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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Outside Alexander and Akira were talking.

Alexander sighed "Akira why were you acting like that in there?" Akira shook her head a scowl on her face "How am I supposed to trust anyone anymore when secrets were kept from me from you, Luke and Father? The closest people to me! I mean whats to say the people at the cafe won't kill me after learning how much of a risk I am? Well? I would kill me, why wouldn't they hm?! I can't take chances with them. They probably already hate me after learning about me." Alexander had no idea what to say so he just sighed and pulled her close to his side kissing her forehead.

"If they try to harm you in anyway, I will gather all our allies and fight them. We have 12 kingdoms worth of soldiers to rely on since your father trained so many for your safety."
Ellie smiled laughing at something Vinny had said to her when a green haired witch ran into the cafe covered it soot and ash, " The hunters!! Th-they've burned Ms'Morse's shop!!" she exclaimed gasping for air. " What?!" Ellie asked the color draining from her face running to the green hair witch, " What about my grandmother!? Where's my grandmother!?" she asked frantically gripping the witchs shoulders hard. The witch looked away from Ellie as tears ran down her face, " I'm sorry... I tried to get her out but...they blocked the door..." She said softly. Ellie let go of her shoulders backing away before dropping to her knees, " S-She's dead...?" she whispered her eyes blank.
Excalibur looked over at the witch who had just entered the cafe she sighed and stood up, her Armour appeared on her with a dim glow. "“War does not determine who is right - only who is left.” she muttered before walking towards the door. @Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic .
Vincent dropped his glass on the bar, the thick bottom of it smashing hard against the wooden surface, before hurrying over to the fallen witch, kneeling down and putting a hand on her shoulder, the rest of the room, which had gone silent, disappearing for a moment. "E-Ellie..."
Akira was walking back in with Alexander when she seen Ellie, She ran over to hers and vincent's side "What happened?!"
Ellie kept looking down as if she didn't hear Vinny say her name, " She's dead..." She whispered again as tears began rolling down her face before she buried her face in her lap and let out blood curdling scream filled with raw pain and sadness.
Vincent looked up as Akira spoke, noticing for the first time the stares they were getting. Varying degrees of grim acceptance and pity. It enraged him. "Get out!" He snarled at the general room, not really meaning to sound so menacing, but not really caring either. Ellie's scream rang out, making his heart ache, "Please." He added forcibly, pulling the witch closer.

The werewolves were the first to stand up, beginning to march towards the door, their eyes downcast and full of sympathy. Before they left, the alpha stopped in front of them, looking at Ellie painfully. "I am sorry, lass." he murmured, reaching out a large hand, but stopped himself. Sending a sharp nod Vincent's way, he left, followed by the vampires, leaving the room empty, and eerily quiet.
Alexander sighed leading people out of the Cafe, as Akira growled standing up and starting to think of multiple ways she could brutally murder whoever did this to Ellie while trying to block out the heartbreaking scream.
Estelle stood akwardly in the corner her wiggling sadly.

Sophia knelt down beside Ellie rubbing her back as the girl wept. She looked up at Vincent nodding sadly.

" I don't know what to do...." Ellie finally whimpered softly burying her face in Vinny's chest."I don't have any money...or clothes or family left!" She choked out in between sobs.
Excalibur left the cafe behind the werewolves. she sighed as the wolves were heading the same direction of the apartment.
"You have us," Vincent murmured softly, not really sure what to do himself, having never really been in this kind of situation before, "And you can stay here as long as you like, you know that." He added, looking up at Madame Bernet, a helpless look in his crimson eyes.
Akira felt a sting of betrayal at that as the only ones who comforted her when her father was killed right infront of her eyes was Mazus and Alexander. Her eyes hardened and she left the cafe standing outside "What was I even expecting before? They barely even know me, they may have given me a job but I don't matter, I'm practically a stranger. Even though I went and helped them rescue spooks." She growled and flew off no destination in mind just needing to get away.
"Ellinor," the older witch murmured as Ellie kept sobbing," You are never alone my dear, you have wonderful friends who cherish you so much, I know you must feel confused and saddened and so many different things but remember, you are a witch of the Coven, and we are never alone," Sopha paused unhooking the necklace around her throat before laying it gently in Ellies palm, " This necklace has been passed down through out the Head Coven masters since the beginning of our race, It is the sybol of unity for our people,"she said as Ellie looked at the glimmering silver necklace a single aquamarine stone beating with almost a heartbeat as Ellie felt centuries if magic flow from it. She gripped it tightly like a life line holding it close to her chest.

