Masquerade [Inactive]

"I... see." Umbra managed, a little confused. Admittedly, he couldn't have cared less about his appearence at all, but he certainly hadn't expected such an elaborate compliment. As such he struggled to take it properly and simply responded with a muffled 'hmpth' and a weak smile. "An exception... well, you're certainly different from this crowd." Wait. Hadn't he compared her to the crowd only a few minutes earlier? Umbra found himself internally puzzled, but quickly shelved his confusion and remained stoney faced. Then perhaps what surprised him more was the genuine warmth of her smile, a smile that was seemingly unprovoked. "Any particular reason for that particular smile?" he asked, "You just imagined some world breaking havoc or something?"
"Not at all. I'm just pleased to have made such an understanding friend. I guess you could say that this smile is because you made it appear." Wexley knew the emotion that came with such a thing, but refused to acknowledge it.
Clara set down her dress, and took Matt's hand.

"I'd love to." She said, stepping off the stool and following him out into the floor. Some others were dancing, but not too many. Clara couldn't help but laugh from excitement. It had been forever since she'd danced with someone else, especially outside of her living room, let alone with a complete and total gentleman.
"Those are not words I would use to describe myself, but thanks regardless," replied Umbra, puzzled. "Though this conversation is beginning to trundle down the path of Cinderalla perhaps a little too much for my liking. Erm..." Umbra, who was unaware that he was nevertheless enjoying the exchange, searched for something else to talk about. He noted that the couple from earlier were now at the bar, and a new pair were flouncing about the dancefloor. "When do you think our exhuberent host will make an appearence?" he finally asked, returing to Wexley.
Matt smirked, as a slower song came on. "I was about to ask, 'Why slow songs?', before I realised it was a ball." He shook his head, leading her out and taking his hold. One holding her hand and the other at the small of her back. "So, tell me about you?" he prompted.
"I don't know. I hope soon, or else I'll have to take drastic measures to entertain myself." The cruel smirk was back and Wexley felt far more comfortable than when her lips bore a smile. Cruel was safe. Cruel was familiar.

"Perhaps I'll push someone down the stairs. That's pretty amusing." She looked away and tapped her chin, thinking. Then she pouted.

"I hate waiting."
He eventually reached the bar, letting out a sigh at the amount of people that were in the hall. It was starting to get warm, due to everyone's body temperatures, also the loud noise was irritating his ears. Zander glanced back at Lilliah, making sure she hadn't gotten lost in the wave of people. "That's going to be a problem later on. Come on, let's get a drink." Zander responded, a small smile upon his pale lips as he made his way to two spare stools.
Liliah smiled, heading over and perching herself upon a stool. She caught the barman's eye. 'Hello, how can I help you?' Liliah smirked. "Hmmm, a Red Bull please. I don't do heavy alcohol. Zander?" she asked. While waiting, Lil turned to look out at the crowd. She was itching to dance. Excited to have the experience.
"That sounds a little... frightening." Umbra mused, before turning away to watch the dancing once more. "I'd wager a lot of money that most of these 'couples' had never met before tonight. Now look at them; they're all over eachother." Unusually, he found himself making conversation once more. You came to learn, Umbra, but you're going to leave with a friend.
"Frightening for the person tumbling maybe." She gazed out over the swaying crowd and noted the way the couples clung to each other.

"Foul ill-bred pigs, the lot of them. They should be skewered where they stand." Her eyes took on a maniacal glint and she crossed her arms over her chest.

I honestly don't know if I can wait much longer. She thought. Sighing she turned to face Umbra, her only source of amusement.

"Amuse me." She stated, and stared at him dead on. "I grow weary of waiting."
Clara inspected the boy's mask, slightly lost in the song that was playing.

"I work here in town, lived here most of my life. But you know, on the weekends I dress up as a caped crusader and fight crime." She joked, hoping to get a laugh out of him.

