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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè

Well Alexander has to tell everyone everything so there is that.... we got miss evil little fairy to deal with though I don't want her gone immedietly tbh xD

*sits down* I dunno what to do since it just seems to be you and me here right now
RegalWindstar said:
Well Alexander has to tell everyone everything so there is that.... we got miss evil little fairy to deal with though I don't want her gone immedietly tbh xD
*sits down* I dunno what to do since it just seems to be you and me here right now
Wanna wait for the others? I mean, Elfia is a huge part of the plot, and I honestly think it would be kinda awkward to work around her characters.
Do you mean out of all of our RP characters or out of mine? If its out of all of ours its a toss up between Alexander, Graeme and Jun (I am crushing hard on those 3 :P )
RegalWindstar said:
Do you mean out of all of our RP characters or out of mine? If its out of all of ours its a toss up between Alexander, Graeme and Jun (I am crushing hard on those 3 :P )
No I mean a character of yours, not necessarily in this RP. ^^"" (I'm just curious)
Not in this RP but in general out of all chars I have.... Hmm... Arada, Erik and Aki from my RP with that "Friend" who ditches me alot. I dislike that friend but I love my characters in that RP. They mean a lot to me, Alexander and Arika come second however.
RegalWindstar said:
Not in this RP but in general out of all chars I have.... Hmm... Arada, Erik and Aki from my RP with that "Friend" who ditches me alot. I dislike that friend but I love my characters in that RP. They mean a lot to me, Alexander and Arika come second however.
What were they like? ^^
Well Erik and Arada were a couple, They teased eachother, Arada loved to get in a lot of trouble. She was stubborn, Kind and her brother Aki meant the world to her. Erik was protective and loving of Arada but half the time thought she was an idiot for being so careless. Aki..was thought to be dead, he raised Arada since their father died and their mother thought her a monster. Turned out Aki was captured and being converted instead of dead but they saved them and Arada got her big brother back.
RegalWindstar said:
Well Erik and Arada were a couple, They teased eachother, Arada loved to get in a lot of trouble. She was stubborn, Kind and her brother Aki meant the world to her. Erik was protective and loving of Arada but half the time thought she was an idiot for being so careless. Aki..was thought to be dead, he raised Arada since their father died and their mother thought her a monster. Turned out Aki was captured and being converted instead of dead but they saved them and Arada got her big brother back.
Aaw. Why did Arada and Aki's mother think of her as a monster?
Because when people Arada cared about got hurt or she didn't trust someone or hated someone she changed she turned into a creature of fire with wings like a pheonix and long sharp nails and lost all sense, the only person who could ground her and bring her back to her senses was Aki (until she met Erik then he was able to aswell)

Over time it got better she gained more control because her brother helped her but if someone she cares about dies or gets badly badly injured she can lose control still
RegalWindstar said:
Because when people Arada cared about got hurt or she didn't trust someone or hated someone she changed she turned into a creature of fire with wings like a pheonix and long sharp nails and lost all sense, the only person who could ground her and bring her back to her senses was Aki (until she met Erik then he was able to aswell)
That's unfortunate, but kind of cute. ^^ Did Aki have some sort of 'powers'?
Aki had powers of lightning but didn't discover his powers until he joined the Organization to stop the invading monsters: the Doves which Erik's older brother was the leader of but Eriks older brother Ichiro died in a battle Against an Organization who wanted to protect the monsters and worshipped them as gods: The serpents. Erik has powers of ice.
RegalWindstar said:
Aki had powers of lightning but didn't discover his powers until he joined the Organization to stop the invading monsters: the Doves which Erik's older brother was the leader of but Eriks older brother Ichiro died in a battle Against an Organization who wanted to protect the monsters and worshipped them as gods: The serpents. Erik has powers of ice.
Damn, that's intense. I'm sorry you didn't get to continue. :c
Well that "friend" loves to Roleplay it, sure she treats me like crap but when we RP....well she still treats me like crap but eh atleast we have the RP going when we talk. :/
RegalWindstar said:
Well that "friend" loves to Roleplay it, sure she treats me like crap but when we RP....well she still treats me like crap but eh atleast we have the RP going when we talk. :/
You still shouldn't have to put up with it though. :/
(Sorry for not replying for awhile) Yeah, but shes been upset, her friend she was ditching me for hasn't been talking to her, I've been busy with you guys and don't wanna deal with her. She keeps seeming to try to guilt trip me into spending my days with her again going "Oh my situation is oh so terrible" "It wont get better" "I'm so bored" "I'm so lonely" "we never have anything to talk about anymore" "Oh, your with your friends on RP nation...." "I see... goodnight I guess..." Each day its message after message but I got sick of being used
RegalWindstar said:
(Sorry for not replying for awhile) Yeah, but shes been upset, her friend she was ditching me for hasn't been talking to her, I've been busy with you guys and don't wanna deal with her. She keeps seeming to try to guilt trip me into spending my days with her again going "Oh my situation is oh so terrible" "It wont get better" "I'm so bored" "I'm so lonely" "we never have anything to talk about anymore" "Oh, your with your friends on RP nation...." "I see... goodnight I guess..." Each day its message after message but I got sick of being used
Block her then. O.o
I don't have the heart to do that to her, problem is I still care about her. Shes still like a sister somewhat to me. Plus... I don't know when someone gets that close I can't break off friendships, plus its my steam she has she contacts me with.

