Masquerade [Inactive]

Noah only gives a nod to Wexley before taking a sly look out the door, he smiles for a fraction as he thinks of saying 'Ladies First' to avoid leaving first, but he knew he couldn't do that... so leading with Clara's makeshift weapon after checking the hall was clear, he slips out the shattered door, holding it ajar for the others to follow. In the back of his mind, he curses at himself for volunteering to go along with Umbra's obnoxiousness, but he had his reasons.
Wexley followed Noah out the door carelessly. She didn't feel the need to check if Noah had deemed the hallway clear. The howls and grunts of the Children sent irresistible shivers up her spine. excited was putting it mildly. She would jump at the chance to draw blood from one of these things but out of revenge or adrenaline, the answer was unclear. She felt the anticipation from the bottoms of her bare feet to the top of her head. She caught up to Noah and walked side by side with him, not looking at him as she asked,

"Are you any good at fighting?" Only when the last word had been said, did she roll her eyes toward him to watch from the corners of her eye.
An alert Umbra trailed behind them, on the look out for anything dangerous and anything that would indicate location, and potentially where to find the laboritory he had envisioned. But nothing. Frowning, he continued following the others, flexing his fingers, which he found to be tingling unnaturally.
Matt watched them slowly, Liliah by his side. They picked up a weapon each, as Matt trailed over to Clara. "Um.. so... I guess we are together again." he smiled weakly. "Lead the way." he motioned for her to go whichever way she chose. Liliah stayed back, breathing getting slightly faster.
"N-Not really." He responds to Wexley, he hadn't fought anything since he could remember. He searches desperately around the halls for any room that would hold something of interest, but sees nothing. The group continues down the hallways until one of the Children abruptly charges through the door, sneering back at the room he just bursted from before turning to the group to reveal a bloodied muzzle and a chaotic stare. Noah reels back in fright, dropping his weapon, but quickly snatches it up back again and points it defiantly at the Child as he prepares to strike.

"Guess we will find out!" He basically shouts behind him in his surprise.

While they were searching, the grey tips on Noah's and Umbra's fingers advanced across their finger's and parts of their hands, while Wexley's grey skin had grown partially down her arm and around her neck. Matt, Liliah, Clara and Deliah were still completely pure.
Wexley slipped past Noah, and much in the way of dancing, began to inflict damage upon the Child. She twirled with each blow, dodging any counterattacks with ease. Her eyes had become dilated again, like they had when her sanity snapped briefly. A wide grin adorned her features that matched the mad look in her eyes perfectly.
((Sorry I haven't posted! I haven't gotten notifications on my phone haha))

Clara nodded, handing Lil a spear and matt a large wine glass.

Smiling to Wexley she thanked her before turning to her group and backing up to the other door.

"We stay close. Say in a triangle, keep my six safe. I've got your twelve." She said, before turning back around and opening the door. Leading into a hallway, it seemed eerily silent. At least for now
Matt nodded. "Ok." he agreed. "Thanks for the wine glass. Makes me feel slightly relived." He added a bit of light humour. Like she had said, humour never dies. Slowly, he entered, Liliah next to him and Clara in front.

Liliah followed quietly. She grasped her spear firmly with shaking hands. "Um.. Clara? If you don't mind me asking, how do you stay calm?" She asked in the gloom. "I'm a mess, really."
Clara nodded to Matt, grabbing the hem of her dress in a slight curtsey.

"It's not a problem." Turning back around, she stopped for a moment and listened, not hearing a single creak of the boards until Liliah spoke.

"First key is breathing. I definitely wasn't calm when those things went after me and Wex. It was a stupid idea." She said, her voice quieting at the end. She knew Wekely would've went outside regardless if Clara had gone with her, but her arm was starting to hurt where it grabbed her. The leathery skin absolutely irked her, and made it crawl.

"I work at a bar. When someone's drunk and freaking or gets angry, the easiest way to settle it is to be calm. Infact you have to be. Plus it also helps to shut down d**che bag customers that hit on you." She said, looking back briefly to Lil.

