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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Alexander looked at Akira, she huffed in annoyance and he let her go "Sorry Akira" she rubbed her arm and sighed "Its fine Alex" she smiled softly at him, his eyes softened and held warmth when she looked at him like that. Akira walked up and opened the cell door letting the witch out then she went back to Alexanders side clasping her hand in his.

Alexander sighed and sent a look of apology at the witch when he realized how bad off she looked and what his guards had been feeding her. "first things first we should get you cleaned up and get you something warm to eat." All cruel coldness was gone from him with Akira by his side. @Cryobionic
"Do not try to fool me with kindness, after you've had me locked up for five days." Sophia said coldly, taking three graceful steps out of the cell. "I won't run, and I wont fight you. But the fact is that you trapped my magic, a taboo in our world. Should that come out, the counsel of the witches won't care who you are, they will kill you."

She said this, not as a warning, but as a fact. "I should also note that you haven't bothered to introduce yourself properly. At least the girl claiming to be a princess had the common decency to do that. For all I know, you could be my executioner."
Alexander glared at the witches rude tone only for Akira to smack him upside the head "Be nice" she hissed to him. He looked at her and sighed rolling his eyes which earned him another hit. He turned to the witch "I'm Alexander, Prince of the Fairy Kingdom of Solva. You are in that kingdom now infact. Akira is my Fiancee, we were set up by our parents." he glanced at Akira at the same time she glanced at him love in both their eyes "But she doesn't want to marry me" Akira sighed when he said that "Didn't" she mumbled. Alexander looked at her "What?" Akira sighed again "Your wrong, I didn't want to marry you." Alexander's eyes widened comically. Akira's eye twitched "Choose your next words Carefully or your a dead prince Alex" Alexander tried not to laugh knowing that would upset her 'She looks so cute right now' He smiled at her "I always wanted to marry you" That earned him a kick to the shins and a huff as Akira turned away her face bright red "Idiot" Alexander laughed at that, His eyes warm and full of life a light fuzzy atmosphere between the two.

Akira then turned to the witch as she remembered what the witch said about the counsel will kill Alexander "They can't kill him, none of this is his fault! He.." she looked to Alexander sadly "He was corrupted by dark magic, Dark magic he learned in order to protect me. But its not in control at the moment is it Alex?" Alexander smiled at her "No its me right now Little bird" Akira turned back to the witch "The only thing he is guilty of is being and idiot and loving me! If they want to kill him our kingdoms and our Allies kingdoms will not hesitate to rage war! with the influence our kingdoms have you'd be going up against ALL the fairies and most likely the Elves, Dryads, Nymphs and Pixies too!" she glared at the witch "Anyone who dares touch him WILL answer to me, I'll protect him until the day I die." Alexander put his hands on her shoulders "And I'll protect her Until the day I die. I do apologize for what I did to you Madame however it was necessary to protect Akira. As I said I'll explain it all, Just follow me" @Cryobionic
"Will you give me back my magic?" Sophia asked, her voice unnaturally soft. Sometimes in life one had to act to save ones life. Sometimes, people couldn't be reasoned with, and sometimes one had to resort to petty lies. This was one of those times. The head coven master could now see that she had been fighting a loosing battle. One did not win over insane people, not matter how hard you tried. She knew she would not get through to these people, it was obvious they were too selfish and deluded to see the bigger picture. Too obsessed with the idea of perfection. "Give me back my magic, and I will follow you, and prevent the my counsel from going after you, Prince."
Alexander looked a bit iffy about it "I'll give it back but if you dare attack Akira or I once you have it back I will not hesitate to kill you" He walked over and uncuffed the Witches hands the magic no longer being restrained or bound. He stepped back to Akira making sure she was in arms reach if he needed to protect her. He watched the witch waiting to see what she'd do. @Cryobionic
Estelle smiled at Oliver," I can't turn people to stone... But i can freeze them, but only for a few seconds my dad can turn people to stone though, he's half gorgon!" Estelle smiled brightly her hair wiggling happily at the mention of her father.

