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Fantasy Mahora Academy

Yukii looked back at the teacher " Long rage it is then." He went back to talking with scarlet and her brother." So you the one that my chain keeps eating me about."
TheWhiteLion said:
Ichika lowered his head, trying to keep his face covered, lest his embarrasment be shown outwardly. How stupid of him Not to grasp something so simple. Of course he would be a battlemage like his father. "O-of course..."
She smirked, and started giggling "ehehehehehehehehehe, you also seem a bit different from your father too, hehe, how cute" she seemed to be having far too much fun.

Scarlet Fires]Scarlet looked up slightly frightened but still managed an answer said:


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"Thank you I think we will both be satisfied with studying to be a support then." Scarlet replied politely.

Kastor nodded in agreement with Scarlet and made note to himself that he would try to help her gain better control over her power.
Yukii taps the metallic chain around his neck." This little thing keeps me from being mind controlled and it warns me if users of mind control magic are around. I have lots of little trinkets that are like this." He takes out a shiny pointed stick like thing." This is my conducter baton , it lets me direct my magic more precisely."
"So that is the glow I saw earlier." Scarlet said and subconsciously touched her own amulet. She then shifted her gaze to his baton.

"Ah then that might have been triggered by me. Sorry about that, HAHAHAHA." Kas laughed then looked at the baton, "So kind of like a wand?" He asked.
Veronica froze, her mind racing though her life of torture all over again she chuckled softly which turned into a maniac laugh before she whipped around " Hey! She thinks im pathetic....she thinks im a child....well well....id like to see you say that...WITHOUT YOUR FUCKING FACE!!! " she yelled at an ear splitting volume before she used her speed to rush forwards, the wal behind her cracked and groaned as she darted all around the teacher ar an ever changing patrern to imobalize her, hitting many pressure points to paralyze her before she rushed head on and punched her as hard as she possibly could, which would shatter a few dozen bones...she pinned the teacher to the floor with a laugh...she had snapped " Lets paint you beautiful red! "
Ichika makes a small wimpering noise in the back of his throat, similar to a puppies whine. He hated doing that, but when he's particularly embarrassed he can't help it. He really wished he'd taken more after his adoptive Father in regards to being around people.

That all went out the window, however, when another student screamed and attacked the teacher. He frowned at the girl and sighed, one word leaving his mouth, "Idiot..." attacking the dark evangel was nothing short of pure insanity.
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" Yes and no, it really can't be used for other types of magic." He Dudley ignored Veronica man reason was that she was gonna be better anyways, so why bother." Ignore that girl she has something in her head." He packed his baton back into his bag. He sat on the desk next to the twins.
Kas quickly stood and turned to Veronica, he pulled her off of Eva and immediately took control of her mind and thoughts, calming her. He compelled Veronica back into a broom closet and locked her in making sure to keep a strong calming hold on her mind.

Scarlet stood putting in her headphones so the music would clear her mind and she began to sing a spell so that Eva would be able to move again, as she chanted and sang her wings spread wide showing just how small Scarlet is in comparison to them and her voice took on a beautiful and mythic melody that somehow contained a darkness to it and her eyes sparkled with red.
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wolfborn4 said:
Veronica froze, her mind racing though her life of torture all over again she chuckled softly which turned into a maniac laugh before she whipped around " Hey! She thinks im pathetic....she thinks im a child....well well....id like to see you say that...WITHOUT YOUR FUCKING FACE!!! " she yelled at an ear splitting volume before she used her speed to rush forwards, the wal behind her cracked and groaned as she darted all around the teacher ar an ever changing patrern to imobalize her, hitting many pressure points to paralyze her before she rushed head on and punched her as hard as she possibly could, which would shatter a few dozen bones...she pinned the teacher to the floor with a laugh...she had snapped " Lets paint you beautiful red! "
Eva smirked and moved an instant before Veronica could even take a step, completely making her speed seem like child's play. She slammed a fist into her solar plexus, blowing her through the wall and across the lake outside like she was a rag doll "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You're 1,000 years too early to challenge me little girl!" She Souter a sadistic expression on her face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.011c2585ac2459fcf13a61400a31c3c3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.011c2585ac2459fcf13a61400a31c3c3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

TheWhiteLion said:
Ichika makes a small wimpering noise in the back of his throat, similar to a puppies whine. He hated doing that, but when he's particularly embarrassed he can't help it. He really wished he'd taken more after his adoptive Father in regards to being around people.
That all went out the window, however, when another student screamed and attacked the teacher. He frowned at the girl and sighed, one word leaving his mouth, "Idiot..." attacking the dark evangel was nothing short of pure insanity.
Eva turned to him, smiling widely "Hehehehehehe, you really are cute. I'm going to have more fun teaching this class than I first thought" she said, smirking to herself.

