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Fantasy Mahora Academy

TheWhiteLion said:
Is simply speechless. He knew the man was powerful, from what his father told him anyway, but to lift him off his feet and send him flying into the class room at such a speed...
"Ah... I missed the class." After such a stunning deduction he realized the man had spoken to him before dismissing the class, "Yes, ichika inugami. My father told me a lot about you." His words were spoken quickly and softly, not prone to wasting time and effort on being heard.
"hehehe, yeah you missed the class, you really do take after your father ya know. Oh well, I guess we'll be able to talk more in the afternoon homeroom session, now get to your next class, I'm sure master Ku Fei is looking forward to meeting you" he replied to the boy, smiling pleasently.
Lowers his head slightly, unable to prevent himself from being somewhat proud of any connection to the man who raised him. Even if it was his tardiness. With a small bow, he left to follow the other students to find Ku Fei. From what he was told, she was a very strong martial artist.
Name: Veronica

Age: 17

Race: technicaly she was human...but after years of living though many many procedures she now has part from all differnt kinds of creatures

Family: None

Preferred dorm room: she has her own dorm

Powers/magic: Ridiculously strong, lightning fast, hypersenses, doesnt feel pain, regeneration

Abilities: highly skilled in mixed martial arts, hand to hand combat, gunsmithing, hitting pressure points...killing

Personality: After all the procedures, she formed a split personality. The first one is her normal self, where she is kind, talkative, protective, clingy, and funy. Her other side is compleatly insane, she kils for fun and is always smiling or laughing.

Bio: her parents didnt want a child so they abandoned her in a local mall, she was picked up by a cop and not too long after she was confenscated by the government because of her regeneration ability and raised her entire life to become a living weapon, but the city found out and they where stopped...now free she was sent to school to start a new life

Tools/weapons: her bare hands, hidden guns and knives


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images-91.jpeg.4730e1cf3c431605fefc2b7587f17801.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101805" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images-91.jpeg.4730e1cf3c431605fefc2b7587f17801.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • images-91.jpeg
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(Yay...one person noticed....so im just going to leave that there and see who else notices)
wolfborn4 said:
(Yay...one person noticed....so im just going to leave that there and see who else notices)
((Hahahaha, this senpai has also noticed))

wolfborn4 said:
Name: Veronica

Age: 17

Race: technicaly she was human...but after years of living though many many procedures she now has part from all differnt kinds of creatures

Family: None

Preferred dorm room: she has her own dorm

Powers/magic: Ridiculously strong, lightning fast, hypersenses, doesnt feel pain, regeneration

Abilities: highly skilled in mixed martial arts, hand to hand combat, gunsmithing, hitting pressure points...killing

Personality: After all the procedures, she formed a split personality. The first one is her normal self, where she is kind, talkative, protective, clingy, and funy. Her other side is compleatly insane, she kils for fun and is always smiling or laughing.

Bio: her parents didnt want a child so they abandoned her in a local mall, she was picked up by a cop and not too long after she was confenscated by the government because of her regeneration ability and raised her entire life to become a living weapon, but the city found out and they where stopped...now free she was sent to school to start a new life

Tools/weapons: her bare hands, hidden guns and knives


View attachment 226311
((Even if it's in the wrong place, accepted, we're one second period, check the overview for the timetable))
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Yukii ran down the hall like a mother fucker. He could believe that he was late for class, he didn't want an earful from his father about his education. He came to a halt after he saw his class. He opened the door. " I'm sorry for being late sir." He did the traditional thing and bowed and walked swiftly to his seat.
Ichika spared a single glance at the student who rushed by him like a bat out of hell. Seems he wasn't the only one late today. In any case, he simply kept up his pace to make it to his next class.

No need to rush as of yet... Until it occurred to him that he didn't know where the next class was. "Need a map..."
Samuel walked down the hall, his face covered in a haze of smoke as he snorted small licks of flames. He may of been smiling,but he certainly wasn't happy-go-lucky.

"Stupid Sam."
Outside was a girl in traditional Chinese martial artist getup, she had a long fighting staff and along hair, she was obviously their teacher, but she also seemed.....lost
Scarlet and Kas arrive late the academy. Scarlet glances about with her headphones in playing Fur Elise at a loud volume to drown out the thoughts of others. Amazed by the school and all the other students Scarlet stands in place and completely forgot what it is she is currently supposed to be doing.

Kastor stands next to his sister trying to get her attention, "Scar.... Hey Scar....Scarlet!!" Kas shouts pulling out her headphones.
Seeing no other alternative, Ichika decides to head towards the direction the student who ran by him went. On his way, however, his ears were assaulted by someone playing loud music through a pair of headphones and someone else screaming at them to get their attention. Folding his animalike appendages over to block out some of the sound, he winces, "Too loud..."

