Mass Combat

Well, I have had my eye on a sweet little Manse on the south side of the mountain... A bit of a fix-er-upper, but I've got lots of Craft and Lore raring to go.
Oh, every salesworthy tract of land up for grabs is at least a demense. After all, it's at the base of the Omphalos, we can't really help giving you Manses and Demenses..
Samiel said:
The Steam Faction is open to all, so long as they commit some investment capital to our initiatives.
You're not in league with the Scientologists, are you?
ACK!  Say it isn't so!  That would be almost as bad as telemarketers calling in the middle of dinner!
Well, if you join and then later find you have no possessions, no will and no future, then you'll know......
Allow me to allay your fears, sir! The Steam Faction is no pyramid scheme or Scientology prank!

The history of the Steam Faction dates back many years, to the days of a great and intractible discussion; How to best rule Creation?

During these deliberations, the Two Sages of Steam Faction lore, known now only as "Spamiel" and "Cthulhu Spakes", came to the realisation that, in order to balance creation, a total overhaul of Creation's power balance was needed. Further discussion established that the best way to achieve this was through conquest and reallocation of resources in YuShan, and formation of an Economic Juggernaught on the ground, so as to absorb all of the petty kingdoms and empires contributing to strife.

We.. They realised that the best power suited for the Job was none other than the Autocthonians; with their overwhelming might, excellent education and, most importantly, good understanding of resource allocation and investment, they would easily take and apply harmony to the peoples of creation.

Modern Steam Faction goals are somewhat more Enlightened, minimising the militaristic ambitions and maximising return on investments for Venture Capitalists. Today, the Steam Faction exists as creation's biggest investment group, accepting donations and investments from profit-loving individuals everywhere.

Although the Steam Faction's investment programmes have not yet been undertaken, reliable estimates and predictions place returns on some of our more lucrative projects at over 1,200%! To reflect this, the Steam Faction has enacted a system of currency to solidify projected returns in language that the Investor can easily understand: Speculative Credits.

Using an ingenious system of Starmetal coinage, Speculative Credits balance themselves among investor accounts based on the most likely outcome of their Investments, minimising time and effort in deciding whether or not to invest in a given programme.

Why not join today? For a starting investment of only 3 talents of Silver (or 1 talent of Jade), we can distribute your investment through a series of reliable long-term investments in "Wyld Recrystallisation Land Allocation Projects", which promise to return vast profits from new real estate assets.

For more information, just ask one of our Reps by PM! You won't find an unhappy investor in the Steam Faction!
Halleuya brotha!  I see the light!  Thank you, O mighty prophit of the Machine God!  Oh, yeah!  


ps put my enrollment fee on the Empresses account.   :twisted:
JOIN the Yu-Shan Faction.

The faction of heaven shall rule over all with the responsibility to do what is needed to govern while granting the freedoms desired by the majority that they may do as they wish without fear of punnishment!

Machines will lock down everything, even trying to force you to think their way in an attempt to structure everything to fit their protocols!

The Steam Faction is a farce!  They may allow titties to be proliferated to the masses, but what are titties worth when the only way you may mate with their bearer is in the one position considered most likely to generate offspring?
The Yu-Shan Faction can EAT IT!

The Steam Faction has a procedure for the conquering of Yu-Shan, and a damn good one at that!

The Steam Faction wecomes today a new investor and associate, Sherwood! Welcome to our organisation, I am confident that you will please and be pleased by our economic policies!
The Steam Faction gives naught but empty promises! They have yet to follow up on a single one of their campeign promises. This is, sadly, a world of deciet and lies, the Age of Sorrows; only in concrete benefits can one's future truly be invested wisely!

That is why the Crystalline Faction, with our vision of a brighter, more saurian tomorrow, offer real benefits right now!! No waiting! Every five talents of Jade you give to our representatives will be repaid with one dot's worth of vegetative and crystalline artifacts- immediately! Free, expert surgery is provided for Graft artifacts! Call within the next half hour and recieve a minor piece of magical technology for the increased comfort of your home or workplace!

And of course, you will rest easy knowing that you have contributed to the development of a superior, more enlightened society with high standards of living and truly effective means of controlling crime. Contribute to the Crystalline Faction today!
*press conference of Crystalline Faction, reporters salvo questions*

"Is it true you're just the militant wing of PETA?!"

"Aren't you people dead!?"

"Why do you have pink feathers on your head, Jyfriss?"

"These Dragon Kings are nothing but lies!"
*press conference of Crystalline Faction, reporters salvo questions*
"Is it true you're just the militant wing of PETA?!"
"No, you're thinking of the Silver Pact. They're holding a conference next door."

"Aren't you people dead!?"
"We got better."

"Why do you have pink feathers on your head' date=' Jyfriss?"[/quote']
"They're supposed to be red, but I was in the wash with the god of albinos yesterday. He's pink now, too."

"These Dragon Kings are nothing but lies!"
"Look into my baby daughter's eyes and say that again!"

