- I mean, noting the powers in their section, like what spells you want to have and what they do would constitute a list. A method of organizing you know?
Well big thing is everything strange is cenima does is eldritch magic which seems to be an all purpose magic there isn't really a list of spells just the school of eldritch magic
- Right so just want to clear a few things up real quick; what size of bolts are we talking about, like baseball size or something roughly around that? Then for whip/sword action, fair to say those are basically just energy versions of a standard whip and sword? For the matter of sword, one handed or two handed type deal. And then assuming the teleporting is done via portals since it is brought up, abouts how long does it take for that and about how far do each teleport bits that aren't straight to another dimension go. Then just what sort of objects we talking about for conjuring and transmuting, non-biological stuff right?
- Noted. And then as long as the conjuring isn't say, dropping a steamroller on someone and portals don't get spammed to death, yeah Wong seems fine to go.
Oh just a heads up, Mole Man himself is not out on the surface yet. And as for his particular tunnel... Weeell...
But back to the surface world the primary threat up there, if you aren't counting whatever Mole Man is doing down below, are the many moloids he has unleashed. Sorry for not making that clearer earlier.
Also had bit of outage issues, so wasn't able to respond to stuff. I'll be getting out IC responses shortly.
And I'll be checking out your finished character Zerohex