Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"Leave him alone... hes doing something right now.." Kazuto grabs her and quickens a couple miles away. "He should be back by the time we walk nirmally back to the location." Kazuto begins to walk.
"Xi," Kazuto puts a hand to her cheek, wiping away the tears." Dont cry, I did this for Xenos sake. So lets hurry back ok?" He tries to give a reassuring smile.
Sky sighed and ran after them and after few minutes found them a few miles away. She saw xi crying and the symbol on the her forehead. She ran over to them and asked "xi...can you tell me about the symbol on your forehead?"

Kazuto jumped back and removed his hand from her cheek. "Sk- Sky... how'd you find us..." Kazuto stuttered.
"Oh okay... " Kazuto quickly leaves to behind a tree, trying to hide from any misunderstanding rage from Sky.
'She didnt notice... ' Kazuto thinks to himself. "Ahh, aha nothing. We better get back though right? Im sure everyones worried." Kazuto tries to play it off.
Sky noticed but didn't jump to conclusions. She saw xi crying and know kazuto was trying to comfort her. "Ok"


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