meru (aka the imperial mountain) to the coast of the isle?

I am pleased at your readiness to investigate the Bronze, i suspect our enmity was engineered by them to keep us divided and weak
Sun faction! YAY!

*takes out daikliave of conquest and points at his avatar*

So, oh mighty Kremlin, where do I take our grand armies first?
*assigns a legion of Brass legionaires to Safim*

Well our first objective is securing the scavenger lands against opposing forces. With the tentative truce with the Jade being negotiated out immediate threats are Thorns and theSteam faction in the south.

Which front would you prefer?
in the case of Thorns you will be aided by Sky company 1.

We will see how long it takes you to remove the mask before working where to reassing you, warrior of the dawn
The Steam Faction has for a long time been devoted to the removal of the Deathlords from Creation. Our Soulsteel Caste work tirelessly to find new weapons and techniques with which to counter the servants of the Void, and our Orichalchum caste employ new Ghost-banishing charms.

The Steam Faction also supports the natural heirarchy of Creation, and will be eminently willing to support the old ways as part of the new society. Although Humanity will rule the New Creation by a Tripartite structure, the Exalted will aid and support Humanity as champions and state-sponsored Heroes, and primary among them will be the Alchemicals and the Solars who aid in the New Creation initiative!

To allay fears held by the Jade Faction traditionalists, the Steam Faction would have it known that it puts behind it militarism and conquest, favouring a peaceful means of control. Creation has been sustained by Trade over the generations since the Great Contagion, why not let Trade ease the new power structure into place?

Additionally, the Steam Faction is devoted to a healthy Creation and a sustainable system of development and expansion. The Investors have brought the foreseen problems of Blacktog pollution to the attention of our policymakers, and our Starmetal Caste work closely with the Harvester Sodalites to reduce waste and recycle the elemental waste byproduct, Blacktog. In fact, new means of turning Blacktog into Artificial Leather have been developed and are in final stage testing; we are accepting Venture Capital for this system now, as profits are projected in the eight-number range within the next two years once mass production commences!

Remember, investment currently requires Steam Faction membership, but consideration for Religious or Political obligation is underway, and already the arrangement and consolidation of a "Gold Directive" is underway to accomodate the more zealous of the Sun Faction*.

Join today!

*Why not "Orichalchum"? The Sun's not a material, silly.
*boards a skyship and heads for thorns*

I leave the diplomacy stuff to Kremlin, the only kind of diplomacy I excel at is called GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY.
And meanwhile everyone ignores the Lunars. As usual. *sigh* But it won't be much longer...just wait till the 2E book comes out...then people will have to think again about ignoring them... :D
*Thinks carefully about ignoring Lunars. Sips baileys. Ignores Lunars.*

That said, I'm eager to see if their Charm Trees make sense now. Certainly the Alchies got decent trees, IMO, so perhaps WW have learned a lesson in Attribute-based design?

The Steam Faction's Silver Directive is already in planning stages!
I would never ignore the lunars. In fact I rarely leave home without my lunar battlefield sorcress these days.
My faction would of course never ignore Lunars...its just that most contact we have with them involves such as Ma-Ha-Suchi and Sleeves of War. When contact with Lunars usually results in conflict...and most Lunars stay out of Jade Faction territory, making alliances...or declaring war on such a faction seems irrational.
From what I've seen from does seem that the speed bumps have at least been removed...and they have 10/12 costs for buying charms with XP. Much more managable. That and the fact that there aren't 3 different charms that are a (insert attribute here) dice adder, but only work in this particular situation... *hugs the Excellencies*

But, I'll wait until I actually have the book in my hands and see for myself before really starting to try to rally a Moonsilver Faction or somesuch. Until then...I'm content to lurk. :)
That and there's already an acceptable Silver Faction to fill the role adequately if impotently.
There's a Silver Faction? Where? I have not seen a peep of such. O.o

If you're talking about those two crazy Sids that think they can control the Lunars and make them into the next Realm...bah. Who needs Sidereals? They backstab you at the most inopportune moments...Lunars will do without thank you...or at least with some very careful watchdogging of those Siddies...look what they did to creation after the First Age. They lost at least half of it...would you really trust them after that show of managerial skill? :P

Then again...from what I'm hearing...there was a large loss in the first age to that one person...though I think that we got a lot of that back before the Siddies went all backstabby.

Meh...I think I need to go and re-read all the history stuff...and actually read it carefully this time.
Shall we instead call them the Plethar Faction? thats a material...if not a Material...and about all they have that's theirs.
Dracogryff I would like to be the first to welcome the Moonsilver faction into the governance of Creation, I would also like to open talks concerning land trades, using Solar power to stabilize more wyld lands into your realm, with our forces being allowed to claim land equal to a percentage of the amount we create for you, percentages to be negotiated and discussed.
au contraire, Steam is not only an appropriate material, it is both an Elemental Pole and a Motive Force! What better representation of the Steam Faction than the most adaptive of Autocthon's elements and the one most closely linked to industry besides base Metal?

And as to Siderials, clearly the agents of heaven are the natural choice for a new faction; they are the setting's natural faction-ers. Their Great Curse makes them ideally suited to factions! That, and their seemingly self-obsessed drive makes for great project leaders once an element of professional competition is entered into the arrangement..
Though the Sun Faction are natural allies of the Crystalline Faction, I feel it must be said that the Solars are very few in number- fewer than they even were in the First Age. Thus, the Sun Faction must soon decide who are its allies; they will not long last without them.

As to the Moonsilver Faction, one should be reminded that, with what we've previewed of the Lunars' latest developments, it seems the silver Pact has internal Factions itself. Though, those factions seem not to be so factional as those of the Sidereals.
The Steam Faction would like to make overtures of peace and co-operation to our old allies, the Crystalline Faction. (SHOCK!)

Remember that one of the creators of the Dragon King souls lies sleeping beneath the infrastructure of the Steam Faction, ready to aid the fallen civilisation of the Dragons in re-enlightening and restructuring through provision of crystal technologies and.. new souls.

In turn, the Steam Faction could use the natural lore and flair of the Dragon Kings to help lower our blacktog emissions to meet the Sovian-An-Teng guidelines, and to optimise our Bioenhancement technologies to the natural processes of Creation.

What says the representative of the Crystalline Faction?
I have a counter offer for the crystalline faction, we have recently unearthed, in Denandsor, tomes instructing us on the methods of restoring the memories and essence of Dragon Kings. We are willing to offer trade of such technologies to you in exchange for crystal and plant based artifice.

Youare correct, our numbers are small, and even the brass legions recovered and manufactured in Denandsor will not win this for us.

Which is why I have been authorized to open negotiations, as a child of the Zenith.

Creation is plenty big enough to divide up between us all, and if it isn't well the Sun faction is willing to make more so there is.

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