Mancyfantisia (translation: magic wish.)

Necroseaven and I grab our sword and fight. It lasted a while. when we were finished I had so many scars. "You don't want want Dakhun."Necroseaven nodded.
Maxine yelp's. Suddenly she grab's Stranger Girl's hand and whisper's. " Don't try to Sve me, Heal my Brother instead. That is my Final Wish." She Give's her a small smile and look's to her with sickly gray eye's before releasing her hand. And slowly closing her eye's.
Tears went down my face. i nodded and placed a necklace on her. it glowed making a casket of diamond. i ran over to coko my eyes full of fury at necroseaven
I turn around and walk to Pheobe. I kneel down and my hand glow a sick purple, and i rest them on her corpse, her wounds heal.
Pheobe jump's awake. Her's open, once again bright green. She gasp's for Air. Looking at Coko suddenl realizing what he had done. She wrapped her arm's around his neck and give's him a huge hug. " Coko I knew you Wouldn't Break your promisd." She smile's, until she look's to Stranger girl. She pull's herself away. " No! STRANGER GIRL!" She screamed. " Coko, Father will kill her. Stop her, I'll wait right her." She promised, giving him another smile.
Necroseaven: He smirked "Go and leave I won't stop you."

Coko: I pick up Nichole and walk her to the Haou. Cerby followed close "Pheobe, you can ride cerby." I hop on the dragon and fly off.
Pheobe looked to the Ground. She suttly watched them go. " I am Forbidden to go." She say's, Watching Cerberus sadly. "Follow them Cerby." She mutter's and looks to her Fathee
She look's to hee Brother. She smile's as She get's on Cerby, and Fly's off. Feeling the rushing aie, make's her feel better. " Freedom." She mutter's to herself. Closing her eye's to the wind.
Pheobe flew to Stranger Girl. " Don't you'll get weaker. Cerby hold us still." She held her hand's out and began to glow sea Foam green. Thirty seconds later, sh was out of breath and looked at her caringly. " I hope I had enough power to heal you." She said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Then, Flying to Cok. "Where are we going. He Know's where you were before."

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