Mass Combat

Jukashi said:
Dragon Kings are superior to ordinary humans in every way!
You reveal the depth of your ignorance!

Humanity has far greater potential than any Dragon King, and is limited by mere mortality from achieving that potential!

Humans can be initiated into the Root of the Perfected Lotus, and can learn Terrestrial Sorcery without initiation by an Exalt, as the Dragon Kings must!

Humanity's potential for greatness is evident in the powers of the restless dead, whose mastery over essence points to great and unused potential among the living humans! Why, your very own observations of so-called "Shinigami" confirm this potential untapped in the favoured race of Autocthon!

Jukashi said:
I remind you of ochilike, who prove that Dragon Kings are capable of undergoing a process similar to Exaltation.
Again you show your misinformed perspective, sir! The Ochilike were mere possessions, tempered by the training of the hosts! The very procedure that created ochilike could be applied to Humanity also, and possibly to greater extent! Why, those gods who employ possession as a means to their ends near always choose humanity, out of their knowledge of humanity's perfection as hosts to the divine!

Jukashi said:
Autocthon took humans with him because he knew that they would need him to survive- they would not be capable of living without maintaining his body. A vote for the Steam Faction is a vote for codependancy, my friends!
You could not be further from the truth! Our god Autocthon put his resources where he saw the most sensible investment: humanity! He took humanity and gave to them a portion of himself, both his knowledge of exaltation and his resources, and his investment paid off! To this day, the autocthonians strive to keep our god sustained, their efforts a credit to the wisdom of Autocthon in choosing humanity.

With every solid investment the Steam Faction undertakes, a certain honour is given to our Primordial God, Autocthon. He would approve of our genious in implementing Speculative Credits and our Oomph-Phallus initiatives!

Join today, and treat yourself to a discount on this holy day, the day that Autocthon invented and gifted brewing to the people!
And yet their god king is dying due to their failures. Should we allow the Steam Faction to destroy Creation as they have all but killed Autochthon? I say no. Defend Creation from the Locusts before there is no Creation to defend.
Samiel said:
:? Is you a womanses?
Indeed. An endangered species, I know...but we do indeed exist.

And it's not as easy to convince us to join up by offering boobies. :P Well, unless we happen to swing that way. I don't, but I know a few who do. *shrugs*
Dracogryff said:
Samiel said:
:? Is you a womanses?
Indeed. An endangered species, I know...but we do indeed exist.

And it's not as easy to convince us to join up by offering boobies. :P Well, unless we happen to swing that way. I don't, but I know a few who do. *shrugs*
Hey, I'm offering logic too. Not just boobies. Even if my faction does have a history of following the leadership of beautiful women...they are leaders...and oft as not know just fine how to wear actually protective armor and wield weapons...more than mere eye-candy. Though quite attractive still. :)
A new Faction has appeared! Command?
We're not a new faction.
We have mentioned our existance long ago, but the Bronze Faction threw a hissy and we had to back into the shadows for a while until they calmed down.

Dracogryff said:
Samiel said:
:? Is you a womanses?
Indeed. An endangered species, I know...but we do indeed exist.

And it's not as easy to convince us to join up by offering boobies. :P Well, unless we happen to swing that way. I don't, but I know a few who do. *shrugs*
Ok, how about this:

Man boobies. :D
As much as I like the Dragon Kings,

Autocthon let the DK's get wiped in the war with his brothers because he knew that it was the best method to clear the way for humanity, the true rulers of Creation.  He has slumbered long in the darkness in deep repose, waiting for the time to return to save his lost children.

The humans inside the Great Maker have been tested in an enviornment much harsher than the softies of Creation have had to endure.  With the guidance from the Alchamedials, Autocthons perfected Exalts, the Steam Faction will spread prosperity and a higher standard of living across Creation.

Who are we to question the will of our Living God?

Those pecs look terribly lopsided.


Samiel said:
You reveal the depth of your ignorance!
Humanity... is limited by mere mortality from achieving that potential!
Uh, yeah. Duh. That's kinda my point.

Samiel said:
can learn Terrestrial Sorcery
No they can't.

You're stupid.

Samiel said:
Humanity's potential for greatness is evident in the powers of the restless dead, whose mastery over essence points to great and unused potential among the living humans! Why, your very own observations of so-called "Shinigami" confirm this potential untapped in the favoured race of Autocthon!
Do your investors really want to have die and live out a meaningless shade of an existence merely for a little more power- power that is still inferior to that of Dragon Kings? I think this may just be a ploy to garner more resources for the construction of all the Soulsteel alchemicals you'll need...


Samiel said:
Again you show your misinformed perspective, sir! The Ochilike were mere possessions, tempered by the training of the hosts! The very procedure that created ochilike could be applied to Humanity also, and possibly to greater extent! Why, those gods who employ possession as a means to their ends near always choose humanity, out of their knowledge of humanity's perfection as hosts to the divine!
Errt, wrong. To be Chosen was a sacred union, a joining of equals into something greater than the sum of its parts- or at least, that's how it works when done properly. And before we were callously abandoned by humanity after all we had done for them, Dragon Kings were far more favoured than humans for aiding the duties of the gods!

Samiel said:
You could not be further from the truth! Our god Autocthon put his resources where he saw the most sensible investment: humanity! He took humanity and gave to them a portion of himself, both his knowledge of exaltation and his resources, and his investment paid off! To this day, the autocthonians strive to keep our god sustained, their efforts a credit to the wisdom of Autocthon in choosing humanity.
With every solid investment the Steam Faction undertakes, a certain honour is given to our Primordial God, Autocthon. He would approve of our genious in implementing Speculative Credits and our Oomph-Phallus initiatives!