Maria sighed clenching her fist so she wouldn't destroy Vincents apartment," she has a broom...for all we know they could be half way across the world," she sighed gasping looking at Vincent," There may be one way! Do you have any snakes?" She asked.
Sophia rubbed her wrists, hiding a smile behind her hand as she felt her magic surge happily though her body, free once more. Then she looked at the girl, Akira, and her eyes, once cold, softened slightly.

"You are seeking perfection from a tainted soul," She told her, placing a hand on the girls cheek, as she would have any other of her students, "A wise woman once said, No one is perfect the way they are. We are given this time in out lives to steadily improve ourselves and the moment we let out guard down and become selfish enough to believe we have obtained perfection," She let her eyes fall on Alexander, narrowing them slightly, "Is the moment we have lost the battle, and lose all right to command respect."

Sophia Aceline Bernet, looked deeply into the eyes of the young princess, feeling her heart soften a little for the lost girl, before an image of Elinor began to materialize in her head. She focused her magic on the image, letting it search out her location, before she let it pull her away from the cellar, and towards her beloved student, disappearing before their eyes with a small pop.

(and this is where I hand the reins back to @Elfia Nightwing It was fun playing the badass witch.)
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing](Omigod 0.0 you did Sopiha amazingly!! *hugs tightly*)

(Oh, thank you! :D *hugs back*)
Alexander and Akira stood mouths open wide "did she just...?" Akira started, Alexander nodded "Yes she did. That lying litte- She said she'd follow so I could explain things to her! Who knows where she went, she might be gathering the Coven right now!" Akira noticed Alexander was losing it and did what any good Fiancee would do, she slapped him "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF ALEX!" Alexander looked at her stunned and she walked up releasing the guard "Did you just..?" Akira smirked "yes" she sighed "alex this is for the best, It'd be better to explain it with everyone present anyways, Besides she didn't seem like the type of woman to go back on a promise... well err, you know what I mean, I don't think you'll have anyone knocking down your door to kill you, even if you do, you always have me." she fiddled with her hair "we could even run away together if we had to, you know I'd go with you." Alexander smiled and walked up pressing a gentle kiss on Akira's forehead "Thank you Akira" He pulled her into a hug "I love you" Akira blushed and hugged him back "Alex... I love you too." Alexander pulled away and looked at her calculating "What about the shade? Jun?" Akira smiled at him "I do care for Jun but.." she reached up placing her hand on his cheek "I love you more, You are the one I want to be with. Jun...deserves better than me" Alexander raised an eyebrow "Ohh so I don't deserve better than you?" He teased Akira giggled "That is soo not what I meant and you know it"

Alexander leaned down and kissed her "Yeah, I understand." Akira blushed "A..anyway we should go to the cafe." Alexander nodded and grabbed her hand leading her to the portal room and typing in the coordinates for the cafe. They walked through and appeared just outside the cafe. They walked in hand in hand.

"Of course we do, we're a cafe for monsters," Vincent snickered a little, walking over to the kitchen. He began rummaging around a little, soon emerging with a jar full of small, black wriggling snakes. When he was the look on Maria's face, he shrugged defensively before handing her the jar, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. "We give them to ghouls. It's considered a delicacy."


"You know, Dodge, I can sort of understand what you're saying," Oliver began hesitantly, wondering if this really was a good idea, "Most... Most imps don't growl, or have teeth like this, and they certainly don't have the problems with pranking that I do." He looked away, staring at a nearby cloud, sighing, "What I'm trying to say, is that I understand what it's like to be different, and ridiculed for something that's beyond your control. You see, my father was a Cerberus, a hellhoud. And my mother was a succubus. You can imagine what kind of bullying that brought on, I'm sure."

@Elfia Nightwing
Maria smiled kissing Vincent on the cheek," Your a life safer!" She smiled running out of the cafe and into the little ally opening the jar to let the snakes run free, " Snakes are naturally attracted to gorgons, so if we follow the snakes-" "We can find Estelle!" Ellie smiled hugging Maria "Thanks genius!" She smiled. " Look there they go!" Maria smilled running after the snakes.

