Masquerade [Inactive]

Benificent was a bit surprised by the man who approached her. She smiled his question about her hair, "I was more worried about my mask than my hair." Beni was hoping most people would think that she dyed her hair for the masquerade but it was to much a part of her identity. Most people in town saw her hair before they saw her face. She sighed but kept smiling, "I was hoping the excitement would help people wonder if i was who they believed or not."
Liliah's mother was over in an instant. "Oh my! You have to tell me all about it when you get back." She'd brought Lil plenty of dresses, and was rapidly searching around her wardrobe for one fit for a masquerade. The teen was plaiting the front of her hair, one braid each, before clipping them to the opposite sides of her head. It cave a crown like effect, and left her blonde curls free. As she finished up with her hair, Liliah turned to see her mother holding out a black dress. "Here, it is perfect!" Without a response (only a quick grin) the woman slipped it on. Her mother was swiftly at her side, lacing up the back. "Thanks mum!" Her mother smiled, handing her her mask, "Have fun."

The mansion was huge. Bigger than she ever imagined. Quickly, she walked up the expanse of tarmac on the drive and paused before the door.

Matt had been ready for this the first time he heard of a party. In a moment, he had on his black suit, mysterious mask and was calling a cab to the mansion. He planned to get pretty drunk! He waited - fifteen minuets or so - until it finally arrived. He leaped in the back, the Taxi man smiling. "See you got lucky mate!" Matt nodded. "Yeah!" It was a short drive, but he was soon at the Mansion.
Umbra adopted a casual stroll en route to the mansion, and watched bemused as cheerful party-goers in all colours of the rainbow passed by him. Big, hulking males already clearly tipsy swayed down the road, arms around their mates, chanting aimlessly into the night. Girls in ridiculous high-heels staggered past, dresses sticking out in all sorts of perculiar directions. He sighed at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. I can't believe people actually like these things. Whilst wild elaborateness sorounded him, he was glad that he had chosen a simple tux; the only smart wear he had.

Soon he arrived and, checking in, reached the great hall. Stood all alone in the corner of the room, he admired the architecture of the room, musing that it was a shame for the historical value to be shattered by the general rabble. He began to observe the goings-on from a distant, arms crossed and leg stretched, leaning against the wall casually.
Wexley was beyond bored. So far all the party had been was socializing with people that everyone already knew. So to spice things up, she grabbed three wine glasses and made her way to the middle of the floor. There she chugged the first glass and dropped it onto the floor with a loud crack. Then when an unsuspecting couple passed by, she upended the remaining glasses over their heads. These too, were thrown unceremoniously to the floor and Wexley sauntered over to wall and leaned back. The man who also there observing didn't attract much attention o she ignored him. For the most part.
Zander let out a soft sigh, taking a glance around the room, wanting to see if he could spot anyone interesting enough for him to move off the polished wall. He flipped his hair to the side, though the silver and dark grey locks remained covering his left, grey eye. Zander strolled down the side of the wall, making his way towards a window to glance out at the scenery.
Liliah strolled in. She glanced about, taking in the atmosphere. Around her, people were already drunk, making out, dancing or stuff that didn't seem appealing to her. She headed to the bar, taking a J2o and heading to the side of the room. She slowly sipped on it, looking out at the moonlit sky. Liliah looked about her, but only on her second look did she notice him. She handed her empty glass to a waiter and cautiously approached Zander. "Um... hi there." she greeted him with a gentle smile.
Adjusting his pale hair, Umbra watched a girl in a pink dress throw around several wine glasses, and shook his head. Well, she's clearly hammered. Why am I here again? All that's happening is idiots drinking themselves to oblivion. I should've brought a book. Still, he had to admit that watching the chaos unfold had a certain charm to it. Something else has to happen soon, he mused, wathing a silver haired man approach the window, a girl drinking juice approaching him.
Despite what she knew many people now thought of her, Wexley wasn't anywhere near intoxicated. Turning to the man beside her she plastered a smile onto her face.

"Quite boring isn't it?" She turned away again and sighed. Then without facing him she continued.

