Masquerade [Inactive]

"Well that's reassuring." Wexley responded truthfully. She rose shakily from the floor and teetered over to Clara.

"I'm glad you made it!" She clapped her roughly on the back and wobbled a bit. She laughed.

"Looks like I still can't stand upright."
"I imagine nobody's put up quite the level of resistance we are planning on, which would explain the hurt thing," Umbra turned to face the newcomer, "but still doesn't nullify the threat. Our main issue is that we don't know how to beat these things; we don't know their weakness. My plan, if Wexley is willing to co-operate, solves this issue."
"What part do I play in this? I want to hear it before I agree to something crazy that might actually get me killed. Then again, anything we do is bound to do just that." She stood straight and tall and stared at him dead on.

"I'm in, so what is it?"
Umbra gave a black expression and indicated straight at the grey patch of skin on her shoulder. "We'd need no captive creature, no trap setting, nothing. But it'd probably hurt." He gave her a slightly concerned look, an emotion that resonated despite his dull eyes.
"I already told you, I'm in. So you going to come straight out and tell me, or are we going to have to place guessing games?" She snapped. She was starting to understand but she wanted hear it straight from him.
Clara had wrapped her arm around Wexley, trying to help her up.

"What ever it is, I can help make weapons" she said, ready to at least make some use of herself. She felt pretty guilty over letting Wex hurt herself, but pushed the thoughts out and focused on what was at hand
"We'll play guessing games, especially if you snap." Umbra retorted. "This lab, if it exists, should have some equipment which we can use to experiment on your infected flesh. From there we can find out its properties and, if there's any scientists here, deduce weaknesses and ways to beat them. We could also use that to try and cure you simultaneously."

"Most of this is based purely on very distant inferences though. If there is no lab then we're back to square one and heading to a grisly end." He paused for breath, his monotone voice not used to this much speaking. "It's not much, but it's an idea at least. And," quieter now, "it's more than the cowering generics behind us have done."
A sigh. Then a sadistic smirk.

"Shame I'm the infected one. It would have been fun to experiment on someone, but it is what it is." She pushed away from Clara and lay down in the corner of the room.

"Until we have a clear idea as to where we are going, I'm going to nap. I'm still human after all." Before she dozed off, she cracked open one brilliant blue eye.

"Sorry for snapping Umbra." The eye closed again and she was out.
Umbra watched her settle down for perhaps a little too long, then stretched, eyes still gazing. "If she's waiting for sense then that might be a very long nap," he muttered. "She's a strange one." Finally, he averted his gaze to Clara, although without Wexley he found himself with little motivation for conversation. "I'm going to wait for somebody to do something, observe a bit, stick to what I know. You should probably do likewise; think about weapons, or something." With that he departed, strolling to the other side of the dining room, sitting silently next to a door from which he could here distant, ominous growling. He sighed.

That's the problem with normal humans. They're so predictable.
If there was anything Wexley was unconsciously afraid of, it was the darkness. Long hours locked away in nothingness. That was why she danced. Still unconscious, she rose from the floor and began to waltz around the room. She moved silently and avoided the objects as if she could actually see them. It was a habit she had adapted as a young girl, this sleep dancing. But there were times when she was younger, while locked away, she couldn't tell if she were awake or not.
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Noah recoils back, almost falling over in fright, he was already on edge, but was she sleep-walking? Even though he had begun to dislike Umbra due to his normally unaffectionate and snobbish demeanour, but he had at least agreed with his sentiment about the infection, so he couldn't help but think that this was some sort of side-affect of the disease. "Certainly is a weird one... though I'm not sure if thats her or the creature dancing, the quicker we find a lab, the better." He turns to Clara before continuing. "Anything you can make for us would probably help our s-survival." He couldn't help but stutter, even a little, though he takes a glance at Umbra hoping that he didn't notice. The initial adrenaline rush had faded from first outbreak of the Children, but he couldn't help but think it would be inevitable they would return, though he felt mostly safe with the kinder and more helpful people of the group, namely Clara and Liliah.

It was too slight to notice, normally, but the tip's of Umbra's and Noah's fingers had begun to turn grey, where they had tried to help Wexley.

Outside the room, the Children had effectively spread across the entirety of the estate, patrolling past each other and looking around as though on the prowl, though they were usually either alone or in groups of 2.

(OOC: Sorry for not posting the other day :( got really busy)
"Gotcha." She said, before looking around the room for anything she could find. Some busted chairs, a few glass bottles, a couple large wine bottles, and that was about it. Gathering everything together, she broke one of the bottle and wrapped a torn piece of her dress around it to make a handle. Using that she roughly widdled the broken spoke to a chair, so that if enough force was put behind it, it actually had a chance of breaking skin. The Children's skin was tough, but more in texture than thickness. It seemed loose over their bodied but tore just as easy as human skin if stabbed. if not, they could always beat them and fight them off with it.

When Wexely started to dance, she stopped and sat back.

"Is she awake?
Memories flashed through her mind as she slept.