*sighs* When will there be more than just you an I? I'm so bored, being bored my mind is wandering and I'm getting kind of into a depressed state *Points at my BF* Thats why. @Cryobionic I need to see my BF again, I've waited over 3 months for him to return from work. I need him by my side again. Its depressing seeing happy couples fake (characters) or not. The only way I can manage with this is when RPing a couple.. because I end up putting me and my boyfriend in them so.. well.. its more like.. I don't know its silly and hard to explain.. I just.. miss him so much.
RegalWindstar said:
I don't have the heart to do that to her, problem is I still care about her. Shes still like a sister somewhat to me. Plus... I don't know when someone gets that close I can't break off friendships, plus its my steam she has she contacts me with.
*sighs* When will there be more than just you an I? I'm so bored, being bored my mind is wandering and I'm getting kind of into a depressed state *Points at my BF* Thats why. @Cryobionic I need to see my BF again, I've waited over 3 months for him to return from work. I need him by my side again. Its depressing seeing happy couples fake (characters) or not. The only way I can manage with this is when RPing a couple.. because I end up putting me and my boyfriend in them so.. well.. its more like.. I don't know its silly and hard to explain.. I just.. miss him so much.
No, I understand, it's not silly. ^^

*pats your head* Don't be depressed, it's no fun. Can't you skype with him or something?
No I'm afraid I can't he doesn't seem to have a laptop and hes moving around a lot. He is very very busy too. The most I can do is call him up once in awhile to tell him I miss him and I love him, I call him to say good morning and goodnight but I don't wanna take too much of his time. *sighs*
RegalWindstar said:
No I'm afraid I can't he doesn't seem to have a laptop and hes moving around a lot. He is very very busy too. The most I can do is call him up once in awhile to tell him I miss him and I love him, I call him to say good morning and goodnight but I don't wanna take too much of his time. *sighs*
How long have you two been together? Why not face-time him?
RegalWindstar said:
Ah well by now it'd be 6-8 months or so but we've known eachother for 1-2 months more than that.
1. I have no idea what face-time is 2. He doesn't seem to take electronics with him. 3. hes very busy all the time.

Its been like this before he returns after 3-4 months and we spend a week together or so and then hes off again. *sighs*

Trust me I've tried talking to him about it but, his job is oh so important. :(
What does he work as? Keep in mind, you don't have to answer that at all, if you don't want to. I'm just curious. ^^

(My fiance works as a chef)
Ah well by now it'd be 6-8 months or so but we've known eachother for 1-2 months more than that.

1. I have no idea what face-time is 2. He doesn't seem to take electronics with him. 3. hes very busy all the time.

Its been like this before he returns after 3-4 months and we spend a week together or so and then hes off again. *sighs*

Trust me I've tried talking to him about it but, his job is oh so important. :(

I'm jealous of his job, I'm jealous of his co-workers. I'm jealous his job and co-workers get more of his time than I his own GIRLFRIEND does.

We know we love eachother yes but I honestly feel neglected! Am I selfish for feeling that way?

I actually don't know what his job is I never bothered to ask all I know is he helps people. I know its not a bad line of work. I know he travels a lot. I see no reason to ask him.

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