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Fantasy Mahora Academy

Ichika would have responded but the boy was whisked away by the siblings. "This place is... insane." In an odd sort of way, he kind of liked it. Silence was nice, but could sometimes be too much to bear. Either way, he had some time to ask Eva a few questions that he felt she would have no problems helping him with. Or rather wouldn't smack him on the head and say, "Stop thinking so much! Gah, you're just like that idiot rival of mine."

Taking a few moments to gather his thoughts, he stood and made his way over to the Shinso and waited. Father said to be extra careful around her so he didn't want to speak up first. Last thing he wanted was to be shipped back home in a jar.
purplepanda288 said:
Well this was a turn of events Yukii thought to himself. For some reason he stared to blush she grabed his hand. " ok then let's go tot the board thing."
Scarlet led them both to the board and began to search or her name.

Kas began looking as well noting that Scarlet still had hold of Yukii's hand.
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TheWhiteLion said:
Ichika would have responded but the boy was whisked away by the siblings. "This place is... insane." In an odd sort of way, he kind of liked it. Silence was nice, but could sometimes be too much to bear. Either way, he had some time to ask Eva a few questions that he felt she would have no problems helping him with. Or rather wouldn't smack him on the head and say, "Stop thinking so much! Gah, you're just like that idiot rival of mine."
Taking a few moments to gather his thoughts, he stood and made his way over to the Shinso and waited. Father said to be extra careful around her so he didn't want to speak up first. Last thing he wanted was to be shipped back home in a jar.
"Hmm?" She said. Looking to the boy that seemed troubled "how interesting, you seem to have a mixed attitude, at times you act like your father, hot headed, and other times, like now. You act more like the boy, in constant thought and troubled by everything, hehehehe. So tell me, what has you so troubled?" She asked, smirking
He doesn't understand what she means but takes it as an opening to speak, "Just a few more questions about my abilities. Rather, my father. You knew him well... has he ever mentioned something about an odd transformation? Like losing consciousness after transforming or hearing voices?" It was far easier to speak to a teacher, or someone his father respected, than it was to speak to people his age or complete strangers. Something that put him slightly at ease.
TheWhiteLion said:
He doesn't understand what she means but takes it as an opening to speak, "Just a few more questions about my abilities. Rather, my father. You knew him well... has he ever mentioned something about an odd transformation? Like losing consciousness after transforming or hearing voices?" It was far easier to speak to a teacher, or someone his father respected, than it was to speak to people his age or complete strangers. Something that put him slightly at ease.
"Hmm, now that you mention it, he did" she stated "yes, he used a partial beast transformation. But in the fight with Rakan alongside the boy, he used a full one, he said after that he heard voices. He'd transform, loose consciousness and wake up without remembering what had happened, why? Does this have something to do with what's troubling you?" She asked "I can help if you explain in full, I'm quite well versed in all manner of things, wether it be human, vampire, Nephalem, Dog God. Trust me" she still had the same kind if tone, but he began to recognise the grace and serenity of her voice and attitude, the reason vampires are called the most cultured beings.
Her tone made him relax a bit more, so he began to explain a bit better, "Well.. I've never actually completed a transformation, not even a partial one. As soon as I try, I lose consciousness and start hearing a voice repeat itself over and over again. When I wake up, I'm alone in a clearing and my father is walking towards me, smiling. He pats me on the head, says 'Better luck next time.' And we go home."

