Masquerade [Inactive]

Delia had listened to The Baron, though when some of the guests changed she covered her mouth with a hand to avoid screaming in fear. She stood up and frantically gazed around. She saw lots of other humans (Thank god!) and then rushed after them, holding and lifting a part of her dress so she could run faster. Her high-heeled shoes didn't help her escape.
"I'm going out." Wexley declared, from her dark corner of the room. She pushed her self off the wall and undid the pigtails her hair had been in, then retied her hair into a ponytail. She tossed her hat aside and hiked up her dress so her knees were exposed.

"If you'd be so kind to step aside." She spoke to the girl leaning against the door.
"I'll go with you." She said. Moving aside, and taking the pin out of her hair so that her hair was just in one long braid and not a bun. She couldn't tell what was about to happen, but she had already made up her mind.

"They better not mess up my dress." She said, adjusting her mask.
"I hope you know that I'm going to watch them torment others, but if you like that sort of thing or are going for your own reasons then come along."

Wexley had long since ditched her mask, where she couldn't remember but she vaguely remembered that she had discarded it while talking to Umbra at some point.

"Ready?" She asked her new companion.
"Ready as I'll ever be" she said, her shoulders back and chin up. She was slightly doubting her choice of going with this girl who had an infatuation with the torment of others, but hey, there wasn't any going back now.
Matt fixed his mask. "I am going too." He announced, joining them at the door. He was scared, yes, but by curious about what they were. He lifted a lamp shade, and chuckled. "Just in case." He muttered.

Liliah let out a puff of breath. Once she'd calmed down though, she annoyed that no one thought to help her. "Well, I wanted to finish my drink first. Before them running for my life." She moved aside as a group began forming at the door. "Thanks." She smiled at Clara, and Zander.
"This is turning into a grand adventure..." Umbra muttered as he let Matt and another girl pass. "Let's all meet and greet the monsters who want to destroy us. Sounds like a fantastic idea." Not. Wexley was at least exempt from his sarcasm, because whilst not wholly sane, at least her intentions were clear. The others... were merely being stupid in his eyes.

Umbra had long since hit a brick wall in his planning, however, and called out to Wexley as she left: "See if you can find out what these things are weak to." Then he returned inside the room to guard, leaning against the newly formed barricade, thinking once more.

"Are you lot not stupid enough to join them?" he asked of the remaining survivors.
"No way." Noah says quickly, his eyes were wide with fright, he figured if he stay put in this room and didn't make a noise he would be alright. But something was bothering him. "Though... Didn't the Baron say something about us turning as well?" Fortunately he was paying attention whilst The Baron was speaking, any information know would be vital to their survival. But if what the Baron said was true, then they didn't have time to wait around.
Wexley nodded her head in acknowledgment of Umbra's request. She was annoyed. Very annoyed. Her little outing had turned into some group party. She only wanted to watch people tremble in fear, but now she had to bring a bunch of imbeciles with her. Deciding to ditch them as soon as she could, Wexley stepped out the door.
Matt was about to follow when he paused as he heard Noah. "Actually. he did mention something like that." he agreed, placing the lampshade back down. "Maybe it is best we don't venture into the unknown. You guys can go, if you really want to, but I think we should wait until we know more." he contradicted his previous verdict. "Make a plan." he fell silent as Liliah spoke. "I'm Matt." He muttered.

Lil took her mask in her hand, pulling it from her face. She turned to Umbra. "Nope, I think we should just stick together until we sort something out." She murmured, half to herself, before perching herself on the arm of a chair. She watched as Wexley stepped out. "Well, before we all go running off we might have to work as a team. I know no one likes it, but I'll start." She paused. "I'm Lilly."
Thanking all that is Holy, Wexley stepped out of the room not caring if any of them still wanted to go. She wasn't one to sit around and play name games with a group of strangers, while more interesting things were happening. She smirked when she found the hallways empty. She crept back to the bar and peeked over it, watching the things as the just stood there. In all honesty, they were very boring.
Clara stated he name, and nodded her head to them before following Wexely out.

"Where do you think the others went?" She asked, looking at the crowd of creatures.
Surprised to see that someone had by-passed the pre-school circle, Wexley turned and stared at Clara.

'You're brave." She commented as she turned away.

"And I don't know. I would think they have all hidden by now. Or been eaten. Whichever."
"Not really as brave as just determined to not hide in a small room the entire night." She affirmed. Standing next to Wexly, she shrugged.

