Masquerade [Inactive]

Approaching Noah, Umbra felt himself weakening. But as he noticed the defeated glance of recognition in his enemy's eyes, Umbra focused his mind onto one simple action; cut Noah. He ran straight past him, arm outstretched to slash a little of Noah's left arm as he passed, an odd coloured blood staining the blade. Now he had two things left to do; escape and save Wexley. No; two was too much work for his mind. He settled on the first one; he noticed a change in his friend as he whizzed by. Taking a gamble on his infection, Umbra charged straight through the rising flames, flames that danced up viciously to his trouser bottoms, singing the little flesh that was yet to be infected. But he had succeeded; he had won! Quickly, he patted out the flames of his clothes and barged through the door to the Baron's room, arm outstretched holding the bloodied blade, panting hard and wincing as he tried to regain focus. Drat, forgot about Wexley!" Cursing his singleminded-ness, Umbra illogically exitted the room without comment; he had arrived and left as an insect may do so to a flower. Mind foggied, he scoured through the ever waxing flames to try and picture a clear smokey silhouette.
The Baron was near the door as Umbra barged in, the loud crash had obviously garnered his attention. He looked a little shocked as Umbra presents the bloodied blade to him, which he graciously accepted. "You actually..." He began to say, though Umbra just as quickly left the room again. As quickly as he could, The Baron rushes to the chemistry table and plunges the blade into one of the many concoctions that lay aligned.


Noah roared in a bloodthirsty rage, he would recognise that blade anywhere, it was The Baron's blade, and that meant he was betrayed. He turned to the door that lead to the Baron's room just in time to see Umbra appear and wade through the smoke, before sneering at Wexley, unknowing of her change of heart. "Here's your chance, destroy him! I have a pest to cull." With that, he performs a magnificent lunge over the dancing flames and crawls into the Baron's room to enact his vengeance. Despite Wexley's voice telling her otherwise, Noah's commanding words seemed to fight for control over her body, the infection demanding that his orders be carried out.
(Sorry! I was watching Attack on Omegle)

Wexley's back stiffened at Noah's words and her eyes twitched. She watched as Umbra stepped nearer and the urge to attack nearly forced her forward. She began to tremble, trying with everything she had to resist the order, but when she could clearly see him, her body moved without her consent. She moved forward slowly as if to go speak with him, but when she was directly in front of him, she lashed out, aiming sharp claws at his eyes.

"Run away! I can't control my movements." She hissed at him as she lunged forward and tried to knock him off his feet.
Umbra dived backwards and landed painfully on his back, scrambling to climb to his feet once more. He scrambled to his feet, his head throbbing. He wanted to tell her something in order to snap her out of it but, noticing the change even in that brief moment, figured it would probably prove futile. Thus he turned and ran down the corridor, away from the smoke and flame.
She was relieved for a brief moment, before she was forced to trail after him. She felt as though one half of her mind was shadowy, not under her control. Which really it wasn't but the other half was and she was having a hard time trying to fight off the beast. Wexley picked up pace until she was only a few feet behind Umbra.
Umbra gritted his teeth and ran on, aware of the footsteps closing down behind him. Turning a corner, he sprinted round a spiral staircase leading to the upper levels of the mansion. Getting further and further away from Noah, a plan began to formulate in his head. He knew he was slower and weaker than Wexley; he was already beginning to feel tired and wasn't as athletic as her anyway. But maybe, if the influence on me is weaker further away, it might be the same with her too? So he set about drawing her a far away from Noah as possible.
The command still lurked in the corners of her mind, but with Noah's presence less prominent, it wasn't as demanding and she regained some control. At least enough to think straight and control most of her movements. She couldn't stop herself from running after him, but she knew that if it came to it, she wouldn't attack. As she ran she pondered Umbra's attack. he hadn't actually seemed to be aiming for anything vital or fatal for that matter. So what was the point of it? She now found herself comfortably jogging behind him and called out,

