Main RP [RP happens here]

Sgt. Guerra

he sat behind the wheel of his car wondering how the woman was he had seen her being put into the ambulance but honestly she looked beyond hope bleeding from the skull broken arm and messed up all to hell he sat quietly except the roaring sirens he had learned long ago through many stake outs to entertain him self while remaining ready to follow. As he sat in wait he mentally started putting to together a puzzle or at least a ruff draft of what happened in an ally so might have been a mugging or some sort of deal gone bad he would ask the lab for a test on her blood for elicit substances but he had a second witness to track down the one who had made the call but then bailed leaving the scene of a crime is a crime so he would have to be looked for any way he would have to ask the local news network to officially ask for him to come in and then give him a fine. So much to do and so little time but lets look at what evidence he has now a large skeletal man he had to wonder how a guy like that could hide I mean this is a big city so skeletal like figures are around so finding the exactly right one would be to say the least problematic he sighs deeply he'll work late tonight to do all of this but in the end that's what needs happen.

@JPax @YoungX @Hanah Solo
Kai Williams

After he got into his apartment, he immediately crashed into his bed. He decided to unpack everything after he woke up. He willed to take a 10-minute nap, but he knew that the 10-minute would later change to a 10-hour nap. His car key was still in his pocket, but he wasn't sure if the car itself was still on the inside parking lot of the apartment. Kai closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

(I'll interact when I wake up or if something bargained into my room lol)


Rin sits in an old-looking store with the entrance being a wide-open wall rather than a door. His headphones rest on his ears as he lazes around. He seems bored, waiting for a customer for the day. But he doesn't sell goods; he sells services. It's an odd jobs outpost. Rin is willing to do anything for anyone for any payment, so long as the job he is sent out to perform entertains him. He's actually pretty well known as a big goofball around the city, and he usually has business. But today, nothing has come his way. Not a single customer. "C'mon! I'm booooored! Can't someone just come in and give me something to do??" he whines. People seem to just walk by, looking at the store then minding their own business. He looks at the sign at the front of the shop. From where he is sitting, it says "OPEN". "It says open, so why isn't anyone coming in??" Then he realizes. From where he is sitting, the sign is opposite of what everyone else sees. He forgot to flip the sign. "Oh..." He flips the sign the correct way and leans back against a table, legs crossed and arms folded. Aside from odd jobs, Rin's shop also sells pranks and gags such as whoopie cushions, electric hand buzzers, explosive candles, and some other fun things. He's quite a prankster and fun lover indeed.


Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"Come on. Are you okay?" Christina didn't really have much sympathy about the whole mom thing, it was mostly for making her feel better. Physically, at least. She put the needle into Hanah's arm so she'd at least get some nourishment. 

Theta looked at his radar. "Someone's coming. Let them in the ambulance?"

@Hanah Solo @Theflamre 

Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"Come on. Are you okay?" Christina didn't really have much sympathy about the whole mom thing, it was mostly for making her feel better. Physically, at least. She put the needle into Hanah's arm so she'd at least get some nourishment. 

Theta looked at his radar. "Someone's coming. Let them in the ambulance?"

@Hanah Solo @Theflamre 

Sgt. Guerra 

He knocks on the outside of the ambulance "it's Sgt Guerra" he says in his naturally deep voice. He was pretty curious why the ambulance had stopped and didn't  honestly know who was in the vehicle.
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Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"That big guy that works under you?" Theta quickly said this before running down to the driver's seat and slamming the door shut, locking it and taking a seat on the driver's side. He hated human interaction.

Christina, on the other hand, just opened the back of the ambulance to reveal the injured girl lying down on the stretcher and being treated for her wounds. "Right, I'd know your voice anywhere." The captain looked at Guerra with her typical face of seriousness before going right back to treating the girl. "You know, the doctor's in the front right now checking up on her files."

@Theflamre @Hanah Solo

"Head hurts, arm hurst, i lost my knife and mom's neclace... Mom gived neclace to me..."

Hanah starts closing herself off to own world.

"Head hurts, arm hurst, i lost my knife and mom's neclace... Mom gived neclace to me..."

Hanah starts closing herself off to own world.

Sgt. Guerra 

He decides the captin doesn't have the best bed side manner and gets into the ambulance "my name is Sgt. Guerra  can you tell me your name ma'am" he speaks slowly and clearly making sure not to crowd the woman. so she had a knife and her neck less given to her mother it was stolen he makes a mental note of that. he had wondered why the skeleton man as he had taken to calling him had  brutalized her. She had resisted him that also explains the broken arm.
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Sgt. Guerra 

He decides the captin doesn't have the best bed side manner and gets into the ambulance "my name is Sgt. Guerra  can you tell me your name ma'am" he speaks slowly and clearly making sure not to crowd the woman. so she had a knife and her neck less given to her mother it was stolen he makes a mental note of that. he had wondered why the skeleton man as he had taken to calling him had  brutalized her. She had resisted him that also explains the broken arm.

Hanah start getting new panic attack when nearly same size man than one who attacked comes closer her.

@JPax @Theflamre
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Hanah start getting new panic attack when nearly same size man than one who attacked comes closer her.

He remains calm moving slow as he puts as much distance  he can between her and him as he can without exiting the vehicle. "please calm down ma'am my name is stephan Guerra " he says using his full  name instead of his title " you have been assaulted can you tell me your name"
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Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

Just like that, Christina put a mask with laughing gas over Hanah's face. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't make the target laugh, it just makes them feel much more comfortable in their situation. "Cm on just relax..."

Theta finally walked out of the drivers seat with some diagnostics. He avoided eye contact with anyone, especially his best friend Christina. Though it was weird for him to be out, he swiftly began to manage the things around Hanah such as the monitors and glucose drip.

@Hanah Solo@Theflamre
Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"I don't know her name..." The captain didn't even look up from Hanah and began mixing a little more oxygen in the gas to make Hanah capable of breathing. Without Hanah's knowledge, Theta began to calculate how to set her bones the best way and proceeded to do just that. Christina just kept looking down at Hanah with a bit of sadness, feeling bad for the girl but at the same time irritated that someone would attack her. "What's your name?"

@Hanah Solo @Theflamre
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John is casually sitting at his desk, feet on the desk itself, spinning one of his pistols around his finger. No-one liked it when he did that, since his finger was technically on the trigger, yet he didn't care. 

His fedora hangs on the corner of his computer, as it is on idle mode at the moment. So far, he hasn't been needed recently, since it was pretty obvious what happened. He was more of a reserve detective, anyway. He sits, bored, waiting for a call, anything, to come through.
He takes out a journal and starts writing things down " so he attacked you then you stabed him there was mention of a neckless stolen could you describe it 
"Mom's necklace...pretty whit photo of's necklace..."

Hanah start crying.

"Alright calm down its alright if you help us we will catch him , get you neckless back and everything will be fixed now why we're you in the ally in the first place" he asks

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