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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Vincent held up his arms in mock surrender, "Okay, okay. I didn't mean anything by it, calm down." He exclaimed with a frown before looking over at Ellie, "So when did you want to go to the beach?"


Oliver opened his eyes as he appeared in a large, foresty area. He looked around for a minute, noting how far in he was. There were large trees growing all around him, and he briefly thought back to when he had first met the group, and how much he hated the forest. With a sigh, he took a step forward, suppressing a cringe as he felt his shoes sink into the moss. He could still feel the tingles in his fingers from when Alexander had claimed ownership, and he wondered just what had happened to make the prince so resentful and evil, that his soul had turned against him like that. It made the small imp feel a little sick.

As he ran his hand over a nearby trunk, he saw something moving in his peripheral vision and spun around, ready to lunge at whoever dared interrupt his thought. He blinked, where the hell did that come from? before he saw that it was the fairy girl he was supposed to find in the first place. He walked over to her, sending her a grin. "Hi."
Ellie looked down blushing smiling nervously, " Well... I've aleays really loved the ocean, when I was little i always begged my parents to take me and Maria there, but my mom hated the beach so we never went as much as i would've liked," she babbled on nervously. Maria smirked at Vincent, " Nah, she just wants to see you in a swimsuit," she smirked wiggling her eye brows at him causing Ellie to blush bright red. " Maria!" She exclaimed causing Maria to laugh.
Akira jumped at the voice and stood up "Oliver! What are you doing here?" she smiled though it was strained. In her hand was the cloak the woman left, in her hair was the butterfly pin, around her neck was the necklace to contact the woman. The cloak had remnants of dark magic on it. The Necklace and hair pin was oozing it however.
Vincent laughed, rolling his eyes. "I meant when, silly." He commented, grinning, before mixing up the cup of tea he had been working on, and waving the prince over with a lazy hand, "Drink this, It'll help you calm down while you wait."


The imp frowned as he felt the darkness pulsating from her, reaching out to touch her shoulder, but stopping himself half way, biting the inside of his cheek. "Alexander sent me," He explained softly, crouching down in the moss while staring at her with his newly developed black eyes his tail curling uncomfortably, "What are you doing all the way out here anyway?"
"O-oh...um... When ever?" She asked uncertainly. Maria smiled poking Ellie's cheek causing her to pout. " How about tomarrow?" Maria smiled.
Alexander smiled at Vincent "Thank you Vincent" and he took the cup sitting down to wait.


Akira scowled and sighed "I'm out here thinking, About...things. The direction I'm going to go, the path I will take.. Everything thats happened. I just really needed to get away from the cafe." She sighed her mind wandering to her father and how barely anyone was there for her when he died her eyes flashing purple as her hand reached up and clutched the necklace around her neck.

"I met a really nice woman who helped me sort some things out aswell. She gave me this necklace" she touched the hair pin "and this hair pin as gifts."
Oliver dropped down into the moss, laying on his stomach, glancing up at her. "I don't think nice women give lost girls cursed jewelry." He commented snidely, kicking his legs back and forth, "Wanna talk about it?" He added as an afterthought, the longer he stayed away from the cafe, the longer he got to stay away from his new 'master'.


"That sounds good." Vincent smiled, grabbing three new cups, before beginning to prepare tea for the rest of them.
Akira smiled at Oliver then her face morphed into one of sadness "I..I helped them save spooks, I was getting along with them and thought they were my friends. But when my father died, they didn't care when Estelle was insensitive hurting me more, they didn't comfort me, they weren't there for me, The only ones who were...were Mazus and Alexander. But Ellie... they comfort Ellie, atleast SHE didn't see her last family member DIE infront of her eyes, Atleast shes not to blame for her family's death. If I wasn't born BOTH of my parents would be alive!" With each word her heart hurt more and more her eyes starting to glow, her wings starting to blacken "I don't belong amoung them, They never considered me a friend! If they did they would have been there for me!" her voice started to echo "I hate them, I HATE THEM!" The ground around her started to change into dark crystals as runes appeared on her skin.

"Woah, calm down there, princess." Oliver exclaimed, "I'm getting a little sea sick, so unless you want me to puke all over your fancy clothes, you need to reel that shit in." The imp crawled over to her, his body lowered to the ground so that he wouldn't fall over, before jumping on her and knocking her to the ground, both of them landing softly on the mossy forest floor.The ground around them stopped shaking, and he sat himself down on her stomach, looking down at her sternly and crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm not going to be able to talk to you if you don't calm down and stop blaming yourself for every little thing!" He barked, pursing his lips, "And besides, I don't wanna talk to you if you continue to spew out that yucky dark energy anyway. Stop it!"
Akira calmed down some but her eyes still flashed purple once in awhile. "Oliver? Why am I on the ground? Why are you on my stomach? whats going on?"

(Earlier Maria found out Akira never remembers when she goes loco. The reason she calmed down was she was shocked out of it.)