"So, if you weren't aiming to kill Noah and me, what was the point of the knife and brilliant chandelier display?"
"Ah, your back, hello!" Umbra slowed gradually to a walk and, out of breath, turned with a sheepish grin to Wexley. "Well, I met a strange little man who goes by the name of the Baron. He explained rather a lot to me, which I'll quickly inform you on now." He then proceeded to relay everything the Baron had told him earlier, including how the affect of the infection weakened in distance of Noah. Similtaniously, he lead her through the house upstairs, coming to a balcony bathed in moonlight at the other end of the establishment. At this distance, they were so far away from Noah that his influence was practically non existant. "Thus I needed collect only a sample for the Baron." he finished, now taking a breather on a lounging chair. "I wonder what's happening to him right now. And also how that machine works, seemed almost fantastically complex." A pause, then slightly awkwardly: "It's good that you weren't, erm, killed.'
The urgings of the demand had ceased completely and she was able to stand at a comfortable distance without fear. She listened intently as Umbra explained the details and smirked at his last, awkward comment. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to put me out of commission with that flame fiasco." Her smile widened and she looked up at the moon. "Thanks for coming back. That was quite a kind thing to do for a stranger. One who is a rather nasty piece of work and tried to kill you."
"Those are unfitting titles for you, don't make a habit of empressing them,' Umbra remarked. "But there's no need to flattery; I merely did what anybody would do for a friend, right?" A friend. He found those words alarmingly attractive. Taking a deep breath, he turned back to her. "Are you at all hurt? It looked like you had quite the scrap back there." He looked her over, noticing that almost her entire body was now covered with the grey infection. Yet her eyes still retained the attractive, manic glint of before. He smiled, this time properly and not in the least bit aggressive.
"I don't know about unfitting. I'm fine actually and as horrifying as this infection is, it's quite useful." She curled her clawed fingers into her palm then stretched them out. The fact that Umbra considered her a friend was mildly surprising, but also a pleasant thought. She smiled and turned around, hopping up onto the railing and balancing like a tight rope walker. "What do you plan on doing after you leave here? I'm thinking about leaving town. Of course, that all depends on if I can leave." She spun in quick circles on the edge, keeping her balance but just barely.
"I hadn't thought that far ahead," Umbra admitted, "I was more focused on the rather pressing matter of escaping with my life, and yours too. And now am conflicted with the present matter of dealing with Noah. How can we stop him? Because I imagine that's the only way to lose this." He indicated towards the greyness covering their bodies. He founds Wexley's claws and affection towards them a little disgusting, but did well to hide it.
Raising her arms to her sides she hopped towards him and crouched precariously next to him on the railing. She rocked on her heels, arms resting on her knees. "I suppose Noah would have to die, or take it away. If he even has the power to do that, I mean, it could be like being a lycanthrope. Never really goes away. I could always just..." She slid a finger across her neck. To be completely honest, she had done this before. Not the strange party creepy monsters part, but in a battle for survival she had come out on top and walked away with her life and blood on her hands.
"Don't make such stupid suggestions," Umbra scolded. "Personally, I think that because the affect comes from Noah, if we can dispose of him we'll be rid of this curse." Umbra felt a little uneasy with her balancing so dangerously beside him, but didn't challenge her, casting his mind instead back to thoughts on the Baron's present situation.
"That's what I was getting at. This won't be over until he's under control or neutralized." She turned her back on Umbra and kicked her feet, like a child who's feet didn't quite touch the ground. "I think neutralizing him is our best bet, but if we can avoid murder, we should probably try. Hn, do you think the Baron survived? We did leave him alone with Noah and close to a raging inferno." The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. Was the Baron alright?
"We'll, we might have to resort to murder if necessary," Umbra watched her back, "after all, he is a monster intent on presumably enslaving and devouring the entirety of mankind. And additionally, we leave him just momentarily incarcerate and he'll just come back and trouble more generations of people. It's better we get rid if him, though goodness knows where we start in regards to that. And the baron... It all depends on how close he was to finishing his machine. To be honest, I didn't stick around long enough to see him complete his work; I was too busy, eh, trying to rescue you." He shifted in his seat, and rested a long finger on his chin. "In hindsight, setting fire to that room might not have been the smartest idea. Now we might have to fight a burning building alongside a supernaturally monstrosity which we have no idea how to face. What an eventful night, hey?" He smiled wryly, and turned back to face the house, matching Wexley's thoughts.
