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Fantasy Mahora Academy

"Anora..." Scarlet replied softly almost sad and longingly.

Kastor looked down at his lap when Scarlet said the name. It was their mother's last name, meaning light. As far as Kas was aware Scarlet could never think of a proper name for the sword when they were younger and must have finally chosen it after their mother died.
" Seems like that name holds some meaning towards you two. And odiously it brings a dawning memories." He touched his long thin Blade. " Name have meaning behind them ,even with that single word it could be a savior one day." He looked at scarlet and smiled , a few words flash across his ghostly gray eyes. " Light I believe right?"
After a bit of sitting there bored...Veronica found that if she wanted to act more 'normal' she might just need to hang around people more often. She got up and in a flash she had run all the way to class, a small gust of wind followed her. She peeked into the room through the small window on the door and watched eveeyone interact, with curiosity she just stood outside the classroom...not wanting to disturb them, or make them uncomfortable with her presence
Yukii saw Veronica standing at the window from out of the corner of his eye, he turned towards her and beaconed to enter the class. " Come on don't be like that."
Veronica blinked and tensed before quickly moving so she couldnt be seen anymore and blinked leaning her back flat on the wall next to the door
Veronica peeked in through the little window again her hair had come undone and it fell in her face
Scarlet saw the words in his eyes and were amazed. "Yeah." She said in reply to them then watched Yukii move to the window.

Kastor looked at his sister in confusion.
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Veronica flinched and blinked then looked to Yukii she ran her fingers through her hair and pulled out a ribbon from her pocket, the ribbon was made of black silk and had a red lace trimming, she tied r he ribbon on and pulled it up over her forehead to hold her hair back before she looked back to Yukii
Yukii looked down and saw Veronica. " Come on your gonna be late for class." He reached out his hand and waited to help her up and in to the room.
Scarlet looked back down at her sword then gently set it on the table. She figured while she had time she would try to focus on controlling her mind reading. If she wanted to do well in Magics she would need to get a better grip on her powers.

Kastor grew board of waiting and pulled out his gun "Rattlesnake" and began to lightly polish the shiny black metal.
Veronica glanced from Yukii's hand to the classroom behind him then she hesitated and inspected his hand before holding her hand out and grabbing onto his hand
Yukii warped his fingers around her hand and pulled her in to his arms. From there he set her down on the floor in side the class. " There no one died." He went back to his seat and pointed at a chair next to him." Come on sit."
Veronica blinked when he pulled her up, she stayed quiet and when he went to sit down she followed him andnpaused before she got to the chair and looked to Scarlet and Kas she took a small step back keeping her distance
As Kastor polished his gun his thoughts wondered to his father. Even after everything that happened Kas could not find it in him to be angry with his father.

Scarlet continued to focus trying to listen to the thoughts that poured into her head but there so many it made them hard to understand. She put her hands to her head as her head ache began to intensify but she continued to focus anyway. Just as she was feeling faint from over exerting her mind a single thought process became clear and understandable to her.... it was her brothers.

Kastor was lost in thought remembering the morning he woke up after his father had left.

Kas woke up with a start. He got dressed and rushed down to Frezur's study eager to train hoping that things would continue as normal despite his mother's recent death. However when Kas threw open the large sliding doors to his father's study, he found it was empty. Kas slowly entered the study focusing on something left on his father's desk. As he made his way over he noticed it was his father's gun "Rattlesnake" and a letter.

"To Kas..."
" they won't bite, sit." He wanted to keep her calm especially after what happened, so he tried to give her as much support that he could. His chain grew pruplr again. "Its just scarlet" he thought to himself. He gave Veronica a reassuring grin.
Continues to subconsciously wag his tail in excitement. Briefly, he notices another has entered the classroom. Upon recognising her as the girl who attacked Eva, he turned his attention back towards the front. While he may not hold any personal ill will towards her, she did try to attack him... After he called her an idiot.

'I should probably apologize...'
Veronica hesitated, then took a seat...she dug around in her pocket till she pulled out what looked like a small baby sock, the sock was worn out and had lace on the top...she tried to hide the little sock from everyone elses view as she gently rubbed her fingers over the fabric, keeping it close to her lap
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Scarlet pulled herself from his thoughts. She felt angry at the fact that her brother held no resentment towards their father. Thoughts from everyone in the room and the school immediately rushed into her head again. She felt so angry and overwhelmed, unsure what to do just sitting there now.

Kastor soon realized that Scarlet had managed to read his thoughts, "Scarlet, listen...." he started softly placing a hand on her shoulder.

She shook it off and immediately stood while drawing her sword to his throat, "Don't touch me." Her voice as always retained it's elegance but the anger in it was very apparent and there seemed to be a dark undertone almost unnoticeable.
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Yukii smiled when she sat down. His tired and drew his own sword and parried the sword away from her brother throat." Stop."
Veronica didnt seemed to be paying attention at the moment as she stared at the little sock, pinned to the sock was an old piece of paper that only had the words 'Im sorry, my sweet...Veronica' though the last name semed to have been earased so it was smudged and illegible
Seeing the teacher clearly wasn't ready to start class, Ichika stood and made his way to veronica's seat. He stood akwardly for a bit, the girl seemingly preoccupied. He tried to formulate words, but nothing was coming out. How difficult was saying sorry supposed to be?

"Ah... I... Hmmm."
Kas looked up at his sister but held no fear in his eyes. In fact there was no expession on his face at all.

After a few moments Scarlet lowered her sword and cast her eyes to the floor as she gripped her amulet with one hand. She then quickly turned and grabbed her things and left the classroom in a hurry.

Kas watched her go in silence then went back to polishing Rattlesnake as if nothing had happen, "Hello, Veronica how are you feeling?" He asked politely. "I would like to apologize on behalf of me and Scar for stepping in earlier when it came to you and Eva, I hope you know that we hold no resentment towards you of any kind."

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