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Fantasy Mahora Academy

Scarlet sighed and opened her spell book hoping to find something that she could use to at least rid herself of the headache when she caught a brief glow of something coming from someone sitting a couple of seats ahead of her and looked up curiously.

Kastor eyed the girl Veronica as her ankles were locked to the desk in which he sat. Again he dove into her thoughts, he ignored their gruesomeness and instead became curious with the fact that it seemed she was of two minds; almost as he were tuning into the thoughts of two different people.
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Something kept buzzing around in Yukii's head, the murderus intent back stronger then before. He opened his eyes an realized that he was the closest to Veronica. It clicked, she was the one that had that around her. Yukii made note to be careful around her.
The door to the classroom opened as the girl in the Chinese getup walked in, having finally found where she was supposed to be teaching "ahh! I'm late-ne I'm sorry, I used to go to this academy when I was a student....but I still don't know my way around-aru" the girl spoke and crashed the back of her head nervously, she didn't seem the....smartest of people. But nonetheless she was their teacher "my name is master Kū Fei, I'll be teaching you Chinese martial arts. Pleased to meet you" she said before bowing politely.
Veronica's thoughts began arguing among themselves

♥it would be so easy to kill so, eone, thesebonds are so weak, like the hollow bones of a bird hahahah♥

♡No no! Im not supposed to kill anyone here, they are students♡

♥Oh but how fun it is to see them bleed, such a pretty red...the life fading from there eyes♥



Veronica laughed hysterically, out loud, her fists clenched tight eyes wide and staring at her desk...she was tense all over as she mumbled " ive never boiled someone alive before, but then again what fun would that be...with no lovely red to paint a picture " she began popping her knuckles " im not supposed to kill people...but its too much fun! " she jerked when the teacher came in and began talking...she relaxed a little and her heart rate went back down, she liked martial arrs...she was good at it
Scarlet looked up as the teacher entered and closed her spell book sliding in back into her bag.

Kas intrigued with Veronica tore himself away from her thoughts and looked to the teacher who just entered the class. As he looked up he noticed Scar slipping her spell book into her bag and realized she must have a major head ache with all the thoughts circling the school so he quietly mumbled a spell under his breathe to ease her pain.
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" Definitely insane " he mumbled to him self. He looked at the teacher, as he did he took out his earbuds. The notes disapted. Yukii rased his hand " what are we gonna be doing to day Sensei fei?"
purplepanda288 said:
" Definitely insane " he mumbled to him self. He looked at the teacher, as he did he took out his earbuds. The notes disapted. Yukii rased his hand " what are we gonna be doing to day Sensei fei?"
"Hmm? Ahh! Yes, well since this is the first day, I'll show you the basics of hard and soft Kenpo, it's a very balanced fighting style, come with me-Ne" she said before heading out of the classroom and walking down the corridor.
Veronica stayed in her seat for a moment before reaching down and 'unlocking the restraints' which was really jusr her tearing off the locks and getting uo with ease.. shebounded out after the teacher with an innocent giggle
Scarlet quickly and gracefully stood up grabbing her bag and followed. Out of habit she reached a hand up and gripped her amulet to ensure it was still hanging around her neck then tucked it securely into her shirt so it wouldn't get in the way during class.

Kas stood to follow then looked back at Veronica who had just ripped away her bindings. He then quickly caught up and walked along side his sister.
She led them outside and onto a patch of grass "this should do! Good, okie, who wants to help me demonstrate?" She asked looking around the students for anyone.
Snaps out of his daze, and uncovers his ears. "Ah... Late again." luckily the music was still playing, so he just followed the sound until he found his way to the entrance. As soon as he exited the building he heard the teacher ask for a volunteer.
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Veronica bounced up with her hand raised " Me! I'll help! " she exclaimed with her big smile and a giggle, she was told that all teachers had been informed about her arrival and that they where told about how she had split personalites and needed to be watched carefully since she could kill another student at any moment if shes angry, but she had brushed that off before not really caring about the attention...she had suffered worse kinds of attention before
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Scarlet took a small step back and bumped into someone who had just made it to class. She turned around to see a familiar face. "I'm sorry...." She said immediately casting her large eyes down at the ground, "again..."

Kas looked over at Veronica who was eager to volunteer, he was interested in ability to fight.
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wolfborn4 said:
Veronica bounced up with her hand raised " Me! I'll help! " she exclaimed with her big smile and a giggle, she was told that all teachers had been informed about her arrival and that they where told about how she had split personalites and needed to be watched carefully since she could kill another student at any moment if shes angry
"Ahh! Good, come over here and stand opposite me, now with martial arts, it's almost all practical, you'll learn the basic from watching us. So I can't really explain it to you, you'll just have to learn from experience" she said before turning to Veronica "are you ready?" She asked, smiling widely.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.715cb2b8801e681f2c5209920d33b7c7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.715cb2b8801e681f2c5209920d33b7c7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Blinks and looks down at the person who bumped into him before apologizing. It was the girl with the music, though how she could listen to something that loud, amazed and slightly disturbed him, but he said nothing about it. He gives her a small nod and small dismissing wave to show he wasn't angry with her.

