Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Akio stops the tail with his hands, but Akio did feel a pulse of energy. "Ow." Akio slams his fist on the tail, knocking it the ground, and flies at the best, making a ki ball appear in his hand, and reels his arm back. When he reaches the dragon, he throws the ki ball into his mouth, which turns into a giant beam. 
(oops DX Sorry)
(Rave you can take the role of the guardian) Mean while back In Raidens palace Xeno is screaming like he's in horrible pain.
"Oh? I didn't even have to touch you and yet your already in pain." Raiden said in a sarcastically surprised voice.
Eliza gasped as she saw the ball of energy was deflected back at Akio,"Akio look out!" She cried out trying to get her magic to work but from before battle has taken all her energy so she was mostly helpless.

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The dust clears, and Akio was in a defensive position. "Ya know.... I've been practicing a new attack. I call it Asteroid Breaker. Wanna see?"
Sky grinned "this is gonna be good" she put up a telekinesis sheild around her, eliza and wernox

Xi'Maw watched him change before her eyes. She bit her lip slightly trying not to speak as he said.
Xeno gave off a powerful sense "you should give me another chance, with this form I'll kill them all." He was now unimpressed at Raidens threat.
Eliza noticed Sky's barrier and sighed in relief as Akio was fine from the blow,"I worry for who next after this.." She said quietly to herself.

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Of course Raiden had to think a while. But then came up with an idea. "Well then. I shall chance. But only on one condition"
"Well its quite simple really. If you are truly a soldier of pure darkness then you would have no use of that voidling now would you?" Raiden said in a sarcastic voice.
Eliza looked to Sky's way and tilted her head confused by her words,"Eh?... Now you're scaring me more." She said now feeling nervous for her time to come.

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Akio used a type of KI sensing to find the Dragon's weakspot. His stomach. Akio teleports under the dragon and stabs him to immobilize it. He then teleports in front of it and knees it in the chin, and teleports away. He is in space, where, when he throws something, it keeps going fast. Akio put his hands, palm toward the temple, and a giant, red energy ball appeared in front of him, although it probably looks like a star to the others. Akio fires it at a high speed. As it enters the atmosphere, it's speed and power increase. Akio teleports above it, and pushes it with his feet, and flies downwards. They start crashing towards the temple. Akio knows it'll explode before it reaches the dragon, so he quickly blows a hole in the top of the mountain with a ki blast. The temple roof is now exposed. As they keep crashing, many variables increasing the power and speed of the ball, Akio jumps off of it, the force of his legs bending, then pushing on it to launch him, also launched the ball much faster at the dragon. It crashes through the roof, and catastrophic explosion erupts throughout the cave. Akio reels his arm back and another ki ball appears in his cupped hand.
"She is useful milady when we were battling the heroes she gave me and Sherlot lots of power but they proved they were more powerful but if she supplies me with more power like that they'll be a breeze." Xeno knew she would listen for she knew he would not lie about power like that.

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