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Fantasy Mahora Academy

Scarlet hesitantly adjusted her long curly brown hair so all of it fell over her left shoulder. She then reached behind her neck and carefully unclasped her amulet and handed it to Yukii for safe keeping. Suddenly a black pattern that looked like thorns from a rose bush began to spread up her arms and legs wrapping around them and her torso, they stretched up her neck and along the right side of her face. Her left eye retained its color except for what looked like a few speckles of yellow, orange, and red that appeared in it; almost like she had glitter in her eye. However, on the right side of her face it looked like it began to crack open from under the eye, through it and just past her eyebrow, then it began to glow a yellow orange almost as if light was shining from it. On her head horns began to sprout out and twist in a circle like a ram's and her ears elongated and took the shape of elf ears as sharp fangs formed in her mouth.

(To get an idea of what her horn and right eye now look like):


Scarlet was no longer looking at Yukii in a sweet and innocent manner, there was a emptiness and darkness that was now there; almost as if she was void of feelings and a soul.
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Yukii watched her transformation. He held the amulet in his left hand keeping it as tight as a Cobras grip." Scarlet?" He spoke in a weary tone. He got up from his stop from the bed and back away.
Scarlet looked at Yukii and smiled beautifully yet no emotion could be found in her face, "Don't be scared." She said her voice sounded different too, it was pretty than usual and had an echo to it; it was enchanting to say the least.
Yukii backed up more. " I-I. Your still scarlet?" His chain started to emitt a red glow. He looked at it and then back at scarlet
"Still Scarlet?" She questioned slightly irritated as she rose to her feet and slowly started to approach him. "I am Scarlet!" She snapped as she continued towards him. "The girl you met earlier..... thats not me...... aaaat least not entirely." She said standing toe to toe with him. Her voice became a bit playful, but it still contained an darkness; she leaned in close to his face as she spoke, "I'm more me than ever..."
Yukii looked at her right eye. His chain's light started to intensify. " Now explain to me why you were about to slit your brothers throat.
Scarlet stepped back from him and turned sitting elegantly on her bed again. "I would never hurt Kas. He knows that." She replied crossing her arms.
" Then why'd you have him at the tip of your blade? Was it something about your family?" He wasn't try to get her riled up. He stupidly left his baton in the class, he didn't have anything to protect him while he's here. He sat down next to her and looked at her features.
"I was angry...." Scarlet replied. "My father was cruel to me! He would hit me and tell me I wasn't good enough. From the minuet I was born I was nothing to him. I didn't look right and I could never control my powers properly either. I still can't! It's like there are thousands and thousands of voices in my head all the time and I can't understand any of them unless I put all my energy into focusing on them and I can barely control minds. No matter how hard I worked to get better it wasn't good enough for our father. My brother never stepped in and did anything he just stood there and watched. I wasn't a perfect Naphalem and I couldn't perform as a perfect demon when he decided thats how he would raise me...." she confessed with anger and frustration, but pain could be seen in her face and eye. "I eventually decided I would be neither. That I would wear that amulet to conceal what I was and practice and study hard to develop my powers. But no matter how much I practice I show very little improvement if any.... When Frazur learned of what I had chosen to do he went into a rage... he decided he was done with me being a constant disappoint and embarrassment to him.... that he was tired of the shame I would cause him.... and he tried to kill me...." At this point Scarlet began to cry, "Everything happened so fast and before I knew it my mother was standing in front of me protecting me..... so she took the hit instead...." there was a long pause after that. "..... after that my father stopped talking to me.... he ignored my existence.... then one day he was gone. He left me and Kas alone......" She then looked to Yukii, "I was trying to practice my mind reading during class while we waited for it to start...... I happened to pick up on Kastor's thoughts.... he was thinking about our father.... he holds no hate or resentment towards him despite all that he did to me and what happened to our mother.... he isn't even upset over the fact that he left us......" She said anger and pain in her voice.
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Yukii stay quiet. He got up and kneeled in front of her." If he dosent hold any anger for your father , then that means he's forgiven him. It's evident that you have strong hatred for your farther. In my opinion you should try to forgive him. Or you can die bitter and cruel. Who knows your magic might be better if you let those negative feelings." He wiped the tears off her face and took her into an embrace.
Normally Scarlet would have easily hugged him back but now it just felt strange to be embraced. She stood there for a minuet uncomfortable and in shock then she hesitantly hugged him back thinking about what he said.
He broke the embrace and held her at arms length." Why would he call you imperfect, you look fine how you are." He held the amulet infront of them." If you want to stay the way you are now then I'll take care of this, if you don't then you'll put it on."
At last, the teacher entered the classroom, she looked young and had several sword with her, she turned and bowed to the class "good evening, I am Setsuna and I'll be teaching you swordsmanship this year, it's a pleasure to meet you all" she seemed straight laced and unemotional. She also seemed to have a similar kind of atmoshpere as Eva a non human one.
Snaps to attention with the arrival of the teacher, his ears slipping from the girls grip and his embarrassment at the contact completely forgotten. Finally he would learn from another 'Really strong big sis!' His father, proud of his own strength, never once failed to regale him with tales of the strong people he met during his time here. Setsuna was one such person that he always wanted to meet, but to have her teach the art of the sword was something he had been waiting for since his father allowed him to attend Mahora Academy. He also wanted to meet Takahata and have the man measure the skills he tried to hone imitating the man, but that was something he wasn't sure was possible.
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TheWhiteLion said:
Snaps to attention with the arrival of the teacher, his ears slipping from the girls grip and his embarrassment at the contact completely forgotten. Finally he would learn from another 'Really strong big sis!' His father, proud of his own strength, never once failed to regale him with tales of the strong people he met during his time here. Setsuna was one such person that he always wanted to meet, but to have her teach the art of the sword was something he had been waiting for since his father allowed him to attend Mahora Academy. He also wanted to meet Takahata and have the man measure the skills he tried to hone imitating the man, but that was something he wasn't sure was possible.
Setsuna placed several Shinmeiryuu swords in the front of the class and slid a doer behind her open, it was a dojo. She then turned Ichika and smiled "so you must be Ichika, Kotarou's son. He won't stop talking about me training you, he's been asking me for years" she said before taking her signature sword and putting a hand out, beckoning them to the dojo.
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Yukii looks at her one last time before he gave her a quick kiss and ran out of the room. He left the amulet in her hands. He made it to the class and opened the door. " Sorry I had to step out Sensei."
(Sorry I was gone longer than expected)

