Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Kazuto dissapears after a deep breath and shoves Xi underwater for a second. " Drench her under every 10 or 15 seconds it helps."
Sky was holding xi in the water with her powers. "Xeno trust us we are know what we are doing"

Xi screamed loudly as her forehead began to glow. A loud laugh could be heard from it. She started to cry. "STOP IT!"
nanna followed the directions but instead of dumping xi under water she forcefully sat xi in her lap as she wrapped her arms around xi. "can someone please poure water over her? maybe this way she wont feel like were drowning her."
nana looked around "i think the water is too pure. maybe we have to get her used to it by slowly adding pure water to regular water and dumping it over her...." nana trailed off she was running out of ideas as she held xi.
Sky went over and put water over her head. While still holding her in place with her with her powers.

nana filtered how much pure water was getting into xi. "this will hurt less if you stop moving xi... let us help you so u can play with xeno again.... kaz please stop threathening xeno! such a stubborn boy YoUr SuPpOsE To Be ReAsTiNg!" nana yelled the last part growing annoyed with kaz
Xi began to cry. She was scared and didn't like being in this water and having water poured on her. She cried afraid. "Xe-Xe help!"
"No I'm supposed to be leaving. Xeno, if I have to come back you might regret it. " Kazuto finishes before dissapearing, hiding the evil assassin in him.
"look. just slowly pour water around her face xeno. not on it" 
nana gulp "sorry for yelling" she mumbled ashamed that she yelled again
""Sorry, he still has a little bit of evil. Was being a bit protective of you guys in Razes place... " Kazuto said after appearing on the grass.
"He's naive and young to understand how I do things." Xeno then grabs Xi and he flies in the air.

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