Masquerade [Inactive]

"I can hold my liquor just fine. So you know, I can drink three whole bottles of wine before becoming intoxicated. I don't think three mere glasses are going to get anywhere." She snapped back. When she finished that drink she twirled her finger around the rim of the glass before setting it down and standing up.

"I want to dance. So you can enjoy your tap water and I'm going to find a partner!" She tossed over her shoulder at him as she walked away.
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"That's... Pretty remarkable actually," Umbra admitted, although he thought though not entirely accurate coming from a woman three glasses in. He watched her walk away and felt strangely disappointed. Shaking his head, he sipped once more and went back into observation.
Dean Walked around, Accidentally stumbling upon the ballroom, He leaned against the wall, Waiting for someone, His Dark green eyes glaring around Mischeviously. He took note of the decor, Noting in his head.
Wexley met up with a strange boy she hadn't ever met before in the middle of the group. Without any verbal communication, he bowed to her and she curtsied back. They locked fingers and he rested his hand on her hip, she rested her hand on his shoulder and they waltzed around the room. 
The dance seemed to last forever and when it was over, Wexley was glad. She trudged back over to Umbra.

"Enjoy your tap water, Mr. Observationist? I might just have to order myself one of those." Now that she was back in his company, she felt at ease. No forced smiles here, that was for sure.
Delia walked in, suddenly uncertain of what she should be doing. She never went to many parties. At least a few people were here that she recognized. She sighed, walking over to a couple tables and sitting down to quietly observe for now. She was carefully not to wrinkle her dress or anything.
Umbra glanced around the room, but nothing in particular was happening, nothing out of the ordinary at least. And still no sight of this host. There's the usual shallow enjoyment, but this party is supposed to be special. Something that everybody will aspire to go to. I imagine the arrival of our rather elusive host will change things, but still... his time keeping is remarkably poor.

Returning back to reality, he noticed Wexley returning from a dance similar to one he had mocked earlier. That still didn't change his opinions on her. "I assure you, it was enjoyably horrible. I recommend not having one yourself." A newcomer caught his eye; an unconfortable looking girl sat in solitude amongst a gaggle of obnoxious couples. She looks nervous. So why did she bother coming at all?
(Well, now that everyone's had fun at the party so far, I think its time to reveal the fantasy/supernatural part of this RP :3)

As though on Umbra's queue, the Lord of the Estate reveals himself from a lavish looking balcony. Normally, such an action would be considered normal, but the reactions of the other party goers were far from normal. Everyone, excluding those who had never been to the part before, went into a complete silence as The Baron showed himself from his quarters. Just for a moment, he looks from his balcony over everyone before speaking, with all the usual guests hanging onto his every word. "Welcome to my Masquerade ladies and gentlemen, and children of course, I hope you are all having an excellent time."

It was a little unnerving for Noah as The Baron began his speech, the room was in absolute silence except for his words, even the music had stopped. As he spoke, Noah takes a look around at the other guests, most were staring absently at The Baron, but a few seemed to acting normally, a couple near the bar and a few on the dance floor. What was seemed a little weirder, though, was that The Baron welcomed children, and there wasn't anyone 16, did they count as children still? He supposed it was plausible. After his examinations, the speech nears its end.

The Baron gestures towards the party goers who weren't mesmerized by his talking.
"I'm sure you have all gotten acquainted with our newest guests." At that moment, everyone in the room slowly turns their heads around to face the newest guests, staring at them with an unnatural intensity. "They will all be children as well, by the next hour, though until they are, you may do as you wish!" With a flick of the Baron's hand, the clock hit 11 o'clock, and the guests began to change.

If Noah was a little unnerved before, he was thoroughly freaked out by now, the guests began to grow and rip their costumes, they grew large fangs from their mouths and huge sharp nails from the fingertips, their muscles bulged and warped as they evolved, and their eyes became completely black. Just as he was about to turn and run to the front door, he realizes that the door simply isn't there anymore, he frantically looks around to find another exit before spotting a door that would probably lead into one of the Estate's passageways, but at the moment anything was better than being in the ballroom. In his fear, Noah vaults past the bar where a few of the confused, normal guests were and slams through the doors into the hallway before the others finished their transformation.

