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Fantasy Mahora Academy

Forced to sit, he tried to stay still so the girl would be able to rest easier. It has been a busy day, and with everything they were learning and the people they were meeting it could put a strain on anyone. Idly he remembered what his father had told him about kaede. "She's tough. After a huge loss during the martial arts tournament, she trained me to be even stronger than before. In fact, at some point, I was even stronger than that idiot negi! Or, I guess he calls himself Ras now."
Veronica poked Ichika's face " What are you thinking about? " she asked seeing his expression was lost, like she had seen many people do in thought. She turnednher head away andnyawned before looking back to him waiting for an answer
He blinks dumbly for a few seconds, "My father lived here. He told me about this place." Story after story after story. He never got tired of it though. He did wonder what these people where doing when he woke up in the fire and shadow of, what he thinks was, his former home but figured they were off saving other people. You can't be everywhere at once, no matter how strong you are.
Veronica giggled and said " What did he tell you? " she asked wanting him to talk more as she got more drowzy from just sitting here
Too many things to count. Every battle he was in, his fights and rivalry with the headmaster, and meeting his wife. "There are lots of strong hero's here. I want to learn from them."

She was going to fall asleep and miss the lesson at this rate. He still didn't like speaking more than he needed to, but if it kept her awake he supposed he could try. All of them were here to learn something, might as well help each other out.
Veronica suddenly got an idea " Hey! You want to play a game! " she bounced up and pulled him up as well she then took a step back and said " I want to see how strong you are so I want you to hit me as hard as you can with any move you want to try andmove me from this spot, okay " she took another step back and planted her feet with a smile, she held her hand out in case he chose to punch her hand instead of somewhere else, xause she knew people dont want to hurt her " Oh! And dont worry I heal....and I dont feel pain " she giggled " Ready? Go! "
'This girl... Is really odd.' he stood motionless for a minute, wondering if she was serious. By the look in her eyes he realized she wasn't kidding. Taking an offensive stance he draws back his fist.

While he favored his katana, and fire magic, he was taught basic hand to hand but was nowhere near his father or the headmasters level. Lacing the punch with ki, he aimed for her hand and struck with all his might, only pulling back slightly out of reflex due to the fact she wasn't an enemy.
Veronica watched his hamd coming and she heard a bang when his hand hand punched hers, her arm moved back a bit and the rest of her body stayed still. Smiling big she giggled " Thats was great, do it again! "
purplepanda288 said:
Yukii put his arm around her scarlet. " this is nice. I do wonder when the teacher will come to teach us."
Scarlet shrugged, "Who knows." She leaned her head on his shoulder once again and looked at the small fire that was sitting in the middle of the camp. She began thinking maybe they were being observed or something, after all this is supposed to be a ninja class and the teacher was no where to be seen.

Kas watched the other students interact. He like observing more than interacting.

((I feel like Kas is mostly here to just help Scarlet's Character story along haha))
((could be xD ))

It felt like he'd punched a solid wall, only the wall didn't crumble and fall over. Intrigued, he drew back again putting more force behind it this time. Just to be safe, he chanted an enhancement spell to divert the shock from his arm out of his body so he didn't break anything if her arm didn't give.
Veronica kept her body rigid to absorb the shock and his punch rocked her back on her heels, but she still didnt move out of place " Again! Again! Again! " She slightly bounced in place
(( True xP ))

Yukii looked at Scarlet. " What is it, you picked up on something or the other?" He looked around, he checked his chain but it wasn't giving him any hints.
((Hahaha well he doesn't really talk to anyone and no one really talks to him sooo he is basically just there as part of Scarlet's story now lmao. Maybe I'll try to find a way to get him to interact more or he eventually dies off or something when he isn't needed anymore hahaha))

Scarlet sat up and pulled Yukii with her. "Come on." She said leading him away from the camp somewhere further in the forest to talk.

Kas looked up and watched his sister leave with Yukii. He wondered what was going on but decided to ignore it. He went back to watching the other students bored.
Starting to feel a certain degree of excitement, and conpetitiveness, he took up the stance again. This time instead of a defensive enhancement to absorb shock he placed one on his skin. Drawing back, he pressed half of his total remaining ki into the punch, no longer holding back.

When the blow connected, anyone could hear the crack of his forearm breaking towards the wrist. The enhancement on his skin held the bone in place, but he still growled in pain, a pained grin on his face.
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Yukii stayed quite, he wondered why they where away from the others. " Have something in mind?" he kept up with her pace so he wouldn't be dragged by her.
purplepanda288 said:
Yukii stayed quite, he wondered why they where away from the others. " Have something in mind?" he kept up with her pace so he wouldn't be dragged by her.
Once Scarlet felt they were far enough from the other students and the camp she spoke, "Well I was just thinking, this is a ninja class, in the middle of the woods. And we are all just sitting at this empty camp and the teacher isn't anywhere to be seen. So how do we know they aren't observing us? I'm sure it's a possibility the teacher is just late, but the other thing makes sense too." She explained in a hushed voice.
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" That is possible." he whispered, he looked around and noticed that they left their stuff at the clearing. He let out a frustrated sigh.
"I'm sure it will be fine. Kas is there after all." She explained. "Are you cold?" She asked when he shivered tilting her head.
Yukii quickly stole a kiss from her. He fell backwards into a portal the opened up. He appeared in a tree branch a few feet above her.
Scarlet's face turned a bright red. She spun around looking up at where he was in the tree. With one large flap of her wings she was on the branch next to him. She kissed him on the cheek then flew higher up and sat in another tree several feet way from the one Yukii sat in. "You're it." She said with a playful smile.
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