He was saved, however, when he glanced out the window to see a woman who no doubt had to be their teacher. If there was one thing his father excelled at, it was giving descriptions of 'Super strong people!' She seemed lost however...
Scarlet turned off her music and began to suffer and immediate headache as the thoughts from everyone around her began to fill her mind however she focused in on one and looked over to someone in the distance who clearly had a problem with the volume her music was at. "Sorry." She said softly to both the guy and Kas."

"You really shouldn't listen to that thing so loudly you'll ruin your hearing. Anyway we need to get to the next class and when there is time we need to talk to someone about what our dorm assignment is." Kas said while crossing his arms and looking down at his sister.
Yukii became bored after a while so he put his ear buds.While he listened he tapped on his desk while he hummed to a song that he was listening to.he closed his eyes and Little music notes came out of the buds and floated around him.
Scarlet sighed and pulled down the end of her white thank top so it met the top of her dark blue shorts then looked around listening to thoughts trying to sort through them to figure out which direction to head to class. She pushed her brown curly hair back from her face focusing, balling her hands into fists overcome with frustration.

Kastor sighed watching his sister. He had already figured out where they needed to go but he knew if he said anything it would only frustrate her more and put her down, however if he didn't they might be late to class. Kas rolled up the sleeves of his black button down and put a light hand on his sister's shoulder, "Come on Scar, class is this way." He said gently.
Veronica had a huge, bright smile all the way to class...she was new and couldnt wait to fi- meet! All the kids, her mind wandered about what powers the other students would have as she looked around at everything she passed, following one of the office ladies.

It didnt take long to get to the classroom, she was lead inside, her white hair was brushed...though it frized up a bit, she had her bangs pined back with black bobby pins, her red eyes shined. Smile still plastered on her face, she widened her eyes as she was introduced to the class by the office lady as a new student, and everyone was sort of...warned not to make Veronica snap, for personal reasons. Veronica just giggled, her imaginarion wondered about blood..the color, how it flowed so easily, and how easy it was to make that happen. She snapped out of the thought with another giggle
Yukii ignored he office attndent, but took notice of the new student. She looked nice enough but something was off about her, be couldn't quite put his finger on it so he shrugged it off. He lifted his hand and swiped away some of the floating notes the were around him. He graded out his phone from his pocket looked at his phone. He let a quiet yawn escape him.
Scarlet looked up at Kas with her large brown eyes, in them were disappointment. She popped back in her headphones and turned on the music turning in down a bit so it doesn't bother those with heightened hearing but was still loud enough to drown out the thoughts of others. As Kas started walking Scarlet watched him go. She took a deep breathe and gripped her amulet in one hand and then let out the air. She followed him walking with elegance and grace as it came naturally to her and her brother. As usual her large white and gold wings trailed behind her the end of them dragging on the ground and somehow they never seemed to gather dirt.

Kas led the way to class, he walked with his head held high as always he was confident and radiated peace and elegance with every movement. He and Scarlet walked into class and were luckily on time. They both took a seat in the back of the room with an empty chair between them. Having such large wings it was more considerate for them to be in the back of the room. Not to mention Kas' is tall so it's where he would be even is he didn't have wings.
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Veronica's attention flicked to those who had just come into the room, she could hear Für Elisé playing feom someones headphones and she clasped her hands in front her her, rocking back on her heels she laughed " Oh wow a classic, from Beethoven I think! " she kept her mind as straighr as she could focusing on one things at a time...she looked directly at Scaelet and stared with a big smile
Scarlet felt eyes on her and immediately became uncomfortable as her shyness kicked in. She looked up to see a girl with white hair staring at her with a big smile on her face so naturally Scarlet replied with an elegant and gentle smile of her own.

Kas read the young girls mind and pulled one of Scarlet's head phones out, "She likes your music." He told her.

Scarlet looked at her brother annoyed as another headache struck due to the sudden rush of other's thoughts in her head. "I wish you would stop doing that." She told him rubbing the side of her head with two of her fingers.
The chain around Yukii's neck stared to glow a soft purple color. He took note of it. He softly mumbled to himself " great I though there wouldn't be any mind control magic here." He tapped the chain 's end link and the light it emitted faded. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes. He felt another arura of murder but ignored it.
Veronica was lead over to a special seat seperated from the other chairs, her anckles where secired to the front legs of the chair and she glanced back to Scarlet. Seeing her in pain riled up her insane side and her thoughts wandered to thinking about knives slowly pircing into the sides of someones skull and she looked away feom Scarlet curious if thats what the girl was feeling, a he didnt really care why...her fists clenched and unclenched anxiously

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