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Fantasy Magic ☆ is Dead

[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]Mm! So every character's post (actions that they do within a post) is a cause. And each cause is directly associated with an effect. So, talking to a certain NPC may have a positive effect where you gain important information or a key item. But at the same time, if you do something to cause a negative effect, your character might have to fight or lose something of value. In my rp so far, someone had done something that caused such a negative effect, they lost their leg.

Ohh I see. Nice!

HeartsAbyss said:
I have a feeling that my characters would probably inadvertently picking up the most negative outcomes, no matter what they do ||D
I'll try get a post up for Pallas before I sleep tonight~

But work's been rather busy (I only just got a break now orz) so it might take longer for me to respond.
Take your time~

Teewhy love~

But I don't want to leave you waiting so I'll try get it up asap >w<

Though I'm having a lot of fun directing my kouhai around-- bc I'm not the newbie in my workplace anymore 8D
[QUOTE="Saccharine Cyanide]That's...third white cat avatar. O_O
Yep, I think we do have space left. There are a few more mages than Peaceguard at the moment.

all right ;o mine is normally a gif so it beats the other white cats
Saccharine Cyanide] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12390-critical-err0r/ said:
I feel like...I would deliberately do the stupid things just to see what happens. xD

Just like I do in video games...
That would be fun, but at the same time frustrating. xD

Mainly because I don't give plot armor to my players in this rp. So they could easily die with no divine interventions.
HeartsAbyss said:
Teewhy love~

But I don't want to leave you waiting so I'll try get it up asap >w<

Though I'm having a lot of fun directing my kouhai around-- bc I'm not the newbie in my workplace anymore 8D
I won't hurry you <3

Nice ;D Does he go all senpai notice me!! Okay that just makes me want to watch Yandere Simulator playthroughs

//snaps fingers

So plot armour isn't available in your RPs... that means I can't make my characters magically squirrel out of situations then

Better find some other way to make my characters glorious when I join your RPs //killed


omf I'm wheezing, I hope my kouhai doesn't see ;;;;

he's a nice naive child lel. and he's the typical bright-eyed bushy-tailed type~
Note to self.... when a workout supplement label reads "Do not consume with other sources of caffeine" It is not a challenge...

You will get jittery as hell and start practically tap dancing under your desk...

One of these days I'll learn my lesson... x3
HeartsAbyss said:
//snaps fingers

So plot armour isn't available in your RPs... that means I can't make my characters magically squirrel out of situations then

Better find some other way to make my characters glorious when I join your RPs //killed
Nooope. Anti-metagame because if you're caught, your character's not gonna have a good time.

I will though. I get to RNG to see how badly they get hurt. xD
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]That would be fun, but at the same time frustrating. xD
Mainly because I don't give plot armor to my players in this rp. So they could easily die with no divine interventions.

Hmm, don't want to go through characters like hotcakes, I suppose. Do you know i've never actually had a character die? D :
[QUOTE="Saccharine Cyanide]Hmm, don't want to go through characters like hotcakes, I suppose. Do you know i've never actually had a character die? D :

Really? O_o?

I've... actually killed off one of my characters in their first post before. xD
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]Nooope. Anti-metagame because if you're caught, your character's not gonna have a good time.
I will though. I get to RNG to see how badly they get hurt. xD

I love RNG for rps. It's always so fun to see what are the results you get xD . One of my characters was injured 9/10 on a scale of injuries once and it was terrible.
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]Really? O_o?
I've... actually killed off one of my characters in their first post before. xD


What happened? xD
[QUOTE="Saccharine Cyanide]What...
What happened? xD

Well, in the rp, he was supposed to have been salvaged by an antisocial cybernetics genius, so that he would be revived as a cyborg. But the rp didn't get that far. ;;^;;
@One Mean Ghost

I know someone who tap-dances underneath their table
without caffeine and those supplements combined.

Imagine what he'd be like if he was like you and took them... actually, I don't want to imagine it.

Knowing that he can make my eyes blur with his normal self is enough yo //shot


gO AWAY OREO //shot

Do I need to go find a back window seat and stare wistfully out the window now ;DD


Fun times. Rangen's always got great things in store for me orz

Thank goodness the one time my character looked like she was going to die, the RP died before her-- //kicked
Oreocookies said:
I love RNG for rps. It's always so fun to see what are the results you get xD . One of my characters was injured 9/10 on a scale of injuries once and it was terrible.
HeartsAbyss said:
Fun times. Rangen's always got great things in store for me orz

Thank goodness the one time my character looked like she was going to die, the RP died before her-- //kicked
I tend to roll GREAT. Then my next roll is something terrible like a 1. xD

One rendition of my current rp, I rolled for everyone's health condition for an event.. And everyone was practically dead except my character. So I had to physically remove my character from the scene for it to make sense. ;;A;;
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]I've never had a character die, but all of my characters usually end up horribly injured at least once ^^

I can change that if you want.
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]I can change that if you want.

Please don't xD yall are a lot of fun and I don't want to leave just yet!
HeartsAbyss said:
gO AWAY OREO //shot

Do I need to go find a back window seat and stare wistfully out the window now ;DD
Ily too ;D

Yes, yes you do. Then you must have a Hyouka-esque meeting with someone in a club (when you never actually watched Hyouka).

[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]I tend to roll GREAT. Then my next roll is something terrible like a 1. xD
One rendition of my current rp, I rolled for everyone's health condition for an event.. And everyone was practically dead except my character. So I had to physically remove my character from the scene for it to make sense. ;;A;;

I'm forever rolling bad. My other friends can testify for how much rangen hates me because it's always one of my character who ends up near death, dead, or kidnapped/tortured/etc.

LOL. My gosh ;;;


The place where I RP outside of RPN usually has the host rolling for us... but I have no idea what my luck would be like if I rolled for myself. It'll probably be just as bad if the bad luck from host-mediated rolls are anything to go by. But at least you have spikes of good luck :')

@One Mean Ghost

You could always make another character if Dante dies.

I mean, if he's dead, then at least Altair wouldn't do half the things he
could do to him if he were alive and his current fixation. Though that doesn't leave out the other half of things he could do to a cadavar.


Enlighten me as to what a Hyouka-esque meeting entails then ;DD
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HeartsAbyss said:

The place where I RP outside of RPN usually has the host rolling for us... but I have no idea what my luck would be like if I rolled for myself. It'll probably be just as bad if the bad luck from host-mediated rolls are anything to go by. But at least you have spikes of good luck :')

@One Mean Ghost

You could always make another character if Dante dies.

I mean, if he's dead, then at least Altair wouldn't do half the things he
could do to him if he were alive and his current fixation. Though that doesn't leave out the other half of things he could do to a cadavar.


Enlighten me as to what a Hyouka-esque meeting entails then ;DD
But... I'm terrible at creating new characters ><;;

It took me MONTHS to find a suitable last name for Dante....

Not to mention I have a ton of ideas I want to use for Dante ;-;

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