"People suck!" Estelle sighed kicking out her legs. She tilted her head to the side gazing out, " I can barely remeber my moms face," she sighed.
Ase watched the two witches run out of the cafe and smiled "Excalibur follow them do as Marie says" she turned back to Vincent "you must have one hell of a hangover huh" @Cryobionic

Excalibur quickly got up and followed behind the witches matching there pace. " i am to follow your instructions M'lady" She said to Marie in a monotone voice.

@Elfia Nightwing
"And I don't wanna remember my dads face." Oliver chuckled, patting her head sympathetically. "We're really fucked up, huh?" He comented wryly, pursing his lips in thought.


Vincent watched the excited girls leave, curiously, He had honestly never seen snakes react to gorgons before. Well, besides a cartoon he had once seen, which depicted Medusa as a cartoonish villain, but that was besides the point. Turning to Ase, he smiled, "Yeah, we drunk quite a lot last night."
"Alright, when we find that little brat I want you to let me turn her into llama!" Maria smiled evily, "What is with you turning people to animals?" Ellie laughed, Maria shrugged," easier to deal with," she smiled .

"3/4ths, her dads half, his family is a decendant of Medusa," Ellie explained smiling, " And it also caused her mom to abandon them when Estelle was five," Maria grimly," Most witch familes are crazy on the idea of blood purity so halfers and people like Estelle arn't treated the best," She continued, " Well her mom didn't exactly marry a warlock," Ellie sighed.

Estelle poked Olivers ribs smirk," ya goin soft on me twist?" She laughed giggling.
"that is why her hair flows ,correct? " Excalibur said running along the wall beside Marie , moving up to roof level. "i am also to assume she can paralyze people"
" Hiss," Estelle responded looking as she heard actual hissing, " Oh no..." she sighed cringing as Ellie and Maria ran up to her, " ESTELLE LUCINA BERNET!!!!!"Maria screamed running up the girl picking her up by her shirt, "you better give me a good reason for me not to turn you into a goldfish for the next six months!!!" Maria hissed. Estelle pouted sticking out her tongue at Maria. " You little!-" Maria growled lifting her higher until Ellie smiled touching Maria's hand softly smiling at her kindly, " Let me handle this," she smiled taking Estelle leading her behind a tree, A few minutes later a still smiling Ellie and a petrified Estelle walked back, Estelle looked as if someone had just shown her the gate way to hell, " I'm really sorry for running away i'll never do it again," She whimpered her hair quivering in fear as she physically shook.
Oliver looked at them all, beginning to inch away slowly. Maybe, if he didn't move to abruptly, they would forget about him. He was almost at the edge of the bench, just a little more, and he could take off running. He could probably seek refuge on a rooftop somewhere, or he could flee to Germany. He had heard a rumour that those people really knew how to make quality hot dogs. And besides, if Estelle's guardian ever found out that it was him who had coaxed her out on their adventure, he was sure he would be facing a fate worse than being turned into a gold fish. He was almost at the edge now. So close to freedom...
Excalibur looked down at the group from a rooftop.She watched the demon edge away slowly. she jumped down in front of him and tilted her head. "what about this demon M'lady?" she picked him up by his hair effortlessly waving him slightly as she asked.
" Not.So.Fast." Maria smiled gripping Oliver's wrist to the point of breaking it," Just where do you think your going?" she smiled sweetly dragging Oliver back to the cafe along with Estelle. Ellie sighed opening up the door to the cafe burying her face in Vinny's chest as Estelle sat at the bar still quivering. Maria handed Oliver over to Vincent," Your imp, Your problem!" she growled, when she let go of Oliver's wrist it was black and blue.
"Hey! Let me go, lady, I'm not a flag!" Oliver cried out, kicking with his feet, trying to wriggle out of her grasp, his beanie falling off his head. "You have four seconds, or I'm shouting stranger danger!"
Ase tried to hold in her laughter as much as possible when she seen maria hand the imp over to Vincent. she tuned to the quivering girl ans smiled at her sweetly "which bone do you want broken first?"

Excalibur followed after Marie.
Estelle whined until Maria smacked Ase on the back of the head," Leave her alone, Ellie already dealt with her," Maria sighed sitting down next to Ase banging her head against the bar.

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