Rain and thunder. A drunk father and hitting. The Limbo room. It was a room separate from the reality of the world. Completely silent. Completely dark. Hours on end. That's where it started. The madness procured in that room grew into something mind devouring. The only thing that could quell its insatiable hunger was dancing. Soft twirls until the monsters receded and the doors opened.

Wexley picked up speed as she twirled and stopped mere inches from the table. With her back to the other occupants of the room, her eyes flashed open. She stayed like that, back to them and wrapped in dark reveries.
Umbra simply sat, remembering himself and how he wasn't supposed to be a leader, nor social. He hoped that someone more prominent would decide to put his ideas into action, and erstwhile stared blankly into the distance. He zoned out completely, focusing his undivided attention on the heartbeat that throbbed through his heart, scalp and fingertips.
Her small hands slammed aggressively against the wood of the table and she turned towards the others.

"We need to move. Staying cooped up is grinding on my nerves. Either we start looking together as a group or split of into pairs. Personally I think smaller is better, but I'm starting to think differently." She smiled bitterly.
Clara was snapped out of thought, and set the currently.made weapons down on the table she was sitting on.

"We all need to armed first somehow though. I've got five of these made so far." She said, holding up one of the makeshift spears/batons.

"What if we need more?"
"5 s-should be enough, w-we can't stay in this room forever preparing." Noah says in his usual stutters, before taking one of the make-shift weapons that Clara had made, though it didn't do anything to make him feel more comfortable in the situation. "I think we s-should s-stay in threes, that way if someone turns we s-should still outnumber them, but s-still s-search everywhere to find a lab." He gives a nervous but sympathetic look to Wexley, it had only been a few minutes and she had already said she was thinking differently, so he didn't know how long it would be till she would transform completely. He gently walks towards the door and pushes it open slyly to take a peek outside before turning to see if any would follow him.
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Wexley strode towards Noah.

"I'm ready to go. But how do we break up the groups? I'm good with anybody but someone should decide who goes with who." She crossed her arms over her chest and inclined her head towards Noah.

"I think you should decide."
Umbra earwigged the conversation from the corner, glad to be passive in the main action. He found it quite amusing that of all people, the person most visably scared should end up as the leader. Real life did have a sense of irony and humour after all. Nevertheless, hearing more urgent howls outside the door, he became aware that they needed to hurry up and move.
"and Clara, while your weapon making skill is useful, the second I find a knife, I'm ditching this bottle." She twirled the bottle she had picked up loosely with her wrist.

"Not bad craftsmanship though. Pretty good for on the spot." She complimented the makeshift weapons. Then she smirked. The weight in her hand was relaxing and reassuring that, this time, she would have something between her and those dagger-like claws.

Even if it was just a fragile glass. Worst comes to worst, she could always just throw someone in the way of the blow. She looked around at her companions, debating on who was the lightest. Next to her it was Clara or Umbra. But she knew Clara would put up a fight, so Umbra it was. Although, she wasn't quite sure she would be able to do that to him.

Already thinking like a beast. She noticed.
Umbra snapped back into reality to see Wexley looking at him. He stared back blankly at her. "Well, come on then, Dr Stutter. Decide who's going with who." Although I presume that glance means Wexley's got her eye on me. He smirked a little. This is what it must feel like to have somebody who will always choose you in things like school sports. Obviously it's been ages since I've done any kind of sport, and never had anybody wanting me on their team anyway. But this is what it must feel like. A weak smile formed on his lips, a smile that was quickly replaced by a scowl. Oh stop it. You're beginning to sound like them.
"You look nice when you smile, Umbra. Try it more often." She had caught that, and thought it utterly hilarious. Her arms crossed over her chest and the bottle dangled from her fingertips. She really did hope, amusement aside, that she could go with Umbra.
"That's nice for me," he answered ambiguously not only in spite of her veiled meaning. He was well aware that his 'smile' was normally no more than a callous smirk, but reasoned that the aggression in it would appeal to Wexley anyway through its 'havoc.' Such a different thing to observe. I hope, pathetically, that we end up in the same group.
Noah scrunches up his eyes and massages the bridge of his nose, he didn't like being the leader, but with survival on the forefront of his mind, he was prepared to do anything. He points and waves to the members of the room as he speaks with a trembling hand. "Alright... I t-think we s-should have Umbra, Wexley, Deliah and me in one group. Then we can h-have Matt, Liliah and Clara in the other, hopefully that way we don't argue with each o-other too much while keeping an e-eye on each other. S-sound good?"

(OOC: Hope these groups are O.K. :P I'm just not sure who are still common posters and everything, so if theres any problems just tell me and ill change it up)
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"Sounds fine to me." Hopefully the relief that she did indeed end up with Umbra wasn't evident on her face.

How embarrassing! You're acting like some school girl with a crush! She mentally slapped herself. Get a grip Wexley!

Trying to stifle the flush of her cheeks, which she was completely unaccustomed to, she hurried towards her forming group.

"Are we going now then?" She asked stiffly.

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