Join today, and treat yourself to a discount on this holy day, the day that Autocthon invented and gifted brewing to the people!
As I said: codependance!!

Where will you be when the Fair folk hordes come knocking at our women, to ravish our valuables and carry away our hard-earned doors? Your stifled imaginations and dull minds would crack at the first sign of a Wyld incursion- probably when first volley of chocolate-coated quadratic equations come warbling over the hills!
Jukashi said:
Samiel said:
can learn Terrestrial Sorcery
No they can't.

You're stupid.
White Treatise, page 23

Yes, they can!

You're Stupid!

Jukashi said:
Where will you be when the Fair folk hordes come knocking at our women, to ravish our valuables and carry away our hard-earned doors? Your stifled imaginations and dull minds would crack at the first sign of a Wyld incursion- probably when first volley of chocolate-coated quadratic equations come warbling over the hills!
Ho-ho! We will apply the gifts from our father, the first custodian of creation against the wyld, shaper of the very essence of the Fair Folk! Our Alchemical protocols will crystallise the Wyld, rendering it harmless, and our inevitable acquisition of the Eye will finally put to rest the biggest loss of the Usurpation; the continual erosion of Creation. Finally we will expand the world as before, revealing new tracts of land for investment and colonisation!
Welcome. And now we know there's someone on here to smack down Ledaal when he's uppity :P
Silly CW. She's been here a long time now, and she hasn't kept him in line yet!
Of course, where will the handful of Dragon Kings be when the time comes? The Jade faction has stood against the Wyld and the destruction of Creation for centuries, and successfully put an end to the Fae invasion during the Great Contagion...while the Crystalline Faction hid away in their hydroponic time chambers. Support the Jade Faction today. A vote for Jade is a vote for Creation.
Man boobies. :D's a try at least. They really do look kind of lopsided though. And I am married already...but if it's good, I suppose no harm in looking.

....and noting boobie bribes on your part from other parts of the married to this one too? :P *ducks*

Samiel said:
Jukashi said:
Samiel said:
can learn Terrestrial Sorcery
No they can't.

You're stupid.
White Treatise, page 23

Yes, they can!

You're Stupid!
Much as I hate to say it, technically true. *sighs* Gonna be a house rule of 'not happening' in my games, but canonically, yes.

Samiel said:
Welcome. And now we know there's someone on here to smack down Ledaal when he's uppity   :P
Silly CW. She's been here a long time now, and she hasn't kept him in line yet!
Technically, according to join dates, I joined before either of you, to be honest. Having a baby kinda disrupted my schedule for a while. They tend to do that to us female types.

...that and Neverwinter Nights stole my soul for a while. I got it back though. Not sure I want to know where it's been while  didn't have it. ¬.¬

And as to keeping LK in line, if I see need to, I will...may not necessarily be when you feel he needs such, but I will if I see need. :D And so far, his faction seems to make the most appeal for a female out there. They at least tried to offer man boobies, and seem to have many advancement opportunities for women...what have others to offer to those of the female persuasion?

Or maybe I should go looking for the Silver Faction, or start it if it doesn't exist. They got some nice tattoos for those fae issues, cat-girls/guys, and the ability to make custom appearances to order, either themselves or others. And as to those 'civilized taboos' like not wearing clothing in public being indecent...out the window. :)
Of course' date=' where will the handful of Dragon Kings be when the time comes? The Jade faction has stood against the Wyld and the destruction of Creation for centuries, and successfully put an end to the Fae invasion during the Great Contagion...while the Crystalline Faction hid away in their hydroponic time chambers. Support the Jade Faction today. A vote for Jade is a vote for Creation.[/quote']
Nobody will join a faction without an avatar! You lose!
As a proponent of the True Sun faction, I would like to remind the Steam Faction that they need to find a solution to the blacktog issue before we consider them worthy of a place in creation.

While your exalts were created later, we were created by your god, then upgraded and augmented by our god

We are the Princes of the Universe, we will retake out birthrights.
As that vile substance and other blasphemies against Gaia are a primary source of their ability should they dare to enter Creation, it is doubtful they will learn to avoid such...without some thorough 'Persuasion'... most likely one requiring sizable military force. If the Anathema faction wishes to form a temporary truce until the Steam Faction has been destroyed, the Jade Faction might perhaps be willing to return to our ancient war at a later date. Threats to all of Creation may perhaps be more important. We do all require air to breath, among other things. The Steam Faction's destruction of the very Elementals which keep Creation livable for a short term powersource is a grave threat indeed.
I would only consider such a truce on terms that would involve a thorough investigation of the Anathema 'Bronze faction' that is infested in your faction, and a demarcation of territories that are inviolable to both sides

(sugtgested boundaries would be the Jade gets the isle with the exception of the city of Meru, and the Sun gets the scavenger lands with the exception of Greyfalls... embassies are of course an additional exception)
There are certain things unacceptable in such. While we of the Jade Faction find the thought of this Bronze Faction quite repugnant, we will not cede the territories of the Seventh Legion to another faction. the truest stronghold of the Jade Faction is within that territory, as we have heard certain reports that it is inviolate to this Bronze Faction. So long as such territories were acceded we could come to a compromise.

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