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Fandom Marvel Universe 323- Occ

Will try to get a post up today but I will be busy with a few cookouts. From what I can tell, Shadow is still waiting for the mission from beast with the others in the swamp. And I’ll make a post for Chuck in Atlanta to follow up Ken and the earthquake
WeaselThor WeaselThor P Peaceswore
You said Atlanta...
*looks at original post*
Yeah, it says Atlanta, Georgia. Nightmare is currently in Atlanta. I'll change it up. Might as well use his super senses for something.
Alright all I need is the a-ok to go to South America and a place to shove Isroh into a terrifying situation and I can post. Pre-Mortem or post Mortem
Keep in mind those who engage the hulk...he is angrier than ever before in universe 323. He will not loose nor will he be an easy battle. He doesn't get brought down until the Global event.
Well there are two ways to enter the place. Through the underground railroad from Central Park Station and the waterways from the harbor. I can send Orsted to you
Well there are two ways to enter the place. Through the underground railroad from Central Park Station and the waterways from the harbor. I can send Orsted to you
Sending someone for him sounds like a good idea. I don't see Isroh going on his own unless asked. AAAAAAND sending a handsome man to ask something of him is an instant way to get him to do whatever you want. (He's a sucker for redheads.)
I'm thinking that I'm going to hold off introducing Cyclops for a bit. In the mean time we are still waiting at the Swamp for Beast to give us our mission.
Not moving on just waiting for responses and for everything to be in order for the global event that really kicks off the arc.
Yeah but...this is just the start. Each stone has hidden powers that will continue to grow as the story develops. Many powers will be shared between stone users. So the ability may not be in your arsenal at the start but it may be later.
I would post for Fenrir, but there is a storm atm and I lost internet, have to use my phone data atm. Sadly, I can't make a decent post on my phone.

As for Ken, I'm waiting for Its_Just_E Its_Just_E

And Kibto I'm not sure atm what I shall be doin
I would post for Fenrir, but there is a storm atm and I lost internet, have to use my phone data atm. Sadly, I can't make a decent post on my phone.

As for Ken, I'm waiting for Its_Just_E Its_Just_E

And Kibto I'm not sure atm what I shall be doin
I will have a post for Chuck in the morning to acknowledge the earthquake. Is there a direction you think we should head with it?

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