Mancyfantisia (translation: magic wish.)

Suddenly Three Bang's Sounded From The Front Door. BAM BAM BAM!!!!! " Hello? Is Anyone Here?" A Small, Voice of A Little Girl Cried.
A Small Child Bowed to The Girl. She Wore a Small Baby Blue Dress. She had a Baby Blue head band ontop of her small head. Her Sweet Black Curl's bounced slightly on her shoulders. Her Expression was Angry. " I am Pheobe. Youngest Daughter of Necroseaven. I am Looking for My Sibling Coko. Is he Here?" She asked in a Sweet Voice.
Pheobe looked at The Girl. " I Do Not Like Liar's. Please. I Know he is Here. I watched you too Fly off." The Little girl was Angered. She began to Glow, an Arua color of Sea Foam Green, Began to Glow slightly around her. " Do not Make me Hurt you." She whispered, Placing her hand's out. She closed her eye and took a Deep Breath. Slowly glowing brighter. " I'm Sorry." She Whisper's. Her Arua glowing brighter.
(( Call me Either Maxine or Pheobe idc))

Maxine smiled warmly to her Brother. "I am Sorry Stranger. Brother you Should not have left." She placed a Hand on The puppy silenting the growling. Then, looked up to meet her Brother's eyes. " Father would not be Proud." She said, Watching Coko silently for His Reply.
Her Small Eye's Turn to Sympathy. She Followed him. " But, Brother He Care's abour you. More than me.Please Come home. He said..... He said.." She stopped and looked strait to the Floor. " He said he Would Kill meif I Returned Without you..." Her voic faded. She looked at Him with Sadden Eye's. " If you Choose to stay. I will be on my Way." Maxine stiffened up and walked over to The girl. She grabbed her arm and began to glow. But only for a secound. " I hope you No Longer feel pain. I have healed you. I'm Sorry." She looked at her with longing eye's. Then Stepped back into the night
Maxine Slowly turned around. " I have to go. Father is waiting. If...If Coko Doesnt come, I Have no choice, but to Face Death as aTrue worrior. There is nothing you can do to Save me, Kind Stranger." Her eye's flashed to her brother once more. " Goodbye for the Last time, Coko." Her voice harden, as though she was about to cry. She stepped backwards and locked eye contact with The Stranger. " Thank you." She turned and stepped away.
Pheobe threw her arm's around him. " Thank you. Thank you." She whispered. Slowly she pulled back. " I Dont think it's a good idea if she come's. I Haven't told you the whole part of my mission." She Shamfully looked down. She didnt want to break his Spirit. Not When he just agreed.
i said''sure i'll go... haou!'' haou ran out and i said''ready to sow them your power boy?'' haou barked and grew large and had angel wings. i said''forgot to mention haou's an angel dog''
" No!" She Cried. " You Can Not Go. It is a Death Penalty. They want her dead. They think she had Taken you against your will. You are not Evil, I see. My Mission was to Come, Kill her and Return you Home Safely. It se come's, The will kill her. I am Truly sorry Brother." She Frowned, Twirling her curl's in one hand.
She took Coko's hand. " Please. Tell her to Stay. She will listen to you. Coko, I will give you five minutes.I'll be Outside awaiting. But, you Must Hurry. If We Dont reach the Deadline. We are A Dead Sea." She released his hand and walked outside. " 5 Minutes." Slowly she closed the door and walk to The water bank down below.
She looked at Coko, uneasy. " I Hope your Right, Brother. Because if your Wrong, She will Share our Fate. Now we must go, Deadline in about Thirty Minutes. Do you think we can make it?" She askd in a small voice. placing her hand in Coko's. Looking at The Stranger Girl. " Stranger Girl, Are you Ready to Leave?" She said, Watching the dog of Her's.

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