Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"In that may leave the voidling here in my care. And take its box with you...." Raiden said impatiently"
"Thing is she can only transfer power directly so without her ill surely fail." Xeno was pleading to Raiden by this point
Xi'Maw gasped while hearing the woman then looked at Xeno nervously. She didn't want to be left alone with a stranger.
"XENOPHON!!!! DO YOU WISH TO SERVE ME AND FOLLOW MY ORDERS OR DO YOU WISH TO BE SENT OUT!!!!!!!!" Raiden said in a ferocious and angered voice.
(k back. why everyone apologizing? )

nana was so preoccupied with her flustered self watching the side of the mountin explode with smoke and trying to not make a noise that she forgot to track the people and actually bumped into one of them. "ah!" nana yelled in surprise startled. she fell on her bum and rubbed her nose where she bumped it. nana looked up at the object she walked into and saw that it was one of the people. nana panicked and quickly got up backing away a few feet and grabbing hold of her staff though she hasn't removed it from her back.. she slowly stored energy into her staff preparing it for battle just in case and eyed the stranger worriedly. looking for any sudden attacks.
"I guess you lost a soldier, come on Xi we're leaving." Xeno then began to drag Xi out with super speed until they were out of Raidens reach.
Xi'Maw smiled as she heared Xeno's words. She happily allowed him to drag her off but watched the lady as they left
AkioTheHero said:
(Animania, the temple is blocked off)
oh. sorry! forget the smoke part! i tend to forget many things 
what time do u guys call it in? as in take a break to go to bed? sorry i have a...uh... bedtime ....
Eliza nodded "Yeah, good thing we're safe" She said.

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Mysti shook, a light whimper coming from her throat as she awoke. Drell glanced back, still in flight, and raised a scaly brow. He spoke into her mind, 'Mysti. Are you alright?' She grumbled and sat up, rubbing Drell's white neck, "Yeah. Just cold." Mysti looked around, and sighed. Drell was one of the few people she felt comfortable talking to. He was so calm, collected, and kind. Mysti yawned, stretching, "We're still flying? Shouldn't you rest? We've been at it for miles upon miles. Besides... I don't know this area... Everything feels so active... but so agitated... Why are we even here?" Her voice was quiet, but beautiful. It rang like wind-chimes, and was as soft as silk.

'I felt something off, Mysti. I needed to come. It would have bothered me otherwise,' Drell said, speaking into her mind again with his deep voice, and thick draconic accent. It didn't sound gruff though, surprisingly enough. Drell's voice sounded wise and knowledgeable, yet still full of life. Mysti focused on the area more, and furrowed her brow, "Is there a fight going on or something?" Drell's nod answered solemnly. It was clear he was worried. He had always hated fighting, even though he was good at it. Mysti tried to calm him with her hand rubbing his neck, "I'm sure it'll end up alright in the end... Did you want to go down and check it out?"

Drell thought on it for a moment, but shook his head, 'If I did, I don't know that I wouldn't get involved... Then that would get you involved... I can hardly have that, Mysti.' Mysti just sighed and shrugged, "Suit yourself. I'm wondering what the really dark-feeling thing is. Can we go check out that? It's hard to miss." Drell glanced back at Mysti, 'I know you do not know much about the legends from this land... but I am old enough to remember that darkness. We should definitely not go towards it's corrupting aura.'

Mysti grumbled, and folded her arms, much like an annoyed child, "Then what do we do?! Keep on flying with no purpose? That's silly! Daylight is fading fast. We should land. You should rest. We need to figure out where we are going before we go anywhere. Alright?" Drell chuckled, his chest vibrating. He didn't answer with words, instead just landing in a nearby clearing. They were higher in elevation, but the cold didn't tend to bother Mysti too much. Just a little.

The moment that her feet touched the ground, Drell's form shrunk in a flash to something that would fit on her shoulders, and he did. He was her makeshift scarf. Thinking about that even now made her giggle in amusement, to which Drell vibrated in a mock growl. Mysti sat on the ground then, not saying much, rather... she was thinking, mostly about whatever the dark energy was. It had an alluring quality to it, but she shook her head, trying to get it out of her mind.
"Fight back, Dragon!" As Akio falls close enough to make hand contact with the dragon, he does, and fires another giant blast.
Eliza awoke and watched as Akio attacked the dragon IN THE TEMPLE WHICH THEY WERE TRAPPED IN (hint hint)

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Akio holds his katana in a ready-to-strike stance as he steps closer to the dragon. "I don't believe you."
"....can you explain to why you were asleep?" Sky asked Elza while still having the sheild up.


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