He shuffles his feet a bit, "It wouldn't bother me so much if I hadn't asked him why I can't get it right. He never gave me a straight answer and, after he took me to see a man who wanted to check my mana, refused to talk about it altogether." He waits for any sort of explanation.
TheWhiteLion said:
Her tone made him relax a bit more, so he began to explain a bit better, "Well.. I've never actually completed a transformation, not even a partial one. As soon as I try, I lose consciousness and start hearing a voice repeat itself over and over again. When I wake up, I'm alone in a clearing and my father is walking towards me, smiling. He pats me on the head, says 'Better luck next time.' And we go home."
He shuffles his feet a bit, "It wouldn't bother me so much if I hadn't asked him why I can't get it right. He never gave me a straight answer and, after he took me to see a man who wanted to check my mana, refused to talk about it altogether." He waits for any sort of explanation.
She was nodding to him as she listened, as he finished explaining, she grinned widely "my my, this is interesting, I know exactly why. The reason he won't give you an answer, you can't transform and why the refusal to talk about your mana together all has the same reason. Your mana, is far too strong. To transform you need a steady and constant rate of mana, and yours is so devastatingly strong it explodes viciously overpowering your body and causing you to pass out. He doesn't want you to know cause he most likely thinks it'll either terrify you or go to your head, but I disagree. I think you may have even more potential than your father himself" she explained, grinning. Now extremely interested in his capabilities.
Tries to process this information. It makes sense, but still his father didn't trust him enough to simply tell him that? "And what about the voice? The one that keeps saying, 'Release Us.'" It always sounded like a desperate plea, but it wasn't a voice he was familiar with.
TheWhiteLion said:
Tries to process this information. It makes sense, but still his father didn't trust him enough to simply tell him that? "And what about the voice? The one that keeps saying, 'Release Us.'" It always sounded like a desperate plea, but it wasn't a voice he was familiar with.
"Hehehe, that is your animal instinct, the source of your dog God powers, Ras has a similar version it's Magia Erebea and a black beast but his is more demonic and wrathful, yours is simply the dog spirits connected to you speaking to you through your psyche" she went on to explain further.
The information he was receiving was overwhelming. His mana was too powerful to complete a transformation and the voice he keeps hearing was his Dog God powers calling out to him? Would he never be able to transform at all since he couldn't control his output? If so, why didn't his father tell him to stop trying? His father had always told him that their transformation ability was something to be proud of but now he can't do it! Worry, stress, and no small amount of panic settled in the pit of his stomach as his thoughts raced faster than he could keep track of.
TheWhiteLion said:
The information he was receiving was overwhelming. His mana was too powerful to complete a transformation and the voice he keeps hearing was his Dog God powers calling out to him? Would he never be able to transform at all since he couldn't control his output? If so, why didn't his father tell him to stop trying? His father had always told him that their transformation ability was something to be proud of but now he can't do it! Worry, stress, and no small amount of panic settled in the pit of his stomach as his thoughts raced faster than he could keep track of.
"You're panicking aren't you? I can tell, well stop it, your dad simply had no idea how to train you, the nicest way of putting it is he didn't have enough power, makes sense after all, you can't be trained by someone with less mana than yourself. But I'm not him, and my mana level is on quite a different level, besides that, I am your teacher, it is my job to train you. The reason you can't transform is simply because you have too much mana, and not enough ki, your ki, or physical power needs to be the same as your mana so your body can handle transforming. You can train with Kū Fei and myself in physical fights until you have enough ki, then we can train to have your ki and mana increase at the same time at a steady rate. As simple as that, I told you I could help" she said reassuringly, she didn't seem to be lying or misleading him, she had no reason to and it did make sense after all.
Takes a deep breath and allows himself to calm down. "Sorry.." He would then glance up at the clock, wondering if he should move to his next class or wait and see if she had instructions for him. As calm as she was now, he could tell she wouldn't tolerate disrespect. Especially if class earlier proved anything.
TheWhiteLion said:
Takes a deep breath and allows himself to calm down. "Sorry.." He would then glance up at the clock, wondering if he should move to his next class or wait and see if she had instructions for him. As calm as she was now, he could tell she wouldn't tolerate disrespect. Especially if class earlier proved anything.
The bell rang and she smiled "now, speaking of improving ki. Your next class is Setsuna, she'll teach you swordsmanship and ki manipulation, off you go, don't be late now" she finished and walked back over to her desk.
Ichika dips his head in a short bow, "Thank you for your time and assistance." With that, he exited the classroom and made his way towards his next class... which he, again, had no idea where it was. "I should have asked for a map..." He strains his ears, trying to listen for the music that was playing before.
TheWhiteLion said:
Ichika dips his head in a short bow, "Thank you for your time and assistance." With that, he exited the classroom and made his way towards his next class... which he, again, had no idea where it was. "I should have asked for a map..." He strains his ears, trying to listen for the music that was playing before.
He could hear the noise of what sounded like a sword being unsheathed, and several clacking sounds, like swords being placed.
Veronica heard the bell, but she stay where she was staring at the beautiful sky...she wasnt very good with swordfighting, and she didn't want to aee anyone because of the fight with Eva...Sje was positive no one would want to see her, or talk or even train with her, ever
Yukii traced his finger down the list. " alright I'm with a guy named ichika." The bell rung and he had staters to move towards his other class. He completely forgot that his hand was entangled with scarlet's , but he marched
purplepanda288 said:
Yukii traced his finger down the list. " alright I'm with a guy named ichika." The bell rung and he had staters to move towards his other class. He completely forgot that his hand was entangled with scarlet's , but he marched
Scarlet felt a sudden pull and remembered she was still holding Yukii's hand and followed since they are going to the same class anyway.

Kastor followed Yukii and his sister, "So we are both in a teacher room, I wonder what teachers."
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Picks up on the sounds of swords being moved around and heads in that direction. In truth, he was far more interested in improving his sword skills than his magical ones. His father had shown him videos of many skilled swordsmen that he'd met but ichika had admired the techniques of a man who used sword skills with his fists. An older man who could strike his opponent so fast it looked like his hands never left his pockets.

He entered the room and found the teacher preparing for the class. Not wishing to disturb her, he took the first seat he could find.
Yukii smiled maliciously. " Mabye you have it with Sensei Eva. I'm excited for sword fighting." He kept her hands in his. He opened the door to the class. " Hello" he let go of scarlet's hand and went to his seat in the back.
When the boy entered the room, with sibilings in tow, Ichika gave a short nod before returning to his previous pose. His excitement was clearly evident by his raised ears and the swishing of his tail, a small grin despite himself. This would be the first time he'd have formal training in the art of the sword. His father was certainly skilled but excelled at hand to hand combat, rather than combat with a weapon.
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Scarlet walked into the class and took a seat in the back as usual and dug through her bag to find her sword.

Kas sat down in a seat next to Yukii, "Well Eva it's a terrible teacher. I actually enjoy her so far. She can be harsh and scary yes, but I think thats because she wants to push us to do well and she wants respect."
Yukii nodded." I agree." He fished out His baton. His tapped the tip of it. I emitted a soft blue light, the metal grew longer and the handle melded into a cutles handle. " Good ,more appropriate for this class." He set down his sword on the top of his desk.
Scarlet finally found her sword and slowly with drew it from her bag. It was small enough to belong to a child's action figure. Scarlet held the sword up to her blood red lips and whispered something inaudible to those around her and the sword slowly began to enlarge. Once it reached its full size it was clear the sword was made to fit her height and was just light enough to accommodate her strength. The sword's hilt contained a crystal that matched the one in her amulet and its silver shined brightly and lightly radiated a cyan glow. There were initials engraved on the sword, "S.A." and Scarlet lightly traced her fingers over them. The sword had been a gift from her mother when she was much younger and was enchanted to grow and change as Scarlet did.


Kastor sat back and looked at Scarlet and her sword. He was never one for swords, in fact he had only ever held one and attempted to train with it once. After hours of frustration and defeat he decided to stick to guns.
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" Cool sword scarlet. I imagine it has a name." He put his head phones in to his ears. Little music notes floated around him.

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