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Fantasy Mahora Academy

" everyone is interesting in their own ways, like your pretty wings or your personality." He nervously taped the end link of his chain. He always wore that chain when he's around other people , one of his biggest fears is being manipulated by someone.
Steps away from the siblings and the other boy, more interested in the fight than conversation. Besides, despite what his father said, he didn't need speak to anyone to become strong. Words, in his opinion, were useless. Something his father had tried to beat out of him but never succeeded.
The bell rung, as Kū turned to them "oh, sorry, we ran out of time-Aru. Well, those are the basics, just keep your eyes on your opponent and don't make any unnecessary moves-Ne, now magic is your next class....with...err.....maybe it's better if I didn't say....Aru" she sounded a bit afraid of whomever was teaching next, she bowed again politely.
" Oh it's time to leave. Come one we'll be late for magic class" Yukii grabed scarlet's hand and began to walk to their next class. He pulled the hair tie out of his hair and let it fall on to his shoulders.
The white haired kid follows silently to magic class. He checks by his side "good," he says to himself quietly"my hammer is still there" something about that hammer is special to him
purplepanda288 said:
" Oh it's time to leave. Come one we'll be late for magic class" Yukii grabed scarlet's hand and began to walk to their next class. He pulled the hair tie out of his hair and let it fall on to his shoulders.
*Sorry I replied late hahaha*

Scarlet turned a deep red and followed along too surprised to protest.

Kas followed his sister and eyed Yukii suspiciously then noticed another student who had arrived late and seemed to hide out in the background observing everyone.
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As they entered the next class, there was a dark and ominous presence surrounding them, as a sharp toothed grin was seen from the darkness near the desk "haaaaaaaa, seems you've all arrived, good. Welcome to magic class, where you'll learn everything to do with spells, incantations and anything else do do with magical combat. I hope none of you are too weak, it wouldn't be as fun. Heheheeeeee" the voice was graceful and soft, but drenched in malicious intent and darkness.

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Yukii turned a corner and entered the large room.He looked at scarlet and noticed a pink undertone to her

Skin. He blushed and let go of her hand." Oh sorry I got carried away."
Veronica had found herself laying on the ground when the bell rang, she laughed loufly as she got up not hurt at all she bounded off to her next class all giddy becuase she actually got to fight...though she felt she had been lazy and she shrugged it off.

Once she got into the classroom she still had a big smile and when she heard the teacher talk her insane side mixed eith her normal side and she giggled when the teacher chuckled, her hands twitched and she clenched her fists shaking with excitement " Who cares abiut someone being weak, thats twice the fun in my opinion " her eyes glowed red and adjusted instantly to the dark room she giggled again her teeth shined red from her glowing eyes
purplepanda288 said:
Yukii turned a corner and entered the large room.He looked at scarlet and noticed a pink undertone to her
Skin. He blushed and let go of her hand." Oh sorry I got carried away."
"Oh, it's okay." Scarlet replied softly and looked at the ground.

Kastor found a pair of seats in the back of the room and pulled his sister by her arm to sit and Scarlet reluctantly followed. Kas leaned in and talked to his sister in a barely audible whisper, "Be careful in this class. I know you are still working on your magic but try to avoid drawing any attention to yourself."
Yukii went and sat away from the other students. He sighed and looked at the teacher. " this will be interesting to say the least." He muttered to him self. He played around with his hair and twirled it around his finger.
"I'll just play my music." Scarlet said pulling out her head phones, the day has been torture without them anyway.

Kas sighed, "If you think it will help." he replied and leaned back to his own seat and waited for the teacher to continue.
Sighed in disappointment. He always arrives just at the end. Moving a bit quicker this time, he makes his way towards the next class.