Veronica giggled when Ichika had leaned into her hand, then when he looked to the techer she quickly turned around and blinked watching Setsuna now with a blank expresion...this class would most likely bore her, she sighed
Emilia peeked her head in the door, tilting it to the side creepily. " I'm sorry......am I late?" She said slowly and softly. There was a sharp edge in her voice. She sounded like a possessed doll when she talked.
Scarlet looked down at the amulet in her hands. She wasn't ready for other people to see her the way she is actually is. And she was still to weak to fight the darkness that keeps tugging at her heart. She lied when she said she wouldn't hurt Kas.... she wouldn't her him with the amulet on.... but with it off.... she hated every ounce of him.... she grew up always in his shadow, jealous of him.... and he never stepped up or defended her.... Scarlet put the amulet on and fell to the floor in pain as she changed back to how she was before she took it off. A few moments later she found herself waking up where she had fallen. She then stood and grabbed her sword rushing back to class.

Kas looked to Yukii when he entered, "Is she coming back to class?" He asked putting his gun away now that the teacher had shown.
Emilia walked in and sat at an empty desk. When she walked, she looked like a puppet being pulled into walking positions by strings. She didn't even care who she sat by. When she sat, she simply smiled, showing her fangs. @anyone
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Scarlet slowed as she approached the classroom then casually entered. She avoided eye contact with her brother and Yukii afraid that he would be disappointed she put the amulet back on. She saw that the teacher had asked for the students to enter the dojo which Scarlet hadn't noticed earlier when she was there so she stepped inside hoping she could hide somewhere in the crowd of other students.

Kas looked up when Scarlet entered the room and spoke again, "Nevermind." He said as he stood up to follow the rest of the class.
Kazuichi walked to the gate of the school sighing as he saw the last person he wanted to see his sister Yukari. Seeing him she smiled wide walking over her sword tapping lightly against her back. "Hey baby bro took ya long enough to get here." He went to pet his head but he slapped her hand away walking past her. "Drop dead." Yukari chuckled then walked in front of him flicking his forehead. Kazuichi stepped back reaching for his katana Yukari did the samr the two stared at each other before Yukari broke the slience by laughing. "Your so cute baby bro." She turned on her heel walking into the school Kazuichi followed a good distinct away.
(( sorry I took a nap :P ))

Yukii looked at scarlet, he was happy that she made up her mind. He grabed the handle of his sword and Pryed it out in one swift movement. He walked behind them to the dojo. " what are we doing today Sensei?" He called out.
((No worried I think we've all been on and off all day hahaha))

Scarlet looked to Yukii, he didn't seem upset, 'I was probably worrying for nothing...' She thought. Scarlet lightly stretched her wings as best as possible. She shouldn't have decided to stand in the crowd her wings are too big to be in cramped spaces. She always felt a bit self conscious about them because they are bigger than her and always have been. The other kids used to make fun of her for it and her mom had always told her she would grow into them but she never did.

Kas stood across the room from his sister. He didn't want to anger her more by bothering her. He looked around at the few new students who had entered the room. They were interesting to him though it seemed he found just about all creatures different from himself interesting.
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