Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"You want it, eh?" Akio had to put two and two together. He sheathed the Crimsonian Katana and drew his old Katana.
"Giving us a hint that you may know them and you are sent from Raiden huh?" She said with a smirk.

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"Akio I am not just another guy who would take that Katana just like that. That Katana is a legacy. I would love to earn it but not now. Now is not the right time. I have unfinished business to attend", Raze lands and walks towards Akio with a dead smile.
Akio sighed and drew the Crimsonian Katana and held it in his right hand and held the other katana in his left hand. "..!"
"I do know Raiden. Who doesn't know the Evil Queen?", Raze mocks her. 
Raze comes close to Akio and helds out his right hand for a handshake. "Oops! You seem to have your hands occupied.", Raze laughs.
Akio sheathed the katanas and shook his hand. He looked into Raze's eyes. He tried to find a hint of lying.
Eliza frowned at his ways of mocking and in both hands created two balls of lightning as she was ready to get some answers out of this guy.

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"Hm. Not many have been told of her actually. But....if you have answers then you best start talking." Wernox said while holding his sword up to Raz's neck.
As Raze hold's Akio's hands, he uses his hypnotism to look into his memories. At the same time he flaps his wings. "You people have some audacity"
Eliza followed Sky's order as she waited for anything to singal her to strike.

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"What are you implying? Your skepticism amuses me Akio. Neither did I hurt you, nor did I snatch that beautiful Katana. Yet you all are teaming against me. No wonder Xeno left you all."
Eliza was shocked by the guy's word but shook her head in disagreement,"He would never do that!" She said but felt a little unsure since she barely knew Xeon and Xi.

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