Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"Interesting......alright then you may enter...." the voice said. Soon the giant doors open and darkness pours out.

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Akio flinches. "Ugh.... It's very distant.... VERY VERY DISTANT.... but the feeling of darkness I am sensing is painful...!"
Xi"maw gasped as she heard a voice. She smiled at Xeno and quickly grabbed one of his tentacles. "S-Scary voice...."
"Don't be afraid little one come follow me." Xeno then enters and soon he is in front of Raiden bowing "little one you must do as Ido right now."
Eliza looked at Akio ,"Eh?... What darkness?" She asked unsure what he meant.

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(Akio you and the others are in Ravenwing. March's character and XI are somewhere else)

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She gasped as she saw him on the ground kneeling. She stiffened her body trying to do the same but accidentally released her floating power and landed face first on the ground.
There soon appeared a shadowy blob.

"Hm? And who is that you have brought?" Raiden asks.

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"Now, now Xeno. There is no need to worry. The voidling is fine. Anyways what is this speak about the crimsonian titan?" Raiden said.

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*I know Akio sensed it from far away DISTANNNT*

"Just... some evil energy... very far away. It's of no harm to any of you physically, but I can't use Ki Sensing currently. It'll hurt with the energy that I sensed before."
(Oh sorry didn't know.)

"Well then looks like you get your first whiff of the corrupted spirit huh?" Wernox said.

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Eliza nodded,"It's okay even though i can't sense like you can but just take it easy okay?"

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"It's ok Xi" Xeno said this in a caring tone "anyway they somehow figured out how to summon him and they beat me, I wish to request the aid of our greatest followers." (The other villains)
"Yeah but she ain't gonna bother us now. We should hurry up and get to the shrine" Wernox said. Wernox then headed to the direction of the shrine. He then told everyone to come on.

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Eliza tilted her head unsure what he meant,"Then that means that Raiden is somewhere really scary then... with two more scary people..." She said with a shiver.

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