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Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Out Of Character]

New idea I just Got: Ochako sending a third monster against Matsu Specifically out of the same Petty Revenge that she wants on Lady bear, The News reporter who Declared lady bear worse than she and The Savoury Umami Girls.
Ok so the first idea is a Monster called Uglificator that Makes things ugly by "Stealing their beauty" through a Process that makes the monster bigger and Stronger up to a Specific Point. After which point it Explodes due to having eaten too much. This will be the News station boss battle.

The second idea is a monster called the "Doominator 5000" that Looks like a Robotic biker. Doominator Can shoot Lasers out of its hands and eyes and fire it's Fingers off like Missiles.

The final idea is an old one. The Crabanoid, A cross between a Scorpion and a Crab. It's Big, Strong and has a Stinger you have to avoid or else you'll be made Sick enough to not be able to fight for a few minutes.
Ok so the first idea is a Monster called Uglificator that Makes things ugly by "Stealing their beauty" through a Process that makes the monster bigger and Stronger up to a Specific Point. After which point it Explodes due to having eaten too much. This will be the News station boss battle.

The second idea is a monster called the "Doominator 5000" that Looks like a Robotic biker. Doominator Can shoot Lasers out of its hands and eyes and fire it's Fingers off like Missiles.

The final idea is an old one. The Crabanoid, A cross between a Scorpion and a Crab. It's Big, Strong and has a Stinger you have to avoid or else you'll be made Sick enough to not be able to fight for a few minutes.
Sounds cool

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