"I really believed this was supposed to be some special event. Guess not." 
"Perhaps getting myself drunk would make things a little more entertaining, ne? But then again I would like to conscious of the havoc I wreak." This time instead of a smile, her trademark cruel smirk was in place.
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He become unaware of the completely monotone / bored look that had made it's way onto his face. Of course, Zander was lost in one of his daydreams again. "What would donkeys look like if they were singers...?" He ended up pondering, his eyes idly locked on the feet of some dancers. As the female spoke, his hooded eyes opened fully, a look of slight surprise upon his face. "Huh?!" Zander stated, with a slightly louder tone of voice than he normally would. Moments later, he regained all sense and a slight blush of embarrassment tinted his face."I. I mean, hello, hey." He rapidly responded, rubbing the back of his neck slightly.
"Not boring for you," Umbra replied, surprised to suddenly be spoken to, "but indeed, I was led to believe that also. All that has happened so far is a fest of slobs getting off their faces." He straightened up as the girl turned. "But of course, I can't stop you from joining that crowd. Feel free. Wreck havoc, or whatever." Although he could not see the smirk, he was aware of an underlying insanity in his acquiantances tone. This is different. Perhaps somebody who will be interesting to try to understand. He decided small talk would be the best course of action. "So, erm... You like havoc then?"
Liliah smiled, blushing slightly. She fixed her mask, "I'm Liliah, but most people call me Lilly. Or Lils. Or just Lil." she dropped off, before adding; "You can call me what you like really!" she chuckled awkwardly, realising she was rambling. Lilly tucked a curl of hair behind her ear - "Nice to meet yooou...?" She promted him for his name, waiting only a few seconds before speaking again. "Sorry for rambling, I um... yeah... sorry. I'm not great with big parties." Liliah fell silent.
"Oh quite. It's really quite beautiful. Of course it's all in the eye of the beholder." she tapped just beneath her eye. She turned to him fully and flicked her bangs away from her face so both cobalt blue eyes could scrutinize the man.

"And I would never stuff my face like some ill-bred pig. I refuse to take part in such Neanderthal activities. I find talking to people like you more intriguing."
"I thought it was supposed to be beauty in the eye of the beholder?" Umbra smirked. "But then again, I suppose havoc works too. The pair can be interchangable, depending on the eyes." He was suddenly met with two large blue eyes, eyes that really did convey a sense of havoc through their remarkable wideness and slight excitable quiver. Quite a tasty maniacness, he thought. "Neanderthals, hey? And pouring wine on others heads isn't at all primitive. Although, to be fair, I can see how it would be mroe enjoyable." In return, he too lifted his mask and revealed his dull, grey eyes; hollow, narrow and plain like untouched egg-yolks in the pale frying pan of his face. "I'm afraid mine aren't quite as... havocy as yours."

His gaze was caught by the couple at the window, who now seemed to be be re-enacting a fairly stereotypical first encounter of young lovers. Umbra smiled wryly; the world was full of stereotypes and cliches, even in average day to day life. Regaining his focus, he turned back Wexley. "The name is Umbra Tempest. And yours?"
Entering the party, Clara carried in confidence with her. For a moment she looked around, smiling to herself as a couple people looked in her direction.

"Now... might as well get myself a drink." She said. The air in the room was already filled with the sounds of music and chatter, people walking around perhaps searching for the bar or another to occupy their time with. The mansion itself was in impeccable condition, everything was polished and not a single speck of dust was to be found. The host must have amazing taste as well, for everything seemed to be simply mesmerizing.

Stepping to the bar, she got a quick drink and decided to look around.
"My name is Wexley Kurtis. And I think your eyes are plenty havocy. In their own right." she curtsied and when she straightened she followed his amused gaze. The couple. Ah young love.

"An amusing pair aren't they?" Wexley jutted her chin out at the pair across the room. " Reminds me a bit of Cinderella. In an awkward not magical way of course." She locked eyes with Umbra again.

"Very fascinating, your eyes. I never got to ask, but do you enjoy havoc?"
Matt headed in. He pushed a hand through his brown hair, watching as a girl staggered past. Beyond that, two couples were conversing. He sighed, realising he was pretty nervous for once in his life. He decided to start with a drink. Heading to the bar, he ordered a simple beer. He glugged at it, watching a girl across the bar. He smiled at her, wandering over to Clara. "Hey there, names Matt." he greeted her. "Nice dress."
Zander's gaze fell upon the other once more, his figure slumping against window frame. He sniggered slightly at the other's speed of talking, using his hands to push himself up onto the window ledge. "Zander. Pleasure to meet you, Lils." He responded in the small amount of time he was provided, before the other began to speak once more. He crossed his right leg over his left, placing gloved hands neatly upon his knees. Zander glanced around for a moment, realising that no one really cared for the fact he was sitting upon the window still. His eyes caught the gazes of the other two, his monotone expression returning as if it was an instinct.
Wexley waved sweetly at the boy she and Umbra had been watching. It was funny to her, how much people communicated with their eyes and not words. Or body language. Although, the boy's significant other seemed just peachy expressing herself through words. Wexley chuckled and waved again. She titled her head to the side as if asking,

'Can I help you?'
Smiling to Matt, Clara set her drink down to sit up onto a stool.

