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Fantasy Mahora Academy

wolfborn4 said:
(Sooo, like three quarters of my other post just got knocked off....okaaay.....See! Now I dont know what to do!)
((Well it was a bit ludicrous that you'd be able to have sentence long rants before attacking people and actually succeeding, as well as attacking literally everyone in the class, and able to move faster and outmatched an ancient Shinso vampire that's lived at least 10X as long as her, attacking one student without speaking maybe, that's at least believable))
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Yukii decided to be nice to the girl in pieces out side , her ran to the front yard and found her torn body. " Simulation, song of regeneration" he used his baton to encase her body in a pocket. Her limbs formed , torso closed. Everything seamless. " now don't do that again." He walked away from her regenerated body.
Kastor looked around, "So we should probably find this guy Ras, he should be able to help us get things sorted out."

"Okay." Scarlet said looking around, "But we don't know what he looks like so maybe we should ask another student or teacher."
Ras opened the door....or attempted to as it fell off its hinges onto the flor and walked over it into the ruined classroom "err, Eva? What happened?" He asked sceptically.

She looked up at him, glaring slightly "you should keep a better eye on who you let into the academy boy, one of the kids is randomly attacking classmates thinking she can do that without concequences, so I intervened and cut her apart, but she can regenerate. She'll be fine" she added reassuringly.

"I see, I'll have to deal with that later then. And I'll have to have this classroom fixed" he said, groaning slightly "it's never easy is it?" He asked.

"If somethings easy it probably isn't worth it boy, I've already taught you this" she said marking down the students and types of Mage's they decided on.

"Hahahahaha, true I suppose" he added, smirking slightly.
"Why don't we just ask Eva since we just finished class with her." Kas offered then walked back toward what was the magics classroom "I'll be back."

Scarlet stood waiting for her brother unsure what to do. She lightly stretched her wings then let them fold behind her again while playing with her amulet.
(Well its more convinient where everyone can see it)

Veronica was still laughing, now on the ground...she saw Yukii comeoup and heak her again then turn and walk away she yelled " Damn your a dick! If you dont like me than dont heal me....I regenerate you know....cause you never want to just talk! " she sighed and closed her eyes her normal side came back " Why do people have to be so mean...to someone whos different....I bet none of them went through agonizing procedures...being ripped apart and put back together with new parts that you dont even count as human any more " she curled up on her side " thet didnt loose their feeling of touch....or go insane...thet dont kill people then wake up with blood all over them cause they gor mad....no one has.....and no one ever will " she hid her face " I mean I cant even have a social life, eceryones either scared of me or pushed me around like a piece of shit....and they made me fucking sterile so I cant ever have a family.....hell I cant even kill myself, I just come back good as new and even more unstable " she then screamed as loud as she could....she wanted to feel pain, she had to feel it...she needed punishment becuase of the people she killed and pushed away, but she knew it would just heal ...matbe she could 'die' everyday that could work...maybe...Veronica sighed again and her shoulders shook, she didnt ask to be this way... then she drifted, till she fell asleep
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Veronica had fallen asleep and her hair was in feont of her face as she used her arms as a pillow, laying on the grass...in the sunlight, her face was soft and relaxed, making her look much younger...innocent looking even
" well then " he leaves the box next to her and her writes a note for her. He gets up and leaves to find the rad guy. He wondered around the hall liking for him. He stopped I front of the magic room." Hey Sensei eva have you seen ras?"
purplepanda288 said:
" well then " he leaves the box next to her and her writes a note for her. He gets up and leaves to find the rad guy. He wondered around the hall liking for him. He stopped I front of the magic room." Hey Sensei eva have you seen ras?"
"Take a look outside, kid" some said before leading him to the window and watching herself.

wolfborn4 said:
Veronica had fallen asleep and her hair was in feont of her face as she used her arms as a pillow, laying on the grass...in the sunlight, her face was soft and relaxed, making her look much younger...innocent looking even
At this point Ras was stood next to her, whilst she slept. Looking out over the lake "you're wrong you know. There's something I have, it's called Magia Erebea, it's part of me like an arm or a leg, but to make it part of me I had to reconstruct myself, into something that wasn't human, tear myself apart while I was still conscious, it's made of two opposing power, angelic and demonic, it turned me into a Nephalem, half and half. But that's not the end of it, no, it's primal, this power a black beast and if I ever loose control, even slightly it'll take over and kill anything in sight, I had a normal life, but it all got torn away, simply because I wanted to protect my friends. Now I'm hated and feared destined to be alone, no family, no future, just existing day after day. If anything, know this, you aren't alone" he finished and walked off into the distance, his memories flashing and tormenting his mind.
Veronica seemed to relax all the way as she let out a sigh and for what seemed like the first time in her life she slept in peace
"Its like you are the one with the mind reading powers." Kas said with a chuckle.

Scarlet got tired of waiting and went to meet Kas.
Hasn't moved an inch, his face impassive. Slowly he inhaled then exhaled. After a few more moments of silence, his only response to everything that just happens was a simple, "What...?"
Veronica was glad that she had no dreamswhile she slept...but the smell of food did tempt her to wake up, though she didnt and jus r basked in rhe peace of the moment...she wanted it to last forever
"Ugh, if you wanna know what your sleeping arrangements are go find the bulletin board in the main building" Eva said simply

Ras was in the canteen getting some food, he had a pizza and a cup of hot tea

((Meaning go to the overview tab, I've updated it))
"Thank you!" Scarlet said sweetly pulling Kas and Yukii along with her.

Kas nodded to Eva and followed his sister.
Veronica finally and reluctantly woke up, with a yawn she sat up and stretched rubning her eyes she loeered her hands and glanced around. She saw the box and nlinked, tilring her head she gnely pulled off the note and read it as she opened the box with the other hand
Well this was a turn of events Yukii thought to himself. For some reason he stared to blush she grabed his hand. " ok then let's go tot the board thing."

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