"You learn fast. Just breathe. Don't focus on what could happen, just focus on helping someone, and anything else good. Is it exciting, is it interesting is there a mystery to be solved. I haven't done anything like this here, but my daddy did. He was one of those army men. He always said a clear head was the one thing that was always his way or survival."

Looking forward again, she kept a keen eye on the hallway infront of her.
(OOC: Sorry for not posting, I wasn't watching this thread for some reason)

The Child that Wexley was attacking attempted to maul the girl, but Wexley was too deft on her feet. Soon, the Child's skin blistered and bled from her attacks, and gives up his attack to examine his wounds with utter facination. Noah looks at Wexley a little astonished "Thats... one way of doing it..."


Just as Clara turns around to look forward, two of the Children turn around the corner. As they lay eyes on her, their eyes focus and their jaws snap in a hunger, lurching forward to attack the group with a bloodthirsty zeal.
Breathing heavily, Wexley stepped back to admire her handy work. The multiple lacerations were oozing and in the heat of it, it had gotten all over her dress. She stepped back to stand besides Noah.

"I don't know if it will attack us if we try to pass by it. But we could always look in the room it came from."
"I don't think so." Noah says rather confidently, he strolls casually around the confused beast as proof that it was harmless when injured. He takes a look through yet another trashed door, but it seemed as though nothing particularly useful was inside the room, though some unfortunate soul seemed to have been ripped apart by the Child, and it seemed as though some flickering light was trying to survive behind the wardrobes cracked door. Noah goes back to hit scared and confused self once he was away from the Child and inside the room, though he turns around after a quick inspection. "D-Dosent look like anything is h-here."
((Apologies for not posting; I was merely waiting for something for Umbra to respond to :') "Interesting," Umbra mused, doing well to hide how impressed he was with Wexley's actions. As slightly unnerving as her movements were, he thought it good that she had the bravery to stand up to the creatures, and with such grace too. "They don't like pain at all, apparently. Like big, malformed softies." Nevertheless, Umbra made sure to stay specially away from the creatur as he passed.
Liliah smiled, taking a deep breath. "Ok... Thanks." she continued walking when she shrieked in horror. Two children were rearing to take out Clara. Remembering the advice, Lil paused, took a breath and relaxed. she clutched her spear and charged at them, impaling the closest with a sickening thud. Screeching, it reeled back. It drew a claw over her arm before dying - making her scream in agony and desperation.

The second child was aiming for Liliah. Thinking quickly, Matt smashed the bottle at the ground. He chucked the shards at it's eye, scoring a jagged wound in the creature's head and another on it's chin. The creature let out a fearsome roar, swinging round and catching Matt in his side. The teen was sent flying, landing on his back. "Now! Clara!" He shouted, bracing himself for the impact from the child's claws.
"It's a crying shame they aren't smaller, I think they'd make the most adorable pets." Wexley let her hair slip completely from its holder and then pulled it up again. Her bangs were tucked behind her ears and her eyes were uncovered. They were dark, almost dull, and still dilated which only meant one thing; that Wexley still had yet to come back from the brink of completely losing it. She moved almost robotically as she took the lead and continued down the hallway.
"That's quite a twisted sense of 'adorable' you have there," Umbra muttered. "Nevertheless, it's good that somebody is finding something to enjoy in all this." Umbra trailed behind, attentive and alone. They passed through a huge corridor with glass walls on either side. The left revealed the elaborate, sprawling gardens of The Baron's mansion; hedges and traditional stone architecture like many a stately home. On the right, insight into a huge dancing hall. Unsurprisingly there was no dancing, only several creatures standing around blankly. Umbra was a little surprised at their numbers; he hadn't thought there were that many people at the party. Yet he couldn't even count the creatures inside the hall. "Look at the partying going on here," he stated absently, trying to shake off the superstitious notion that talking would somehow alert them from the other room. We must find out what's going on.
Without turning completely to face him Wexley tilted her head backwards and settled her empty eyes on him. There was no mischief or havoc left, just dead soulless eyes. She dropped back to walk next to him and whispered quietly,

"Quite. I am quite the twisted person, it only makes sense." Although she had spoken, it was no longer playful or teasing like before.
Umbra turned stone cold. Having watched her a fair amount that evening, he was instantly aware that something was off. He noticed suddenly how far the greyness of her wound had spread. This is sad. Looks like we're going to have to resort to the latter plan. I'm sorry. This wasn't her at all. Umbra gave a concerned cautionary glance to Noah. He would have to be smart here.

