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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè

Dude. I have not played Fallout 4 yet and if you give me any spoilers, I swear I will come to Ireland and dump tea on you.
nah m8 , Preston........ yeh you know what i'll let you experience the Ebola that is Preston first hand
I honestly think starting up MB would be a horrible idea. Don't me wrong, I loved writing Ellie and Maria and all them, but I was out of school during that time.

I had tons of free time and nothing really to do, but now that I've started up school, I'm barely hanging on to my sanity. If you guys do decide on something and my situation has changed I may change my mind but right now... I'm gonna have to say no. *rolls back to mountain of essays*
sgtmickey said:
is it okay to respond? :o
No. This RP is still very much dead.

I'm sorry I haven't been on lately. This is actually the first time I've been on RPN in weeks. Reason being personal issues, and being mentally sick and all that.

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