Dean stared in horror, taking a few steps back. He sprinted off, down a random hallway, opening a door and closing it behind him, making sure to lock it. "This has to be a joke..." He said to himself.
When Umbra figured that the Baron's arrival would bring a change to the party, he hasn't imagined quite this much of a change.

He watched, transfixed, as the people he had spent the last half hour in deep criticism of turned in unity to him and began their otherworldly transformation. Well, he thought, tense, that would explain their rather generic unity. But how? And why? Countless questions stormed his brain, but his thought stream was interrupted as a young man vaulted the bar beside him, and suddenly became aware of the danger of his current situation. Strength in numbers would be a good idea to stand by for now. Swiftly on his feet, he chased after the other man down the dim corridor, aware of others around him.
Noah realized he was being followed, and looks behind him with a horrified look on his face, though looks a little received to see that whoever it was chasing him was human. He rushes to the nearest door, shaking it quickly trying to open it, but it seemed lock, and so goes to the next door, also locked. In a panic, he barges down one of the doors before turning to his pursuer. "Quick! We might be able to hide in here." He says as he looks around the room to jam the now broken door with something.
Clara stopped, still holding on to Matt's hand. Everything had stopped with one command- not even that- from this man. Possibilities wound in her head on what he meant by calling them children until the creatures turned to them and transformed. It was say the least but she didn't scream, nor did her knees tremble. Clara instead watched thrirntransformation closely and stayed silent, hoping Matt wouldn't try anything stupid. Shed never heard of this happening at the party, nor had she ever heard of anyone dying. Either everyone in this town was fantastic at keeping secrets or this was new.
Wexley watched with rapt fascination as hordes of human party guests streamed out of the ballroom. The most she had done was move behind the bar. No, she wasn't some freaky alien who could defeat the creatures, the opposite really. They were just so entrancing and as we've established before, Wexley isn't a sane person. She was a little torn on whether to chase down Umbra or watch these things, but the adrenaline pumping through her made her choose the latter.
"Yes, we'll be able to hide in this room so well now that you've barged the door off." sighed Umbra, voice aflame with sarcasm as his indicated to the splintered door. "But balls to that. We need to discover what these things are, what they want, what their weaknesses are, and how we can stop them. Putting your hands in front of your face and trembling in a corner like a four year old will solve this problem just about as well as trying to quench dehydration with a fist full of sand." Nevertheless, Umbra conceeded that to do anything at all they at leasted needed to be a safe distance from the creatures and began to search for something blockage worthy in the room. After a few short seconds, he grew impatient and stood guard instead, wondering why Wexley and the others hadn't followed so quickly. I'll take one for the team here. Besides, I have no friends so it's not like anybody would care if I were to die. Therefore I'm the perfect scapegoat! To occupy the waiting time, he began excircising plans on how to capture a creature. He wasn't scared at all.
Matt smiled, nodding. He listened closely as she told him about her dream to visit Down Under. "All the wildlif-," He paused, watching her spin elegantly. As she returned to him, he continued; "All the wildlife there, must be amazing. I actually love animals - they're fascinating." Matt explained. "I think everyone is like an animal. My mates, well, they're like leopards. Always jumping about. Full of energy. You, I'd say you are a dolphin. Sublime, graceful, friendly, happy." He was about to go on when the Baron came out, though. He let his hands fall, watching as the scene unfolded. In horror, the creatures transformed. Matt stepped back. "I think we should get out of here." Still gripping her hand firmly, he walked as calmly as he could across the room as havoc broke out. Around him, people were running and screaming. "Come on!" He made for a door, leaping in and realising more were here to. A guy encouraged them to help barricade the door as Matt dragged Clara in

Liliah took her drink, having a quick lug from it. She wasn't graceful, but didn't care. She was about to ask Zander something when the Baron emerged. She spun back on the stool, listening with curiosity. He then motioned to 'his' guests. Liliah peered on, unable to move as they transformed. She was frozen where she sat, unable to move, and unable to scream.
Wexley watched as the new human-turned-beasts milled about the practically empty ballroom. It was if they hadn't seen her yet. Now that the adrenaline had stopped she was curious as to how she was supposed to leave the ballroom without attracting attention. An idea struck her and she slipped off the heels she had been wearing before sneaking down the to the hallway she had seen Umbra and the vaulting man disappear down, then she full out sprinted down the hallway. 
She stopped in front of a group of people, well what she hoped were people because her bangs were plastered over her eyes and she couldn't seen clearly. But they were making humanoid noises and trying to block what looked like a busted door. She bent over and pressed her palms into her thighs for support, trying to catch her breath.