Scarlet Fires]Kas quickly stood and turned to Veronica said:


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" And this is why you respect your elders." Yukii took out his baton and pointed it at the destroyed wall. " mirror of time 4/4 time." The damage reversed it self after a fast warped song played in the back ground. " There much better."
The bell rung as she smirked "ahh, seems the lesson is over then, you have an hour of break before swordsmanship with Setsuna. Enjoy" she finished and sat on her desk writing down training methods for the various students.
" Ooh goody...someone thinks I can be manipulated easily....wrong " Veronica shoved Scarlet out of her mind Hard! Enought to hurt as she got up feeling no pain she rushed back at the teacher in the blink of an eye " Says the one whos rhree feet shorter than me...what are you a leprechaun? And I dont need to be as old a shit to fight....hey? Mind if I call you granny now, too bad cause im gonna " she laughed and then in the bkink of an eye she was behind Ichika " Oh and if you think im an idoit youve got it wrong.... " she kicked him into a wall haed " I heal dumbass " just as she said her wiunds closed up and she was off again now next to Scarlett and Kas she giggled as she flapped their wings " Heyyy cool wings, you look like you can fly " she smiled big and let them go as she rammed through the ceiling and shoved them out " Wooo! Look at 'em go! " she flashed again and stood in front of Yukii " You know...you where nice, till you ignored me " she kicked him in the balls " why is that? " she flashed again and came up behind Eve " Aww...I sowasnt done with our fight! " she shoved her out of the chair and then disappeared down the hall and out of the classrokm and outside, she suddenly felt something hit her in the neck and she blinked pulling out what looked like a tranqualizer she giggled " Oh look! Its the sleepy stuff " she chuckled and slumoed to the ground with a sigh she laid down and stared at the sky till her body passed out
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" Alright , Break time!" Yukii stashed away his away his baton and tied back his hair. He yawned and stretched, he grabed his bag and started to leave for the court yard.
wolfborn4 said:
" Ooh goody...someone thinks I can be manipulated easily....wrong " Veronica shoved Scarlet out of her mind Hard! Enought to hurt as she got up feeling no pain she rushed back at the teacher in the blink of an eye " Says the one whos rhree feet shorter than me...what are you a leprechaun? And I dont need to be as old a shit to fight....hey? Mind if I call you granny now, too bad cause im gonna " she laughed and then in the bkink of an eye she was behind Ichika " Oh and if you think im an idoit youve got it wrong.... " she kicked him into a wall haed " I heal dumbass " just as she said her wiunds closed up and she was off again now next to Scarlett and Kas she giggled as she flapped their wings " Heyyy cool wings, you look like you can fly " she smiled big and let them go as she rammed through the ceiling and shoved them out " Wooo! Look at 'em go! " she flashed again and stood in front of Yukii " You know...you where nice, till you ignored me " she kicked him in the balls " why is that? " she flashed again and came up behind Eve " Aww...I sowasnt done with our fight! " she shoved her out of the chair and then disappeared down the hall and out of the classrokm and outside, she suddenly felt something hit her in the neck and she blinked pulling out what looked like a tranqualizer she giggled " Oh look! Its the sleepy stuff " she chuckled and slumoed to the ground with a sigh she laid down and stared at the sky till her body passed out
As she reappeared behind Ichika, Eva was already behind him before she could blink, smiling with a tiny fragment of magic focuses into her hand, she swiped at Veronica. The force of the magic blew the classroom to pieces and cut her into about five several bits, stopping her before she could touch anyone "children never learn, and you made the mistake of attacking my friend's son, such a foolish little girl you are" she said, plainly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.4737482f95b38fae259c124ec97c8dd9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.4737482f95b38fae259c124ec97c8dd9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

purplepanda288 said:
//........I have nothing to say after that\\
((And dealt with, haha))



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//Sorry, I had to go for a minuet. And Scarlet wasn't the one in her mind and the issue was already resolved @purplepanda288 @wolfborn4 \\

Scarlet and Kastor both bowed respectively to Eva, "Of course." They chimed elegantly at the same time.

Scarlet put her book away and gathered her things and headed out of the classroom and Kas followed suit.
(Sooo, like three quarters of my other post just got knocked off....okaaay.....See! Now I dont know what to do!)
" Well there goes the class , well in going to the court yard of anyone wants to join me." He walked out of the nonexistent class and trotted down the hall.
Scarlet was just putting in her headphones when Kas stopped her to talk, "Hey maybe we should take the time to find out where our dorms are and who we will be rooming with."

Scarlet nodded, "Sounds good to me."

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