Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Akio wakes up in the middle of the night *a few hours later* and walks into the woods and lies in the clearing where the moonlight shines in.
Akio enjoys the moonlight shining down on him. "Ah... the ivory moon.... a beautiful spectacle.... I lie down in the middle of night... and enjoy the world around me... And I'm reminded what I'm saving... A beautiful world...." As Akio goes on a small, grey, canine creature, with small feet, and a bushy tail with white at the tail's tip wondered into the clearing and jumped onto Akio's chest and curled up. It was a baby fox. "Aw... How cute. I probably should get some shut eye as well." Akio drifts into a deep sleep once again.
Xi'Maws dreams were filled with dark thoughts. She saw a enormous dark figure taking a dangerous sword from a stone and laughing while approaching her. "N-No... daddy...." She said in her sleep while shivering.
(Aww... but I can stay up tonight.)

Akio talks in his sleep, but is aware of what he is saying. "We must risk everything to save this world.... Even is Bravery is all we got..."
Xeno was dreaming and inside his dream he was in a temple like structure and there were people there as well. One of the men spoke "ah Xeno we've been waiting for you." Xeno's replied "you were waiting for me?"
Raze was sitting on a top of a mountain. The chill was making him feel good. He gazed at the moon and smiled. He visualized Akio's memories. "We are so alike yet different", he thought. He lies down on his back and keeps gazing.
Kazuto comes up next to Raze, sitting next to him. "You alright?" Kazuto had met his old friend while traveling and just started to tag along with him.
"Yes we're here to tell you that you have a great object to protect." Xeno was confused until he thought of Xi "wait a minute do you mean Xi?" The dream faded away and Xeno woke up
Eliza awoke from her slumber as she yawned loudly, stretching her arms out,"Oww... How did I get here?" She thought as she looked to her side to see Sky sleeping next to her soundly and everyone else laying somewhere also sleeping,"Eh???.... So they survived huh?" She mumbled to herself as she got up to see that it was still dark out. Walking around the group she sigh as she just stood there waiting for the day to come.
Kazuto laughs. "Well I suppose I've been a little far behind, but I couldn't tell if it was you or not right away so I folowed. How have you been?"
"Its always nice to see an old face, of course of a friend.", Raze smiles. Suddenly Raze gets a vision of Akio's memories. He finds out about Telior.
Eliza was startled as she noticed Xeon was awake as well and smiled,"Some dream you had..." She said as she noticed Xi sleeping soundly,"Ah... You're safe... Thank goodness" She thought happily as she smiled softly to the girl.
"Yeah I'm going to take a walk in the mountains." And with those words Xeno leaves pondering about the dream

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