Before entering the room, his hair was already standing on end. 'Father warned me about this one...' still, he entered the classroom and made his way over to an empty seat, trying not to draw attention to himself.
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wolfborn4 said:
Veronica had found herself laying on the ground when the bell rang, she laughed loufly as she got up not hurt at all she bounded off to her next class all giddy becuase she actually got to fight...though she felt she had been lazy and she shrugged it off.
Once she got into the classroom she still had a big smile and when she heard the teacher talk her insane side mixed eith her normal side and she giggled when the teacher chuckled, her hands twitched and she clenched her fists shaking with excitement " Who cares abiut someone being weak, thats twice the fun in my opinion " her eyes glowed red and adjusted instantly to the dark room she giggled again her teeth shined red from her glowing eyes
"I disagree, girl. The weak will not survive for long in my class, I am Evangeline the dark, the Shinso vampire, and daughter of the Mage of the beginning, I'm sure you met my apprentice, the boy? Ras? Well in any case. I accept no weaklings, I do not settle for standard underwhelming abilities, I only accept the strongest, when I'm done with you, you'll all be monstrously strong and feared across the land. Oh and one more thing, argue with me, and I'll drain you of every last drop of blood you have. Now, let's begin" she said nonchalantly with a menacing aura. Her body was small, that of a little girl but she seemed ancient, it was obvious since she was a pure blood vampire that must've been the age she became one and stopped growing, and she didn't seem to be joking around either, her words and what she told them and what she warned them she'd do, seemed devastatingly real.

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Yukii passed a glance at scarlet. " well I totally messed that up" he thought. He raised his hand." Then what are we doing first today ma'am?" He waited for her to respond.
Scarlet's mind happened pick up on Yukii's thought and she glanced over at him as her mind flooded again with others thoughts.

Kass happened to pick it up as well and looked over at Yukii, "She's just hard to get through to." He thought to himself before turning back to the teacher waiting to hear her response.
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Veronica laughed " I knew you would say that....though I disagree, knowing which ones are weak gives you an advantage when killing someone. " her voice got oddly deeper as she said in a voice that sounded like a growl, her eyes slitted " And sorry, but you dont scare me....drain all the blood you want I wont die, its takes a lot more than that....so dont threaten me " then she perked back up with a giggle her voice returning to normal as she bounded over to a seat and sat down on the desktop instead of the chair, so she could dangle her legs, kicking a bit she looked to the guy next to her...Yukii
While ichika wasn't looking to be feared, he would accept any chance to get stronger. She still scared him more so in real life than from his father's stories. In fact, he was pretty sure he needed to learn how to sleep with his eyes open, if only for peace of mind.
His chain glowed the same purple it did before. Murderus intent sparked into Yukii's mind, he looked over to Veronica. " hi." He smiled at her , every nerve ending was telling him that she wanted to spill blood.
"First, I'll explain something about magic before we begin, some may know this some may not, but listen closely, I won't repeat myself. Spells are the words that enact the supernatural phenomena of magic. Not a keyword that ‘activates’ supernatural power, but in itself holding the power and “soul” of words. However, spells are not simply ‘words of power’; they are full rituals which must be sung in verse, containing the will of the caster. Spells are the circuits which allow the caster to shape ‘the power of words’ in a form he most desires. Spells take the form of pre-specified phrases that call forth certain spirits that cause said effects, offering mana as payment on a contractual basis: The stronger the spirit called, the more mana has to be paid. The first written records of magic come from Egypt, in heiroglyphs depicting priests wielding staffs and using prayers in order to drive back angry creatures that the gods created. This would form the basis for any magic using tradition in the world, even influencing also the Jewish Kabbalah. The introduction of affinities come from ancient Persia with the rise of one of the world's greatest prophets: Zarathustra, founder of the oldest Monothistic religion in the world, Zoroastrianism. The basic beliefs is that Fire and Water are sacred, and that through them, God can be seen. As such, it would be most secure that Zarathustra was a Pyromancer, or Fire User at first. The priests in Egypt were mainly Light and Dark, though the dark arts there was mainly the control of animals that could inflict great harm. Furthermore, the arts of magic comes also into the Greco-Roman, where we have the standing foundations of itself. The Romans, being a stealing and nationalistic people, took Magic for themselves, having the official language be turned into Latin, nowadays a dead langauge which few people can understand correctly. But that was the doing of the Roman Catholic Church. The Ancient Greek langauge is considered more elevated as a more civilized language even by the Romans, which does explain why the high level spells in Western magic is in the mentioned language. The Celts has also influenced the world of magic. The Celts were mainly worshippers of Animalism, the pagan religion in which you believe that animals, trees and other things that aren't human have a soul. Something similar in Shamanism. In so, if we look at the spells in western magic, we see that there are reference to spirits of the elements and of other being that are referred to as rulers of some type of magic, an example is in the Averruncus' petrifaction spells: 'Oh, King of Lizards'. This could refer to as some sort of king of lizards that would petrify people and turning them into statues. Maybe Gorgons or Basilisks, which could explain 'Evil Eye of Petrifaction'. The Pactio is a system which has a thousand year old history in records, but I find it based on other things. The idea of a knight protecting a mage in battle is very common thorughout the world. The Knight would hold back the enemy forces, whilst the Mage would cast the spells that would get rid of the enemies. But the usage of artifacts is no stranger to a bond between a fighter and a mage. In the case where the Mage is a powerful one with possession of many powerful and magical items, the Mage would often bestow a powerful weapon in the hands of a fighter with which the latter would use to great effect, since he is used mentally at least to use it. There is also the case of a magic Master giving an item intended for Magi to his/her disciple, which does explain the variety for artifacts." She explained all of this magic history as if it were second nature, like she was there and saw it all first hand. And for all they knew she could've, she then began writing the different styles of magic on the board and the different terms for Mage's with affinities with certain types. She pointed to each one and read them out.

