Mancyfantisia (translation: magic wish.)

"I am. Let's GOOOO!!!"" I zoom out hopping on the dragon.

Necroseaven: He sits on a throne made of bones "Where are they?"
She gripped Coko's hand tighter. When she was Out of Hearing Range, Pheobe softly mumbled. " Are we Going to Die?" To her Brother, Her Eye's shining with Fear.
When They arrived, Maxine was The First to Jump down "You Wait here. I will tell Father of your Arrival. He Might be a little..... Ah.... Judgemental of our Guest." She smiled. " Wait until i Call you both." She said. Maxine turned, She pushed the door's open and walked before the throne. She nealed, " Father." Maxine Announced, Keeping her head low.
Necroseaven: "Took you long enough. Were is Coko?"

Coko: I am pushed in the room by a huge dog with horns, batwings, and a snake for a tail, who pins and licks me. "HAHAHAHA!!! CERBY! DOWN GIRL! OR UP!" The dog gets off of me and I stand up. "Heh..cerberus..."
Maxine Looked at Coko sweetly. " I Brought him Back, Just as you ask Father. But I Failed to Kill The Girl. She ....It's all a Mistake...." Her Voice trail's realizing sje had spoken out.
Necroseaven: "Wait what?"

Coko: I look at father with disgust. ""

Necroseaven: "Welcome back...thank you fo-"

Coko: I cut him off. "I didn't do it for you. I came back because if I stayed my sister, YOUR DAUGHTER, would die."

((I forgot to say what Necroseaven looked like. He has long, unkempt, black hair, pitch black eyes, pale skin, olympian physique, and wear black armor that has "soul arbiter" written in an ancient language.))
i peeked in listening to the argument. a cloth went over my mouth. my eye lids drooped. i fell into someone's arms unconcious. Haou barked in a frenzy. the person dragged me away.
((Sprry Computer crash >.<))

Maxine rose and walked backwards. Placing her hand in Coko's. " Thank you Brother." She Said Aloud. She Felt Powerful next to her brother. She still looked slyly down. "Father please tell Coko of The Horrendess deed you have done while, Coko was away." Her Voice Faltered, as She made eye contact with her Father
Maxine tugged on Coko's Shirt. "He as to Tell you. He did something Coko. Something Niether of us could control." Her Eye's laid on The Stranger Girl's Unconciouss body. Her Voice faltered and sh squeezed her eyelids shut.
Coko: "WHAT!?"

Necroseaven: "She defied i had no choice. Things would've been alot smoother if she-

Coko: I run up to him about to stab him with Dakhun. My voice grows demonic and my eyes start to glow. "YOU COWARDLY, KIN-SLAYING, INCONSIDERATE SON OF A *****!!"
For a Few Seconds Maxine sat in shock. But before she knew it, she had screamed out " NO! COKO!" She Chased him up. Once she reached Coko, She grabbed his arm and cried out. Pain sheered through her body as she fell backwards. Tumbling down the stairs. Until she reached the bottom, she sat huddled over. Clenching her wrist.
"Thank you....Stranger girl...." She opened her eye's and looked at her brother. Her bright green eye's were now a sickly gray. "Fight, Befor the Arua goes out...." She closes her eye's again and fall's to the ground, landing on her back.

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