"Are you a twisted person?" Umbra questioned. "Sure, you are different from society's norm, but does this make you twisted? Tell me, what are your interests? What do you like?" He had to test her humanity. Keep her focused. Discover her state. He felt his heart throbbing through his scalp, and suddenly felt like thousands of eyes were watching him.
"My...interests? What I like? Why is that of any importance? I didn't think you cared about such trivial things Umbra, but if you must know..." It was there for only a second, but a light smirk flickered across her lips before disappearing again. She brushed her hand over her shoulder lightly and let it rest there.

"I like chaos and havoc, this you already know." She was silent for a while after this remark and her grip on her shoulder tightened until her nails dug into the greying skin. Then she let go and her arm swung limply to her side.

"I like...the songs my mother used to sing for me...." It was said quietly, almost to hard to hear.
Mind still works as expected. So it's just bodily control. Ok. "It's good for one to have interests," he concurred, "as long as they are suitable. But enough of that. Wexley, your body is failing. Not sure how aware you are, but you're losing control of your body. Your mind is still with us, for now. It'll sound a little awkward, but please try to keep talking, and think about something prominent, something easy to picture." He twiddle his thumbs to keep calm; he really did feel like stone.
"Easy to picture? Easy to...picture." Her eyes hazed out and she chewed her bottom lip, thinking. Her head tilted back and she saw the sky, bright stars and a full moon shining down in the glass hallway. She tilted her head forward again and then as if she were a machine turned it to Umbra.

"Would you like to hear a story about the night sky? It's one my friends told me when I was locked away." But she did not continue on with the story, only paused to look up at the sky again.
Locked away? My gosh. At this stage, they had stopped movement completely. "If you insist in telling it to me then go on, I'm all ears." He spoke a little softer than earlier, still impossibly calm.
So she started, voice laced with melancholy. Not once did she look away from the stars as she spoke.

"When Earth was created, there was only day. Everything was peaceful until the animal inhabitants of this world started to argue amongst themselves. Some arguments turned to bloodshed. Mother Nature was deeply disappointed in her children and as punishment pulled a dark blanket over there world. In panic, the animals gathered to discuss ways to get it down. The proud and almighty lion stepped forth, and proclaimed that he could tear it down with his claws. So he leapt up and clawed the cloth but did not succeed. What was left, was the milky way. Next, a thousand tiny sparrows flew up and each of their tiny beaks pierced a hole in the fabric but they too, were unable. They had made the stars. Finally the great big condor flew up and tore a big round hole in the blanket, making the moon. Seeing their desperate attempts, Mother Nature forgave them and covered the Earth only half of the time."

She stopped and pressed her lips together. It was only then that she looked away from the shining lights above. "I had forgotten that I knew that story."
Well, that's a load of balls, went Umbra's mind. "That's a good story. Keep focused on it." Came his voice. He turned to Noah again, and then suddenly noticed the lifeless colour of Noah's arms. His eyes flickered down to his own arms, and he smiled grimly as his suspicions were confirmed. So this is infectious, then. Well, we need to find this lab quickly or else we'll all be leaving on the early train for the next life. No point in furthering the infection, though. Noting her stationary position, Umbra knelt down and picked her up once again, his frail and weakening arms already shaking. "We need... to hurry up..." he managed to Noah. Hang in there.
Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his neck and stayed quiet. She did not protest nor did she ask that he put her down for his sake. She was to out of it to really even notice. Slowly she reached up one hand towards the glass roof and clenched her fingers, like she was trying to grab the sky.

"My friends told me once, that if I climbed way up high, I could reach the sky like those birds. Do you think I could do that? If I climbed to the highest point and jumped up could I reach them?" She rested the raised hand over her eyes now, as if she didn't dare look out. "I don't believe them. They wanted me dead. But floating amongst the stars would be nice."

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