"May....I....join you...?" She panted.
"Feel free," Umbra the mighty guardsman leaned against the unbroken door looking down on her with arms crossed, doing a generally good job of being in the way. "Feel free to come in if you want to be safe and secure, apparently. Though I thought you prefered havoc to calm. A little bird told me that the main hall was full of havoc; havoc in the form of mutated, vicious creatures of death. I'm surprised you don't want to chill in there." He grinned rougishly and moved out of the way to let her in.
She laughed at the familiar sound of the sarcastic voice. Her head jerked up and when her bangs moved she saw a grinning Umbra.

"Yes well, you see I found that watching the havoc from afar was better than watching it up close and getting eaten alive." She stepped up to the wall beside him instead of going in.

"Better to have two guards instead of one, so if you get eaten I can tell the others"
"If I get eaten I'm sure the sounds of ravenous hell-beings devouring my soul will be enough to alert them that something's not quite right." he retorted. "But fair enough, you can share my guarding door." He was glad to have someone with which he could converse relatively normally with back; a little part of him had been worried that she hadn't escaped the room. Which made him think... "Do you think there's anybody in there that's still so scared and stupid that they're frozen stiff?"
She tapped her chin.

"I believe there was one girl who appeared to be glued to her chair at the bar." Her eyes lit up.

"Too bad I didn't stay to see what happened to her." And there sat her trademark smirk.
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Zander watched the "humans" transform, his eyes widening at the event that was happening. He scowled, dropping the drink onto the ground as he leaped off the stool. He noticed that one of the beasts had started to head towards where they were, only causing Zander to sprint away from the main part of the bar and swiftly down the side of the hall, heading towards a dark corridor. "There could be some down here...But it's still a chance to get away." He repeated in his mind, leaping to the side as he almost ran into another one. Zander panted lightly, reaching the door and swinging it open, rushing into the almost pitched-black room. He fumbled around in the darkness, slamming the door closed before he paused to catch his breathe.
Clara stared wide eyed at the door, not bothering once again to scream or look at anyone else.

"What the actual f**k." She said, raising an eye brow to the door as her chest rose and fell.

She'd never seen anything like that, and it was absolutely crazy to her. People shouldn't do that... humans shouldn't do that.
Matt sighed, "Is there anyone still in there?" he asked. He had overheard another girl's conversation about someone being 'glued to a chair'. "I think that we should stay in here until we know what they are." He muttered to Clara. "Did you see anyone outside still?" He asked. As he spoke though, he heard pounding on the door and a girl yelling.

Liliah watched as Zander saved his skin, by taking off and leaving her there. Swallowing hard, Lil staggered backwards - stiff with terror. She turned to run but her stomach sank as she saw the door closing. Running as hard as she could hope in flimsy gladiator sandals, she called out. "Let me in, come on." She was surprised how calm she sounded, despite pounding on the door with all her might.
Clara moved what was barricading the door, and opened it, pulling Lil in. Immediantky once she one is, she shut it again and leaned against it until everything was back against it.

"Are we sure that our best bet is to run?" She asked, still heaving her breath.
The room the group occupied was warm and suffocatingly so. Wexley tugged at the neck line of her dress and fanned herself. She hoped the beasts would spread out soon so she could breath again and go exploring.

"It is hard to stay alive if you're attacked by multiple assailants, but I only need to follow one to be entertained." She whispered to herself.
He visibly jumped as he heard the banging, only to hear the female's voice and sigh with relief. Zander moved swiftly in the darkness, as he had been sitting by the candle upon the desk. He unlocked the door in a single action, pushing it open slightly to glance at Liliah. "Hurry, before they notice you're here." Zander instructed, a smile upon his face despite the serious tone in his voice.

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