"Thank you love, I'm Clara." She said, her accent proving she was a local.

"This mansion is absolutely awe striking isn't it?"
Lilly smiled, "Nice to meet you to, Zander." She paused, following his gaze across the room. "Oh, what are they looking at?" she muttered. Was something wrong with her dress? She checked her self quickly. No. Was her hair messy? She patted it lightly. No. Lil frowned, before turning back to him. "I'm all out of juice, care to join me to the bar?" she suggested. She hated the glare of others.

Matt smiled, draining the last of his drink. "Nice to meet you. Not hammered. Or completely hyper!" he chuckled, looking about. "Pretty amazing. If it wasn't as loud and packed, I'd come here every week."
"You really think so?" Umbra mused. He wasn't used to compliments, even vague ones as absurd as being told 'you have havoc in your eyes'. "Well, I'd imagine that would be because they hold a whole different kind of havoc. The havoc of one who observes and understands. And the havoc of someone who apparently makes really sweeping statements now." He pulled a wry grin, then replied to the comment on the couple. "Indeed. You'd have thought they read all that in a ten year old girls soppy primary-school book." Once again, he found himself locking eyes with his new friend. Friend. That's an interesting term. But apparently I have one now. As one who normally observed from a distance, a chance to watch up close was a fasinating opportunity, not thinking that staring unblinking into a girls eyes could be at all weird. Then again, Wexley was hardly normal either.

"Wexley. Sadly, I think my name trumps yours. It's latin, you see. It means silence." He smirked, still holding the gaze. "My Dad was fittingly eccentric, but I don't mind. People are more interesting whenthey have an ego." Umbra was surprised to find himself so talkative; he normally resided in snarky one-liners that stopped conversation as soon as it began. However, this conversation was interesting. "May I ask why my eyes are so fasinating? And havoc... well, to be honest, this is not a question I have an answer prepared for. But... I suppose... yes. It makes things more interesting, I guess."
He remained still, not even bothering to blink as a lock of hair fell over his left eye, covering one of his silvery grey eyes once more. Zander watched as the other moved her head, in a questioning manner. With the almost lifeless look in his eyes, he half smirked before turning his head away and leaping off the window side. "Sure." Zander responded , his kinder smile reappearing as he hit the ground. He glanced around the room, searching for a clearer path to the said place though failed. He began to slowly head towards the bar, glancing back to make sure he hadn't lost the female.
"You do not find your own eyes incredibly interesting? I like your eyes because their different from everyone else's. They do not smile in a mocking way back at me while we talk. They aren't filled to the brim with that disgusting feeling of happiness either. So I find your eyes comforting. The don't annoy me and are unique." she laughed softly and continued on. "Silence hm? Befitting a man of your nature. You don't strike as one to normally hold a conversation. I suppose I am an exception." Wexley was pleased. He enjoyed havoc even if on a smaller scale and was the most unique person she had ever met. For once when she smiled it was not cruel or fake but rather genuine.
"Gimme another hour here at the bar, then i just might be both of those." She chuckled, raising an eye brow to the boy. She felt like she'd seen him around before but brushed it off.

"It is. I dont think there's a single person that would turn down an invitation to this place. Everyone talks about it."
Liliah quickly followed, squeezing between two males. They jeered, and she continued with a blush spreading across her face. As quickly as possible, she followed Zander as he weaved through the congestion. Once they reached the bar, she released a breath. "Sorry, I'm Claust- Cl-..." She sighed, unable to pronounce it. "I don't like contained spaces." She re worded it.

Matt smiled. Wow, a girl with a sense of humour. That is a decent sense at that. He smiled to himself. "I don't think anyone could..." He murmured. "It is all the town thinks about for months, in fact, it is literally all they talk about." he chuckled. As a song came on, he put down his drink and bowed. "Care for a dance m'lady." He held out his hand.

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