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Fantasy Mahora Academy

Yukii took out his ear buds, once he put them into his ears music note started to float around him. He hummed out the song he listened to. He grew bored of waiting for the teacher to begin the lesson.
Veronica hesitated then she got up and bounded over into the dojo, jumping over desks and such till she jumped into the dojo and tripped, with a squeak she fell, her foot was wrapped up in the strap on a scabbard from a sword that was on the front desk in front of the dojo
Yukii grabed her arm before she fell. He then smiled at her." careful your hurt yourself again." He pulled her to her feet ." Don't you have a sword with you?"
Scarlet decided to move she couldn't stand being in the confined space anymore. She moved to the same side of the room her brother stood on but continued to keep her distance. She looked down at the floor and wrapped her wings around her self almost as if they were a cloak. She stood there spinning her sword while she waited for class to begin.

Kas watched his sister silently and sighed. He still felt bad for making her angry despite not being entirely sure what it was he did to make her angry. Defeated he sat on the ground while waiting for class to continue.
Yukari opened the door to the classroom boldly skipping in she introduced to herself to everyone listening. "Nice to meet you all I'm Yukari I hope we can get along." Kazuichi followed he waved to everyone then took an empty seat Yukari pointed at him. "That's my lil bro Kazuichi treat him well please." Kazuichi glared at her standing. "I'd be happy if you kept my name out of your disgusting mouth!" Yukari walked over she frowned. "Why so mean to your big sister Kazu~" Kazuichi froze up he stared at her unable to move she pushed him lightly making him sit. "Let's put the past behind us baby bro." She chuckled taking the empty seat next to him.
Bowed his head to hide his flushed face. "Yes... I look forward to learning from you." had his father really done something so embarrasing? Now he looked like some obsessive sword otaku. His head snapped up when he heard the girl fall, but continued on into the dojo when she was caught by the other boy. He hoped against hope that she didn't make a habit out of touching His ears. Their sensitivity was already a source of embarrassment as it was.
Kastor looked over at Yukari and Kazuichi, tilting his head in interest.

Scarlet continued to pay no attention to those around her seemingly lost in thought as she put in her headphones and began listening to music again before going back to spinning her sword on the floor like a top.
Yukii creep up behind scarlet. He pulled off one of the headphone speakers that was on her head He whispered into her ear." I'm glad you made up your mind."
Scarlet jumped and stumbled back in surprise stepping on the end of her own wing as the thoughts of other rushed back into her head giving her a head ache. She briefly winced in pain and then turned to Yukii with a sweet smile, "Oh, thank you..." She said softly. "For being there and listening... well just everything in general." She said then paused for a moment. "I'm not entirely sure this is my final decision on the matter but for now this is how I want to be." She explained.
" What ever you choose I'll support you, don't worry." He gently put back the speaker on to her ears. " I'm guessing this helps with the pain." He stepped back and put in his own earbuds.
Scarlet smiled and nodded. She was no longer paying attention to her sword as she spun it in her hands and it slipped from her hands and clattered to the floor drawing attention from some of the other students. She flushed red and quickly picked it up wrapping her wings around herself again as if it would shield her from their stares. She new it wasn't as embarrassing as it felt, she just didn't care for the attention it drew.
Yukii sat down and put his back against the wall. He let out a sigh of relief. " So many things to absorb at once." His eyes kept falshing with words in different languages. A few passed by with scarlet, Yukii, Veronica, and kastor in them. He held his eye with both his hands.
Scarlet looked at Yukii stilled amazed by what he could do with his eye(s?). She walked over and sat in front of him watching in amazement not really caring for the fact that she didn't know some of the different languages that flashed through them. "How do you do that?" She asked softly turning down her music to ease her mind into being filled with the constant thoughts of others so it didn't hurt as much when she turned it off. "T-the thing with your eyes I mean." She clarified.
Yukii looked up , some characters still flashed across his eyes." Oh umm." He took out his buds." Its um... Genetic, my mother was a script Mage. She knows every language there is. She passed down her magic to me genetically."
Scarlet got a bit closer to his face still staring into his eyes with interest and amazement, almost like a child. "So her eyes do that to?"
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Veronica blinked when Yukii caught her and she glanced to him, watching as he again walked off... she shrugged then looked to the two kids who came in. One of them, the girl, was really perky and playful teasing her brother at any chance which made Veronica giggle, though what intreged her was when the hirl called her brother 'Kazu' and he froze. She took a step and flashed, now across the room she stood in front of this...Kazu with intrest. She had her usual smile, hair pulled back by her ribbon, red eyes bright...she giggled a bit and said " Hello "

@Nenma Takashi
Wasting no time, his eagerness to begin getting the better of him, he draws his blade. It was a very standard design, rather plain compared to the other students, but he liked simple. The katana was a gift from his father after he took up an 'interest' in Iaido style sword fighting. He was very proud of it and took great pains to keep it clean and sharpened. Giving a few glances at it, making sure it was in peak condition, he sheathed it once more and took up his basic stance. It was unclear what was to be taught today, but still, he wanted to be ready just in case it was a combat oriented lesson.
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Yukii blushed when she came closer. " Um..ya her eyes do that as well. I can use script magic but it's a bit different than my mother's." He felt his face grow warmer.
His blush grew larger." I really can't control it, it shows what I'm thinking about or when I use my magic." At that point she was on top of his. He did move at all.
"Oh.." Scarlet said sitting back suddenly a bit. "Can I try?!" She asked excitedly taking his hands with a sweet smile.
" ..um sure." He closed one of his eyes. Music played in side of scarlet's head. Little notes flashed across their vision." How is it?"
Scarlet sat there in awe, "Amazing..." She replied softly lightly holding his hands tighter.

Kas looked at his sister sitting with Yukii and softly chuckled to himself happy that she was making and effort to get to know someone outside their small family.
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Yukii smiled, he added more and more layers to the music, eventually it became fur elis. Images started to flash in her mind, his father yelling at him beating him. Tears started to form in his eyes, more images passed, his mother in a death bed. Him beating the hell out of some bullies. He lets go of her hand
Scarlet becomes sensitive to his emotions and sheds a tear. She stands and pulls him up and into a tight hug wrapping her wings around them almost as if to protect him from something not there. "I'm sorry." She said softly.

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