"True. Though was intrigues me most.. is where is the baron?"
"Probably hiding and laughing at us." Wexley murmured. She was trying to determine the best way to figure out their weaknesses without dying. And so far she was failing miserably. She wanted to do something smart before something stupid. Then again, she was never one to think things through.
"The Baron may have revealed the deepest secrets of the universe to us in his greeting but, to be frank, I was too distracted by the sudden influx of supernatural beings forming around us." Umbra smirked. "That said... if we are to become 'children' anyway, is there any point in hiding? We may as well try to do something constructive." Leaving his position at the door, Umbra strolled over to the corner of the room and sat, deep in thought.
Noah was still scared and shocked, but he forced himself to get up and walk towards the door and check the hallway as he spoke, catching a glimpse of Wexley and Clara as they made their way back to the ballroom. He agreed with Umbra wholeheartedly."I think waiting around is a bad idea, though walking into a room full of hungry monsters probably isn't the way to go either." He says shaking his head, before going inside the room to talk with the other survivors. "If we go the opposite way, maybe we can find something that can help us get out of here." He sounded hopeful, and in his mind it made alot more sense then staying in the room till they were found, but he didn't think he could do it alone, he was much too afraid.

Meanwhile, in the main ballroom, the creatures... or Children... had finished their transformation, their grey skin hardly covered their huge, muscular body as they stood hunched, as though ready to pounce, in a daze still staring where the survivors once stood. Their eyes were as dark as the void and they panted like dogs as though they just ran a marathon, they seemed completely unaware of the intruders, until the grandfather clock dinged so show how 15 minutes had past, and the Children basically flew into a rage. The hunt was on.

Noah recoiled at the sound of the Children getting out of their resting state, but turning around and hoping that Wexley and Clara made it out of the room quickly. "I- I think n-now is the b-best time to start ru-running..." He says in shivers.
The angry grunting and animalistic noises that followed the chiming clock, only served to excite Wexley. She watched her companion with disinterest and turned, big blue eyes back on the snuffling Children. She was tempted to reach out and see what they could do, but the prospect of dying weighed heavily on her mind. Without knowing it, her hand had reached out and when she did notice and jerked back, she knocked several glasses off the bar and crashing to the floor.
The Children rear their head at the disturbance, sniffling and crawling their way over to where the glass hit the floor. One of them even goes so far as to pick up a shard of glass and starts chewing on it happily, whilst the others unsheathe their rending claws from their hands and start sniffing around for the intruder. A few that didn't hear the crashing of glass leave and begin walking down the hallway opposite to where the survivors were held up, so there are only about four or five in the room with Wexley and Clara, but even one of them looked as though they could tear them apart if they were discovered.
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Breathing heavily, Wexley tried to slide down farther in her sitting position. Her dress snagged on the doors of a cupboard and ripped as she tried to pull away. It was almost like a scream in dead silence to her. She risked a glance at Clara, before she made her decision. This was probably the most selfless thing she would ever do. And the dumbest. She shot up and over the bar straight into one of the Children. She pressed past it roughly, and its sharp claws caught on her ivory skin. long gauges were left in place of the once intact skin as she clutched it and took off running, whooping and hollering, trying to draw them away.
As soon as Wexley charges off, the Children follow suit, charging after her with a desperate hunger, they catch up to her quickly, but it also leaves Clara alone for a few moments. As soon as the first of the Children reach her, it immediately uses the ends of its claws to slice the hamstring in her leg so she tumbles over. The second of the Children pierces its claws through her shoulder before lifting her up off the ground, staring into her eyes as it licks its lips with a long white tongue. The third slows its pace to a walk and wanders behind her, preparing to take the first chomp.
Wriggling in panic, Wexley could barely make out the familiarity of the barricaded door through her hazy gaze. She managed to kick the Child that was holding her up, just in time to be dropped and miss the lethal chomp of the one from behind. She hit the ground with a sickening thud and she screamed in pure terror. She had never experienced this before, the tumbling of her stomach or the excruciating pain of her multiple wounds.

"Someone help me!" She screamed.
Clara quickly scrambled into action, looking for something to break or use as a weapon. Grabbing someone's beer bottle, she smashed the end and used the neck as a handle.

"Okay, maybe thinking they were dormant wasn't such a great idea." She said.

Clara ran up behind the child that seemed most hungry, reached around and tried to slash it's throat. She only managed to stab in one side, blood coming out over her arms before it reared back and sliced her own arms. Clara was pushed back, stumbling backwards onto the floor.
Wexley could not move. The Children had made sure to take away her mobility. The safe haven only a few feet away was a cruel taunt and she reached a bloody, trembling hand out towards it. Her eyes were dull and her dress stained red. Her face was splattered and she lay fading away in her own blood.
Suddenly Umbra was dragging her up, using Clara's distraction for an opportune rescue. Weak, his thin arms wavered as he struggled but quickly he had her in his arms and began a staggered run into the room.

Inside, he closed the barricade behind him, leaving only a small gap for Clara to jump through. He scanned the room quickly and - there! Another doorway on the other side of the room. "Everybody run!" he yelled, ripping open the doors with his foot and waiting for people to rush through.

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