Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"Nana, if he does something stupid, i might bring you to the middle of nowhere for yelling at me..." Said Kazuto standing with his head down, waiting for something to happen.
nana held her staff . "kaz...." she whispered "be on guard just in case...a protective love one can do crazy things..." 
nana sighed. "ok. well let you hold her. but she really does need to be cleansed."
Kaz dissapears and appears in the sky flashing back and forth quickly from behind and to the front of Xeno so he can stay afloat. "I thought you said I was too injured to fight, Nana."
"Look the water is too pure for her so it's not a good Idea to force her in it, just try to make her get use to it but try it a little at a time. Try not to pour a lot of water on her since it hurts her." Xeno was sort of yelling
"that is what i was saying before xeno." nana sighed. looks like noone was listening. "and kaz. get down! i said just in case!"
"Xeno, your not the only one with a morphing or evolution or whatever ability so dont think you can win. I cant even control mine yet..."
"Really cause it looks like your forcing her. Fine then how about this." Xeno began to take the darkness from xi
nana summoned a rag and a bucket. she filled the bucket and waited at the edge for xeno. "come down here please xeno. " she held the rag up. "u can use this to get her to be used to it. " 
"xeno... thats dangerous...."
nana had a blank look " it just me or are the men letting their pride show?....maybe its just kaz..." nana chuckles
Xi looked at Xeno scared. The symbol began to laugh again. "Fools. Is the New Moon not close enough for you?" It said. She covered her face with her hands.
nana looks at sky "don't bother sky! let them argue it out. besides because of this places purity it wont let the darkness get too out of hand-" nana face palms her face as the three fell in the water. "gods damn!"
Kazuto jumps up still holding the darkness, pulling it into him from the water, then from above the water.
shused energy to walk on the water and helped hold xeno and xi above the water. she transfered some energy to them so thay can also walk on water for a while. nana started to help kaz too

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