"If it comes to that, I want to be the one to do it." She made no other comment and kept herself facing away from the interior of the mansion or Umbra. She silently agreed that setting the fire had been a bit of a bad move, but a clever one despite that. She stayed like this for a while more, before turning and jumping back onto the balcony soundlessly. Without a word, she strode into the house and started back the way they had come. If they were going to get anything done, it needed to happen soon or else the whole building would come down around their ears. As she came closer to the heat, the infuriating tug of Noah's influence made itself known. She hoped that the order was inactive and would not act up again.
Before she could get far, however, Umbra stopped her with his outstretched arm. "Sadly I don't think you'll be able to do that, as much as I know you'd like to. His influence on you is too strong; you'd be lost again the moment you get close to him. We need to think before we leap." And besides, I don't want you to get hurt in your recklessness. Friend.
She raised an eyebrow at him but didn't say anything immediately. Then she smirked and twirled to face him, hands on her hips, amusement clear in her blue eyes. "Hn? What's this? Do you think you could do it? I'd pay to see that!" She laughed, smirk still in place. Sure, teasing him wasn't the nicest thing to do after he had "rescued" her, but it was how she was dealing with it. She knew for a fact if Umbra had to fight Noah alone, without time to plan, he would most probably come out of it worse for wear. Or.... She shook her head vigorously, disguised by her laughter. Moving as she did had been the second most irrational thing she had done that night and definitely not the last. Planning out their next moves was smart, but if it came down to it, she would do anything to make sure she was the one to take Noah down.
"Mock me if you must, but remember that despite my physical limitations, I was the one to attack Noah, pull of a rather dramatic plan and rescue yours truly," Umbra grinned, a little smug. "Whilst I understand your worries, there are a number of factors we can find to use for our advantage. In any case, I have proven to be a resourceful comrade and you may well be 'paying to see' me succeed, if only we have time to think." From his reclusive life, Umbra could trust only himself; of course it was natural for him to be a little arrogant. But he admitted that she was right; he would almost certainly meet a grizzly end if he were to combat Noah directly.
"Alright, alright Mr.Hotshot!" She laughed sincerely this time. Wexley knew when she was beaten but despite his comforting words, she couldn't shed the uneasy feeling that gripped her like a sickness. She chewed absently on her thumb, mind racing with the possible plans. Finally giving in to the fact that she was not a strategist, she looked up at Umbra. "What do we do then?"
"We talk. A lot. Intellectually." Umbra returned her smile, and relinquished his grasp on her shoulder. "First we need to establish if Noah has any weaknesses, and I'd imagine the easiest way to do that would be to find out if The Baron knows anything handy about him, and indeed if out host is still alive. Then we can plan from there. If Noah's near, then we'll be able to feel him and distance ourselves slightly to work out his exact location; he won't be able to surprise us now we know how his powers work, so in theory we should be able to completely avoid him now if necessary. That plan good for you?"
"It's fine by me. Actually a lot smarter than what I was going to do." She hummed. "But what if Noah is lurking around outside where the Baron is? How do we get past him? And if the Baron is dead? What are we supposed to do then?" She had a lot of doubts. The plan was fine, but it was a riding on whether or not the Baron had escaped the raging Noah.
"I'm curious now to know what you had to offer up," Umbra smirked, leaning up against the doorframe of the balcony. The evening air was cool around them, and moonlight as pale as Umbra's shallow eyes seeped upon his back, making him almost glow a dim cream light. "The fact of the matter is that we have very little alternative. And if Noah is around The Baron's room then we'll feel him long before we reach him, thus forcing us to change plans. I think as long as Noah doesn't suddenly through a curveball into this alien system of his, we should be fairly free from danger until we ultimately confront him."
"I didn't actually have a plan. I was going on gut." Wexley smiled sheepishly. She crossed her arms over her chest and watched Umbra for a moment before speaking. "The plan has been agreed on, so when are we putting it into action huh? Should be soon, I got a hot date." She smirked into her palm and kept her other arm wrapped securely around her abdomen. It was meant to be a joke, but she found it rather ironic that they would have to head back down to the burning flames. I sure do got a hot date, with a crazed man-beast and a hungry fire.

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