(Sorry i have to head out i have to work >.< just pretend Ellies in a room crying or sleeping)
The demon grabbed her gently, lifting her up bridal style. He could feel her whole body shaking in his arms, and he hugged her to him tightly. He gave Madame Bernet a small, strained smile and a nod before heading for his apartment, his head hung low.

Alexander noticed Akira missing and growled he had been distracted by Ellie and the others and his anger at them for how they comfort Ellie but Only Graeme and Mazus comforted Akira. Atleast Ellie didn't see her last remaining relative die infront of her own eyes and Ellie doesn't have to live thinking it was her fault either. He shook his head glaring at Vincent and the other speaking only when Ellie left the room so he didn't distress her "You guys truly are idiots. You aren't fit to protect Akira, she watched her own father die infront of her and I know shes blaming herself none of you ever comforted her only Mazus and Graeme did while I checked on her friend who is guess what? Also dieing, which she'll also blame herself for. But none of you will be there for her." He scoffed at them "If you'll excuse me I have to find my Fiancee who shouldn't be alone because either she'll get kidnapped or do something stupid but go ahead and stay here not caring." He walked out the cafe slamming the door behind him taking off.
Ellie clutched Vinny's shirt her hand shaking violently. Images of her grandmother kept flashing in her head, the first time they met, the first flower they grew together. She whimpered softly as tears started flowing again. " I can't do it Vinny..." She finally said looking down a crest fallen expression on her face
The demon laid her down gently on the couch, running a hand over her hair. "You don't have to," He murmured, crouching down next to the coffee table so that he could be at eye level with her, "You can kick and scream and freak out if you want to." He continued, trying to school his face into a soft, reassuring smile. It was hard though, when all he wanted to do was to break down and cry along with her, for her. He couldn't though, she needed someone to lean on.
Swallowing the lump that had mysteriously appeared in his throat, Vincent got up and sat down next to her, looking at her inquisitively.
Ellie layed her head in his lap, looking up at his questioning look," When I was little...and I got bullied i would lay my head in my dads lap and he would run his fingers through my hair while I cried... It always made me feel a little better," she explained her hair growing out so it was the length it was when she was younger, past her shoulders.
"What was your dad like?" Vincent asked softly, automatically beginning to run his own fingers through her cerulean locks, marveling at how soft it was.
Akira had flew far away into a forest, she had landed and walked for awhile eventually getting lost. She sighed in frustration and sat at a stream "I thought I was becoming their friend, I helped them. Do I not matter to anyone? No..wait.. Mazus, Alexander, Jun and Graeme... I matter to them right? Mazus was there for me" She took out what Mazus gave her to contact him and contemplated using it "I bet Mazus could help me, I'm too tired to fly anymore and don't know my way out, but hes probably busy right?" she sighed and put it on the ground next to her.

She sat for a long while until she calmed down some and decided to sing and old song that Originates from the Fae. A song about a princess who is lost until her prince comes and guides her out of the dark and into the light, a song of a lost love, a sacrifice and a plea. Her voice resonated through the forest sadly.
Ellie smiled lovingly, " Amazing, he was kind and caring, he thought about everyone and wanted to make a world where humans and mysticals could live in harmony, he was a doctor and treated humans who couldn't afford to go to human doctors," Ellie smiled, "He was the only person who could break my mom out of her coldness and when they looked at one another," she brought her knees to her chest curling up, " You just kinda knew they were gonna be together forever,".
"Was he the kind of dad who would read to you, and patch you up if you fell?" Vincent asked curiously, carefully undoing a knot in her hair, before continuing playing with it. Having only read about the relationships one usually had with fathers, he really didn't know much about the subject, but he would try to ask her anything if it meant that she could escape the pain for a while, "Did he, um... take you fishing?"

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