"Combat: This indicates that one is favourable with close quarters. Fighters with Ki fit in here as well, at least those who prefer full contact instead of ranged. Battle magi are included.

Wizard: This is the traditional ranged style that practically every mage is taught in at school. Long range artillery, multitudes of magic arrows and a heavy barrage of spells are included here more than anwhere else.

Healing: This deserves to be its own class. Healers are specialized magi, focusing on fixing injuries and diseases. But the tradeoff is that they have poor offensive spell capability, whilst they can have also good shielding abilities.

Support: This is a key one for some magi. It's also the most versatile. Supporters can summon, put up shields too (only stronger), teleport, read minds, you get the general idea. They have lack of offensive abilities as well, so it is comtemplated with the Wizard style to make up for it." She finished explaining and pointed to each term for a Mage with an affinity

"Aeoromancer: This is one with Air as his/her affitnty. Ras is one to begin with I should know, I taught the boy myself. Lightning can be seen as part of this one.

Pyromancer: This is one with Fire.

Hydromancer: One with Water.

Geomancer: This is Earth magic, including stone, and petrifaction. Base metals can also be used here.

Nayomancer: This is for Ice.

Okiamancer: This is for Shadows.

We'll refer to Light and Dark as "Light mage" and "Dark mage" respectively. Any questions before we continue?" She asked after unloading such a massive amount of information on them in such a small space of time, although she seemed maybe a bit arrogant and condescending. She obviously really knew what she was doing, they probably couldn't ask for a better magic teacher.
Scarlet looked away from Yukii and began to pull out her spell book and lightly flip through the pages trying to distract herself from the constant flood of thoughts. Once the teacher began to speak she listened intently to every word said.

Kastor took out his spell book as well and watched the teacher as she spoke.
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Veronica glanced to the teacher and partially listened as her mind took in the information she looked back to Yukii and asked with a sliver of concern in her voice " Are you scared....of me? Please dont lie... " she obviously was emotionally unstable as she awaited his answer
Ichika raised his hand slowly. "My father can use shadow beasts and preform a half transformation. Where do these two fit in?" his curiosity got the better of him and forced him to speak up.
Yukii stared blankly at the teacher , visible letters in various languages scrolled across his grey eyes. " well that covers most of the magic, more information is always good." He muttered. He then looked over at Veronica." Of corse I'm not , but it seems that you give of the arura of murder." He looked back at the teacher.
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