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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"...Dummy...I was already letting you stay with me," Maria smied brightly kissing Ase's nose.

Ellie smiled at Vinny happily, " Well, at least we know Ase won't let the other angels know," she smiled.
"This is not something you have any say in," Vincent told the angel quietly, having lost his werewolf pals attention to a girl sitting in the corner. She had come in with Ase and Maria, so the demon assumed she wasn't a threat. The werewolf, who he had learned was actually the beta of their pack, and who had a name, Caleb, however, seemed mesmerized, and Vincent couldn't fault him. The girl was pretty.

"We are going to rise against them, despite if you like it or not." He continued, grabbing a glass from under the counter, filling it with vodka for Laureate and handing it to the vampire with a strained smile, "Whether you choose to accept it or not, is up to you."

(I saw you dropping you 'subtle' hints, @Mr Swiftshots )
"why are you staring at me?" Excalibur asked tilting her head.

"i just think your being irrational Vincent." Ase sighed "are you prepared for war?"

(i don't know what your talking about)
Vincent smiled coldly at her, leaning his head forward, his bangs covering his eyes. "Irrational," He murmured softly, absentmindedly running a finger up his left arm, "Irrational would mean my actions were deprived of any reason," He continued a little louder, not looking at her, "That what I'm doing has no meaning, no logic. Though, I am not going to let the hunters drive us into depravity, while I have the means to stop them, even if it's only for a little while. I am not going to sit idly by, and watch as our species are slaughtered senselessly, just because the hunters have gotten it into their heads that we are nothing more than mindless monsters."

Vincent's crimson stare met her eyes though his hair, his gaze cold and unmoving, and his voice rose another octave, ringing out and echoing of the walls of the now silent cafe, "The angels are doing nothing, they are content with letting out people die, out of a twisted notion that they can prevent an unavoidable war. Tell me, Ase, out of the two of us, who are the irrational ones?"
"Vincent tell me just how do you plan on handling the humans , surely they'll get involved if you kill the hunters. im not going to stop you , i'm not going to tell. but just think about the numbers and the casualties of both sides"

Excalibur got up and tried to make her way over to vincent but she was stopped by the wolf. "let me pass"
"I don't know yet, but trust me when I say that should the hunters win, the humans will all perish along with the rest of us." He told her, turning away. His little outburst had gotten a lot of attention, and the guests were staring at him now. He figured this would be as good a time as any to start of the meeting. "So, the reason I asked you guys to come here, is..."


Caleb narrowed his eyes a little, but stepped aside, allowing the girl to pass by him. As she did, a prominent, metallic scent hit his nose, and he watched her, confused, as she walked away. Odd.
Ase lay back in her chair listening to Vincent.after a few minutes she lay her head down on the bar looking up at Marie "what do you wanna do later?" she asked trying to ignore the demon.


Excalibur stood among the creatures listening to the demon talk. she looked around the creatures that had entered the cafe a began taking mental notes on there behavior and the demons plan.
Maria patted Ase's head smiling, " I've gotta file paperwork tonight, but we can grab some dinner," she offered runing her fingers through Ase's hair. Estelle smiled at the two,"I could go for some chinese-" she began ," Sorry this dinners for people over 18," Maria smirked causing Estelles hair to go from shaking with happiness to laying limply as she pouted. " You can come have dinner with me ma cheri," Sophia smiled patting Estelle's hair causing it to wiggle with happiness. " Merci grandmere," Estelle smiled.
"i'd like that" Ase smiled up at Marie "but cant the paper work wait ?" she asked grinning "its not important is it?"

she said sitting up "i mean that kid isn't going to be home tonight right !" she said downing the glass of wine she had.
Maria smiled moving so her mouth was near Ase's ear, " I can push it back another night," she whispered pulling back to poke Ase's nose, " But your paying for dinner," she laughed lacing her fingers with Ase's.
"no problem...." she smiled leaning on Marie resting her head on her shoulder. "i'll pay for anything you want tonight" she whispered into Maria's ear.

@Elfia Nightwing
" You've never had tacos?!" Maria asked her eyes wide. " Their awesome!! They've got these hard chip like shells and you fill 'em up with meat and lettuce and tomatos and other yummy stuff!" Maria smiled taking Ase's hand leading her out of the cafe, " I know this place that makes awesome ones," she smiled squeezing Ase's hand.
"wait Marie what about Excalibur!" she sighed being dragged along quickly. "never mind she'll be fine..." she Grit her teeth as her wings vanished. "these better be good"
Maria smiled as they got to resturant, Maria ordered for them two tacos and smiled handing Ase hers once they paid," Here ya go m'lady, your first taco," Maria smiled taking a back out of hers smiling happily once the taste hit her mouth.
Ase watched Marie eat her taco and laughed at her reaction.She took a bite of her taco and smiled back "its pretty good!" she said before eating some more.

some humans at a table across from them were laughing and making rude remarks about the couple.

@Elfia Nightwing
Maria glared at the group walking over to the table slamming her hands down on it, " Do you have something to say to me or my friend or are you just gonna keep talking behind your backs?" She asked them now ticked off. She hated the fact that they were making Ase uncomfortable.
"oh she's a dangerous one huh guys!" "yeh real dangerous!" the two guys laughed. "now now, leave the queers alone they cant help being disgusting haha" the girl joked laying back in her chair.

tears began to roll down Ase's face as they spoke.

@Elfia Nightwing
Maria looked over her shoulder and saw the tears running down her face. That was when the little bit of paitence she had for these ignorant humans snaped. She pulled the guy who first commented from his seat beside her and punched him across the face knocking him back a few feet from not expecting such a strong punch from someone so tiny, " What was that about us being disqusting?..." She asked her voice taking on a scary tone as she glared at the other two making them flinch.
"l..l..listen we didn't mean it we were just kidding around" the man said looking up at her. "y..yeh k.k.kidding thats it!" the woman stuttered. the manager came over to the scene and sighed "i'm sorry miss but you and your girlfriend over there are going to have to leave"

Ase stood up and thanked the manager paying him for the food.she turned to Marie and sighed before leaving the restaurant wiping away her tears
"you don't need to apologize Marie" Ase said opening the door to the apartment complex. "thanks...no one has ever stuck up for me before and you've done it twice now" Ase said quietly entering the elevator "i'm noting but trouble huh"

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