Mass Combat

At the mere price of your destiny, soul, and so forth. It's not as if you're using it. Oh, wait, yes, you are. somehow, I don't think 'tis worth it.
As for the past discussed non-aggresion pact with the Gold faction, the Gold faction's childish antics involving demands for territory they do not control as a gift in return for not killing them, as well as poorly thought out military campaigns are reason enough not to finalizr such an agreement.

On a seperate note, the Jade faction has some interest in further discussion with the Steam faction. If the Steam faction truly does intend to cease their violent crusading and engage in trade, and is putting an end to their environmental difficulties, then we might be willing to form a trade agreement with them. It has come to our understanding that there are some within the Steam faction who might have knowlefge of factory cathedral maintenance and repair... we might be willing to offer certain amounts fo wealth for their time.
I would request that you not confuse us with the Gold faction... it would be tha same as us referring to you as the Bronze faction

In addition, I would remind the Jade that practical control of most of the Scavenger lands is already ours.

Great forks and nexus are now part of the alliance, and The hundred kingdoms are falling to Yurgen Kaneko as we speak.

The major areas not within our grasn are Greyfalls, which belongs to the bronze, Thorns, which belongs to the Mask of Winters, Lookshy, which you have, and Rathess, w3hich belongs to the Crystalline
Come to the Steam Faction.  We have cookies!

And Beer!  Don't forget the beer!

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