"What about you? You sound like you're from around here. Strong like a hard worker."
Matt laughed. "I'm surprised humour still lives in this place." He sighed, "I'm a mechanic. Small business, but good pay. As soon as I get enough, though, I'm going to go the world. Paris, Africa, Australia. Anywhere." He smiled at his dreams. "I don't have many ties here, apart from family."
He leaned forward onto the bar on his elbows, resting his head upon his hands. "I don't do alcohol at all, so I'll have lemon iced tea." Zander responded, crossing his left leg over his right as he watched the bartender walk away and begin gathering their drinks. He stared at the pile of coasters in front of him, his mind beginning to wander back to his daydreams from earlier on.
Dean walked home, A wide grin on his face. He opened his mailbox. He grabbed the few letters out of it, stopping at the golden letter. "What would this be..?" He opened it carefully, looking at the contents inside. "A invitation? Alright." Dean walked inside his house, and began to get ready, Pulling his suit on carefully, and spiking his hair wildly. He then pulled on his mask. He set off to the mansion.
"Well, I wouldn't go that far in my criticisms," Umbra wagered, "merely that they, like us, are human beings with faults, faults that cause unnatural decisions that I like to pick up on." For some reason, he wasn't afraid of Wexley, even though it had downed on him the she was not 100% sane. "Amuse you? I do apologise, but I'm not a very entertaining person. Erm... What do you want me to do to 'amuse'?"
"Forget I said it. Your opinions and conversations are enough to keep me from doing anything that I will be doing later." She peered up at him, a sadistic smirk gracing her features. Then she laughed heartily, before settling into the same smirk.

"I may be human, but I don't think a majority of what I do are mistakes. Actually, they're well thought out plots that bring dismay to others."
Umbra shrugged wildly. "Well, I'll try to continue that, only I'm running out of things to be snarky about. Erm..." Whilst her difference and self-aware earned his respect, Umbra did find her incessant need to mention destruction and her general sadistic nature a bit much. However, for some reason he found himself drawn to her wild eyes. "Erm... are you thirsty at all?"
"Actually yes." She laughed.

"I'm so stupid, I haven't had any thing to drink since this morning! Way to stay hydrated huh?" She closed her eyes contentedly before opening them and pushing herself away from the wall.

"Would you like to join me at the refreshments table or are you going to stay here and wallow away?"
"I've always dreamt of going to australia. It would be great to actually see some culture. Humor never totally dies, love."

"A mechanic, I should've known. Maybe it's the cologne covering up the smell of motor oil" She said, stepping away for a moment to spin, but quickly pulled herself back close to Matt.
Umbra smirked. A request, if a snarky one. "As enjoyable as wallowing sounds, I guess someone has to stop you from unleashing havoc everywhere. Come along then!" With a stretch, he lurched from the wall to her side. "Lead on!"
And that she did. She led a very complicated path through the mass of people and paused only once to make sure he was following. When they arrived, she immediately ordered a glass of wine.

"Anything you want?" She said, over the lip of the glass.
"Do you think tap water might just be a little too adventurous?" he smirked, reclining behind her. He wasn't a drinker and never intended to be; he found the taste overpowering and foul, and the idea of getting drunk absurd and pretentious. He examined the bar tenders jacket with his eagle eyes, noting a missing button midway down.
"If you think too adventurous being the same as lying on a floor and doing nothing." She watched him out of the corner of her eye as she sipped her wine.

"Of course it's safe bet if you can't stomach alcohol." She smirked around the glass as downed the remaining contents, before ordering another.
"That was of course a joke, but it's nice to see that it wasn't wasted completely on you." Umbra smiled wryly, a little snobbish, receiving his water. He took a tentative sip and his face wrinkled. "This is foul. Goodness knows why I ordered water, I don't even like it." He turned and saw Wexley with yet another drink. "I thought you were trying not to get drunk? Because if so you're failing spectacularly at the moment."

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