Scarlet opend the door to the café carefully and hoped that it didn't have a ringbell. She tried to walk in so quiet she could without anyone notis her so much, but she stoped and looked on the two people on the ground. And didn't know what to do? Is the girl in danger?
"You freaked out," Oliver said simply, reaching down and snatching the pin from her head, "And you were quite rude too, I may add," He continued, holding the pin up between his index finger and thumb so that the little sunlight that managed to come through the thick trees shone off it, reflecting speckles of light down on his face. "It's a pretty little thing, ain't it?" He murmured, mesmerized, feeling the dark magic from it tingle up his fingers. He pulled his gaze away, dropping the pin to the ground, "Unfortunately for you, it's also riddled with dark magic. Wear it long enough, and you might end up corrupted."

Oliver looked down at her, tilting his head to the side, "I'm sorry about your dad, by the way, must've been hard, huh?"

(@RoleGirl If you're referring to Oliver and Akira, they're nowhere near the cafè, unfortunately. ^^ The people in the cafe are Vincent, Ellie, Maria, Alexander and Estelle.)
Akira bowed her head when Oliver said she freaked out, she didn't remember anything its like what happened with Maria. Her attention was pulled back to Oliver when he spoke about her father "Y..Yeah. Y'know he always seemed so...strong like nothing could hurt him. It all happened so...quickly. One minute we were all enjoying the ball, the next my father was telling me to run..and then..." her breath hitched "He...was killed...right infront of my eyes, he died and hes never coming back. Just like mom, hes never coming back. As the last of the family I'll have to take the throne eventually, I don't think I'll ever be ready to though. I wasn't supposed to become queen so soon... They'll probably push mine and Alexander's wedding date up. By my next birthday.. I'll be married and be queen. I don't think I could handle that kind of pressure, thousands of lifes in my hands. Its just too much."

Seera popped her head out of the kitchen, just in time to see a red haired girl walk through the door. She stepped out of the kitchen, and walked over to her table. "Hello, and welcome to the magic brew cafe. Even though I'm the cook, all of our other waiters are either gone, or having an emotional break down, so I will be serving you. What would you like?"
Oliver nodded and climbed off her stomach, content with the fact that she seemed to have calmed down, before laying down in the soft moss next to her, tucking his arms under his head with a sigh. "I see, that sort of a responsibility and shock would probably crush a lesser person," He mused, turning his head so that he could look at her, "But you're not a lesser person, though, are you? I mean, you just caused an earthquake with your mind. That's pretty cool if you ask me." He told her with a small giggle.

The imp stared up at the trees for a moment, before speaking again, his voice filled with curiosity, "You know, I don't know what it's like to have a parent die, but it sounds pretty tough. Were you two close?"


Vincent looked up from his tea making as he heard the door open, and saw a redheaded girl walk in, before sitting down gingerly in a corner. Tilting his head to the side, he figured that they must have forgotten to put up the closed sign again, and scolded himself inwardly for his negligence to the cafe. He put down the cups before sending a grin at Ellie, and walked over to the girl, a pleasant smile in place. "Hello, welcome to Magic Brew, how can I help you?" He asked, his voice light, and doubled. He looked up confused, only to see Seera, asking the exact same question. He laughed as he caught the end of her sentence.

(We posted at the same time, roll with it, @Scattered Ambitions)


Ase opened her eyes when she heard no response. she found the not Marie had left her. "oh well" Ase sighed getting dressed, she vanished in a flash of light.
Akira smiled at Oliver "Well... its complicated. He was always extremely over protective and I always thought bad of him because I usually wasn't allowed to have fun but, when I thought about him after I ran away when he forced me into being Alexander's Fiancee. I remembered my father did have his moments, If me and Alexander snuck out to see the kingdom as kids. Yeah he would scold us but he'd also listen to any stories we had to tell and tell stories of his own or tell us tales to keep us away from the most dangerous places. He loved me, I just...never realized it until it was too late. All hes ever done is protect me, even forcing me to get engaged to Alexander was for my sake. I also realize he kept me away from my mother so I didn't have to watch her die. He tried to keep her death away from me as long as possible telling me she left to another kingdom for awhile. I eventually found out the truth though. When my mother was dieing he lied to me saying she was sick and I might catch it. My father, was always protecting me."


(*Runs off for food* Hungreeeh)
"Then you should cherish those moments," Oliver murmured, turning over on his side to face her, smiling slightly. This was weird, he thought, comforting someone, and his tail curled uncomfortably, but it was kind of nice too, now that he though about it more. Now he just had to share something about himself too, because that's how one did these sorts of things. Or at least, he thought that was the case. He thought for a moment, wondering what he could say to make her feel slightly less bad about the situation. It had to be something good.

"My dad's a dog." He blurted out, his cheeks reddening slightly when he realized what he had said. Oh man...


"Sure, missy," Vincent quipped, smiling at Seera's retreating form, "Do you take anything special in your coffee? We have everything from soul residue to blood powder, don't be afraid to request anything... unusual."

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