*reporter is horribly savaged by unenlightened pterok*
Jukashi said:
That is why the Crystalline Faction, with our vision of a brighter, more saurian tomorrow, offer real benefits right now!! No waiting! Every five talents of Jade you give to our representatives will be repaid with one dot's worth of vegetative and crystalline artifacts- immediately! Free, expert surgery is provided for Graft artifacts! Call within the next half hour and recieve a minor piece of magical technology for the increased comfort of your home or workplace!
Beware, investors! The crystalline faction clearly apes the economic policy of the Steam Faction, but with inferior leadership and a far worse track record!

The Autocthonian people, the backbone of the Steam Faction, have strived under harsh conditions for hundreds of generations, their knowledge and skill at risk assessment and economy their saving virtue. Their society is based on the concept of maximum payoff for minimal input, and countless examples from their history can back this up!

The Dragon Kings of the Crystalline Faction are known only for their extinction! Why, it takes years for a Dragon-king hatchling to learn not to bite the hand that feeds it, let alone how to count! It may take up to thirty years before a fledgeling dragon king approaches a well-trained Autocthonian in accounting practise and skill!

Are these the people you want to trust with your money? Fluffy dinosaurs without homes?
Harsh conditions, you say. Knowledge and skill, of and at what, I ask? Examples from their history? Your history takes place in only one environment-

*Dramatic Wright-esque finger jab*

- Autocthon himself!!

The autocthonians have no experience of Gaia's body, and would be at an utter loss to manage Creation! They would only consume, pollute, and then leave their mess behind them again by escaping back to Autocthon when the going got too tough for them!

The Dragon Kings were chosen by the primordials themselves to rule humanity and manage Creation... and that includes Autocthon!!

Do you deny the will of your own slumbering god!?
Recall that Autocthon made the Dragon King souls as prototypes for humanity's souls! They are but castoffs of evolution, favoured by Autocthon's peers over his true work, Humanity!

When it came to exalting, why is it exactly that the Dragon Kings were passed over, while base humanity was chosen for the honour? Because Humanity is Autocthon's template, his new benchmark! The Dragon-Kings were merely shock-troops, scaled-down replacements for the Elementals who couldn't participate in the war!

Autocthon took humanity into his matrix as a maintainance crew, not the Saurians, because they couldn't even protect themselves from extinction. Poor form, Dwagons. Insert coin, play again. Humanity wins this round!

Would you see humanity dependant upon another race for administration yet again, investors? Would you cast off your freedom so quickly? For mock-glass skin transplants that glow in the dark?

Think financial freedom. Think humanity. Think of your investments. Think the Steam Faction.
*Speaker from the Steam Faction*

"Give that Man an Essence Toaster! Hear the voice of the people, you barney bastards?"
Samiel said:
Recall that Autocthon made the Dragon King souls as prototypes for humanity's souls! They are but castoffs of evolution, favoured by Autocthon's peers over his true work, Humanity!

Prototypes!? Prototypes are always inferior to the finished product, my friend... so why is that the Dragon Kings are superior to ordinary humans in every way!?

Autocthon made humanity to fill out Creation after the real work was already over- the taming and settlement of the land in the upheaval of its creation! And the reason the gods chose them for Exaltation was because they had more to gain, thus garnering increased loyalty and dedication to the destruction of the primordials- not to mention their additional numbers. I remind you of ochilike, who prove that Dragon Kings are capable of undergoing a process similar to Exaltation.

Autocthon took humans with him because he knew that they would need him to survive- they would not be capable of living without maintaining his body. A vote for the Steam Faction is a vote for codependancy, my friends!

My point still stands- that the Autocthonians and their precious Alchemicals lack the knowledge of Creation to effectively rule over it. The Steam Faction is inferior, and with the other Exalted rendered ineffective by the great Curse, that leaves only one truly viable option; the Dragon Kings!

Contribute to the Crystalline Faction today!
*Celestial news anchor* Today in the middle of the second solstice to Saturn, we have started covering a very vocal and near riotous clashing of ideologies: The Steam and Crystalline Factions are fishing for new members!

My cohort, Jyfriss, is currently down below instigating-er, inspiring people to his Crystal'dd views. However, Essence Toasters are abound as the Steam Faction is starting to hand out gifts!

More as it develops...
As the crowds argue and fight, a quiet beat can be heard slowly growing. The Jade Faction's Legions are arriving to put an end to this riot.

"Surrender these heretical ideas and accept the right and proper rule of the Jade faction today. Hundreds of years of proven leadership, under the rule of proven, clever, powerful beauties with quite nice titties. Current and proper rulers of Creation, the Jade Faction promises order and stability..."

Posters of such famous beauties as Mnemon, the Scarlet Empress, and Tepet Ejava are spread about as a reminder why the Jade Faction is the best faction.
Well, who wants those stuffy Bronze faction manipulators around, really? Arrogant, AND stupid. You'd think they'd realize that there's plenty of things around outside of Fate that they can't predict...but no.

Jade Faction offers order and stability, without the meddling middle managers. Straight forward honest dictatorship guarding Creation against such threats as the Steam Faction, and the polluction that follows in their wake. Have you breathed in an area suffering from their depredations? Have you seen the foul Blacktog they leave in their wake? The Locusts will lead to nothing but devestation.

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