In truth, situations like these were new to him, considering he had always lived alone with His adopted father and mother. Social contact besides that wasn't his strong suit.
Yukii arrived in time to see the mock match start , he noticed the girl with the wings. He decided to at least try to make new friends at this school. He walked up to her and smiled. " Hi I'm Yukii , nice to meet you."
A small thunder cloud forms above and a bolt of lightning strikes near them about 20 feet...were the bolt of lightning struck there appears to be a kid with short white hair and blue eyes "sorry I'm late" he says " traffic was hell!"
Veronica had stood in front of the woman but was temporarily distracted by the other students talking among themselves, her attention jerled back to the teacher as she asked " Do I try to dodge your atrack or do I- " she saw the lightning and the kid appear, she waved big " Hello! " she called and then continued her sentance from before " Just let you attack me? " she asked curiously
wolfborn4 said:
Veronica had stood in front of the woman but was temporarily distracted by the other students talking among themselves, her attention jerled back to the teacher as she asked " Do I try to dodge your atrack or do I- " she saw the lightning and the kid appear, she waved big " Hello! " she called and then continued her sentance from before " Just let you attack me? " she asked curiously
It'll be a simple sparing match, no magic, just a small fight. So the others can see how the basic moves are done-Ne" she explained "you can make the first move, begin whenever you are prepared-Aru" she said before getting into a stance.
Veronica's heart rate went up and she laughed " Really? Thats great " she suddenly rushed forwards without warning, but right before she rammed Kū she jerked to the side, ducked and spun swiping her foot under her to unbalance her as she then jumped into the air and dida front flip holding one leg out to kick Kū in the face and shove her backwards...if it worked, though since with her speed and strength it most likely would
purplepanda288 said:
Yukii arrived in time to see the mock match start , he noticed the girl with the wings. He decided to at least try to make new friends at this school. He walked up to her and smiled. " Hi I'm Yukii , nice to meet you."
Scarlet looked to Yukii and her shyness immediately kicked in again and her already rosy cheeks grew a deeper red. "Hello, I'm Scarlet. It's a pleasure to meet you." She managed to say elegantly and with a sweet smile, yet a hint of nervousness still found it's way in there and she silently became frustrated with herself. She tried her best to be calm and collected like her brother always was but she could never seem to be on the same level as him.

Kastor watched carefully studying Veronica as she moved about.
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wolfborn4 said:
Veronica's heart rate went up and she laughed " Really? Thats great " she suddenly rushed forwards without warning, but right before she rammed K? she jerked to the side, ducked and spun swiping her foot under her to unbalance her as she then jumped into the air and dida front flip holding one leg out to kick K? in the face and shove her backwards...if it worked, though since with her speed and strength it most likely would
K? moved to the side as she attempted to ram, using the ki in her body to increase muscle tension, speed strength and all physical abilities and her training having put her body to its absolute peak in physical combat she is unmatched. She jumped onto her hands and again, back onto her feet, evading the leg sweep. As she jumped and came down toward her, she caught her leg and shoved her back, using the ki in her legs she used a technique called instant movement. The technique caused her to be able to move at an unseeable speed, traveling from one pint to another in a straight line, she moved directly in front of Veronica and slammed her fist into her solar plexus in the centre of her body. The biological weakest point in the body, her swift movements with nothing unnecessary being done made it very difficult to respond and react even from such a direct attack.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.6902a10aed2c33928d393a86048c9e65.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.6902a10aed2c33928d393a86048c9e65.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The kid with white hair and blue eyes who appeared from a lightning bolt is just standing back and watching this all take place.
" Your shy to hu?" He looked at the display that was unfolding in front of them. He knew the teacher had it under control so he went back to his conversation. " You seem like a awesome person."
purplepanda288 said:
" Your shy to hu?" He looked at the display that was unfolding in front of them. He knew the teacher had it under control so he went back to his conversation. " You seem like a awesome person."
Scarlet watched the scene unfold and was amazed by the skill that both Veronica and Ku showed. She looked back at Yukii, "Oh I'm not that interesting." She said softly and again played with her amulet to reassure herself it was still there while she remembered why she wore it.

Kas glanced at his sister for a moment, he never had to read her mind to know what she was thinking; which he was glad for because it would be complete chaos in there until she learns to control her powers. But he silently hoped she wouldn't withdraw herself from the current interaction in hopes she might actually make friends.
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