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Fantasy Mahora Academy

TheWhiteLion said:
Stands quickly, gathers his things, and bows before leaving the room faster than he had moved during the bout earlier. He seriously had to figure out how to numb his ears or something because this was getting ridiculous. And now a teacher thought it was cute! His father would never let him live this down...
Seriously, what was it with women and fuzzy ears? Maybe it's a maternal thing...
Veronica heard the bell and saw everyone come out of class, she knew karate was next...she was great at that. With an excited squeal she darted after everyone and when she saw Ichika she jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms and lehs around him with a giggle as she rested her chin on his shoulder " Hiya! "
Almost fell over, not expecting a passenger, but righted himself before realizing who was attached to him at the moment. Peeking over his shoulder at her he gives a small, confused nod and a soft, "Hello...?" Before unconsciously flattening his ears to his head. In class, there was nothing really wrong with it, but touching his ears the way she and Konoka had while he was walking wouldn't be very safe. For him at least.
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Scarlet smiled softly at him and climbed down from the tree, "Are you sure this is the right spot? No one else is here."

Kastor walked out into the clearing. It was empty except for a few other students who had arrived. He shifted back to his usual self and took a seat.
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Veronica laid her head to the side nuzzling him " Your nicer than everyone else, I like you " she smiled big and closed her eyes " I dont think you ever did tell me your name, what is it? " she asked wrapping her arms around his shoulders and then she wrapped her legs around his waist
Yukii Looked around. He pointed out the other students. " I think we all are here." He went and sat next to scarlet, at this point he only would talk to her.
His entire body stiffens at the contact, all of this foreign to him, but manages to say his name with a slight yip, "Ichika Inugami." He stands there for a second, unsure of what to do, but when she 'locks' herself on to him he decides to continue walking towards the sounds of the other students. The silence beginning to unnerve him, odd considering his own disposition, he speaks first this time, "Your name...?"

It was an odd sensation. Not entirely unwelcome, but very different from what he was used to. Perhaps his father was right about this... maybe talking wasn't so bad.

Now if he could only do something about his infernal ears...
"Oh!" She said sitting with him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Kastor looked up when he saw his sister enter the clearing.
Veronica sighed content and said " Im Veronica.... " she had heard him say his last name and she frowned a little lifting her head, she didnt have a last name...
He wonders why she pauses, but says nothing about it. Prying for information not freely given was something he would not do unless it was absolutely necessary. He wondered if he should wait for her to say something else or try his hand at speaking again...

Perhaps the former rather than the latter. He wasn't completely comfortable with conversation to begin with, much less starting one. Entering the clearing, he saw the two siblings sitting away from each other and the girl was leaning on the other boy. Such odd people, but he supposed he himself was just as odd so he made no such comment. He didn't sit down, as his 'passenger' seemed quite content where she was, so as not to be rude. Instead he just waited.
Kastor gave a nod in Yukii's direction as if to stay hi but he knew to keep his distance from Scar for the time being.

Scarlet relaxed a bit and closed her eyes waiting for class to start. She looked peaceful despite the chaos in her head but after a while it was almost like background noise.
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Veronica moved till she was in feont of him, still hugging him she giggled a bit " Your warm " she nuzzled him again " You also dont talk much.....hey I noticed you liked you ears getting pet....I think that embarrassed you....but your ears are fluffy....do you like me? " she asked
Huh? How does she say so much in such a short amount of time... Wait...

His face burned and he tried to deny that he enjoyed the soft sensation of someone massaging his ears. The comment of him being warm, her pointing out that he doesn't speak, the sudden physical contact, all of it culminated in his mind going completely blank. It was simply too much to process at the moment.

By the time he finally sorted out the mess that used to be his brain, he registered that she had asked if he liked her. Liked her? Well, according to his father, you like someone if you feel comfortable around them. She certainly wasn't threatening him and while the contact had surprised him she wasn't harming him or abusing his body. So he was comfortable.

Ascertaining this, he gave a small confident nod. Then, after a moments hesitation, he added, "I like you."
" Shes pretty cute like this." He thought, for some reason he wanted to kiss her. The thought of that made his blush like mad. " No I cant do that. "
Not meaning to Scarlet fell asleep softly napping on his shoulder it seemed all day they were rushing from class to class.

Kastor noticed Yukii bushing while his sister was leaning on him. He chuckled again to himself.
Veronica was very happy that Ichika had said he liked her, she hugged him tighter, though she wasnt sure if it was too tight...but she didnt care, he liked her and she was happy
Breathing became slightly more difficult, but not unbearably so. She seemed happy, so he guessed it was alright. Though their current position was beginning to become slightly.. difficult to maintain. She practically shimmied herself onto his chest and held herself there with her own arms and legs, his hands having stayed by his side the whole time.

She was going to fall if she stayed like this and he was still unsure as to whether he should sit or wait for her to get bored of using him as a free ride. You'd think his father would have better prepared him for situations like this, but all that man was concerned with was helping his son become a fighter.
Scarlet began to dream. It seemed that when she slept it was the only time (outside of when she listens to her music) that she got a break from the thoughts of others. However, sometimes she would share her dreams unintentionally with those she is close to. This used to just be Kas but now there was Yukii too. Her dream began to flash through his mind as well.

'Scar~' A beautiful voice could be heard calling her. Scarlet turned her head from the small sparkling pond she was staring into to the sound of the voice. 'Scarlet! Where are you?' The voice called again, this time closer. Scarlet looked back down at her reflection in the pond. There was a younger Scarlet staring back at her and it could be noted that this was a while before she started wearing her amulet. Scarlet wiped her tears away and watched her horns ripple in the water reflection. 'There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere.' The voice said from behind her now. 'I'm sorry mom.' Scarlet replied and turned around. Behind her stood her mom Amaliel. Amaliel was a gorgeous angel and she seemed to radiate light. It was clear Scarlet got her facial structure and hair from this woman. 'Come here darling.' She said softly. Scarlet stood and ran to her mom hugging her in tears again.

The dream ended there and Scarlet slowly opened her eyes. They were watery as if she was going to cry to she rubbed the tears from them.
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Veronica scooted higher up on him till she wrapped her arms around his neck and adjusted her legs, she grabbed his arms and moved them to her thighs so he could hold her up
Yukii woke up with a start, he blinked away tears from his eyes. he lifted his head and looked at scarlet. " Was that your mother?"
purplepanda288 said:
Yukii woke up with a start, he blinked away tears from his eyes. he lifted his head and looked at scarlet. " Was that your mother?"
"Oh it happened again...." Scarlet said softly. "Yes that was my mom." She with a sweet smile. She still looked a little drowse and child like.
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"Uh...?" Was the only intelligent thing he thought to say at the moment. He supposed she wanted him to continue holding her so he obliged and kept her steady. He wondered why she seemed adamant on using him as a standing pillow, but decided against asking as it would only make things awkward. Not that they weren't already, but his Father had told him to take these things in stride. Whether he was doing it correctly or not... well that would depend on the one observing, but regardless he decided to let her do as she pleased as long as it didn't threaten his personal safety.
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Veronica giggled and began getting drowzy, she gently shook her head and slid down out of Ichika's arms so she wouldn't fall asleep, but she did hug his arm

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