Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Eliza blushed as she looked at Sky,"Sky!" She said with a bright pink face but sigh as she looked to Raze,"I'm fine really! Terrior didn't do anything to me!" She said showing no wounds.
Sky just laughed. "Yup I put up a shield around them so nothing xan get you can thank me for protecting your princess raze"

Eliza pointed to the sleeping Saiyan child,"He over there sleeping soundly... He had a long day yesterday" She said with a giggle.
"Eh? What? Princess????? My Princess? Sky mind what you are saying", Raze looks at the other side and catches Kazuto's mocking stare.
Eliza jumped as she heard explosions and looked to the mountains to see smoke,"What was that?!" She said then remembering Xeno,"Oh no... Is Xeno okay?" She thought as she started to worry.
"Kaz I will kick you...just wait", Raze mumbles. "So I see you found Xeno?", Raze asks as he went ahead and sat near Kazuto.
Nana awkwardly scratched her cheek. Guess the child doesn't like her. That made her a little sad but she should have expected as much. Maybe she should refrain from talking as much. Nana layed her back on the tree and watched amused at the others. Such a lively group
"Read my mind" 'you-like-eli-za' she winked at him and went to sit next to kazuto amd just grinned.


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