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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)


Estelle pouted looking down as her stomach grumbled demanding food, " I'm hungry..." she muttered starting her running jump back into the sky flying on her broom.

Ellie nodded smiling sadly up at Vinny wiping stray tears from her eyes," Yeah..." she smiled taking a sip of her coffee," This is really good Vinny!" She smiled brightly.
"It's just coffee," He frowned, looking at her face, a worried look overtaking his eyes, "We are going to get her back," He told her again, running a thumb over her cheek, giving her a small smile, "I promise. I can see that it hurts you a lot, you know. I don't want that, Ellie, I love you too much to let you stay hurt."

Vincent sat his cup down on the counter and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer while burying his face in her hair, "I'm not going to let you stay hurt, okay?"

(screams internally)


Oliver barked out a laugh as he was swung out the window, dangling from the broom. He stretched out his arms and relished in the thought of being virtually weightless for a second before reaching up, poking Estelle in the back, "Hey, I know this really cool hot dog van, you wanna go get some lunch?" He shouted, grinning widely.
Ellie looked at Vinny with wide eyes a smiling breaking out across her face as she tackled Vinny to the ground hugging him tightly," You said it!" she smiled brightly staring down at him, her hands on his chest," Vinny! You said it!" she smiled kissing him," You said you loved me!" she smiled.

Estelle tilted her head her hair wiggling excitedly as it blew in the wind, " But I don't have any money!" she yelled laughing as she sped up.
"I did, didn't I?" Vincent said breathlessly, the excited witch having knocked his breath out when she slammed him into the floor, "I meant it too." He really had, and that was what surprised him. He looked up at Ellie, her beautiful eyes sparkling and her face flushed, and he realized with a start that he really did love her. And had for a long time. This was the girl who had cried for him, supported him, sewn him up and even saved his life. How had he not realized that sooner? The demon felt like punching himself in the face.

He snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her too him, grinning, "I love you." He murmured, his left hand getting buried in her cerulean locks as he touched his lips to hers, his mind almost going blank as his eyes closed. He had kissed her before, but it was different this time, the demon felt his nonexistent soul flutter, blending with hers for one harmonic moment, as he tried to express his love, regret and happiness in one, single magical kiss.


"That's never stopped me before," Oliver shouted back, placing his arms over his chest, "Do I honestly look like a guy with money, Dodger? I'll show you a whole new world of free food!"
( Internally dies then starts singing a 'Whole New World'")

Ellie smiled tears rushing down her face," I love you too," she smiled kissing him back. She barely heard the door ring as Maria opened the door stepping inside, she took one look at the couple sprawled out on the floor and sighed," Should I leave you two alone for a little bit? And I swear if your kids call me aunty Maria..." she smirked.

Estelle giggled sparks flying off her in excitement, " I think were gonna get along just fine Twist!" she smiled her eyes flashing burgundy for a split second.
"Okay, here's what you do," Oliver began, as they walked down the street towards the hot dog stand. The imp had snatched a black beanie from a cheap trinket stand they had passed about four blocks ago, to hide his horns, and stuffed his tail into his pants, "I'm going to cause a distraction, and when the owner runs away from the stand, you snatch up two hot dogs and run for the park, alright?" He asked, grinning.


"I wanna kill you." Vincent deadpanned, looking up at Maria, his face expressionless. He held the facade for another two seconds before his face broke into a huge smile, his dimples sinking deep into his cheeks. "Why're you here?"
" Your little resistance's first meeting is tonight right? I'm here to represent the Coven," She smiled helping a blushing Ellie up, " Don't let me down, I have faith you Buckley," she smiled offering her hand to him.

" Or..." Estelle smiled flicking her hand causing a stream of hot dogs to rush out of it like a tidal wave, two landing perfectly in her hands. " I could just do that," she smiled handing one to Oliver.
Oliver grumbled and bit into his hot dog, his face lighting up the instant the taste hit his tongue. "Yeah, not everybody have cool witch powers, you know. Some of us actually have to work for our food. You know, stealing it honestly." He quipped, sitting down on a nearby bench, pulling his feet up under him. "I wonder why these are called hot dogs, though, do you know?"


"Ah, I see." Vincent said, getting up himself, before taking her hand with a smile, "So you're not going to try poison me with champagne?" He joked with a smirk, letting go of her hand and ducking just in time to avoid the book flying at his head. "Uncalled for," He commented lightly.

"By the way, what about your charge?"
"...She isn't here?" Maria asked looking at Vincent before letting out a explicit string of curse words. " Wheres that imp?!" She asked looking around.

" they look like dauschend," she smiled finishing up hers " I like them, their cute and friendly and waddle a little when they walk," she smiled," Better then a lot of humans i've had the displeasure of meeting," she smiled saidly her hair wiggling sadly.
"They should be... up... stairs..." Vincent's eyes widened, realizing the implication of that statement. "Shit." He took of running for the stairs, hoping to whatever diety that was listening that his apartment wasn't completely trashed.

When he burst through the door, he let out a sigh of relief, nothing was broken, exploded or set on fire. As far as he could tell, anyway. But then he realized something else. They weren't there. "Ellie!"


"I wish my dad was a Dachshund." Oliver commented wryly, taking another bite. "I haven't met many humans, how come you get sad when you talk about them?" He asked curiously, leaning back against the table.
Estelle looked up soghing," You know how my hairs all wiggly like a snake?.. It's cause I'm a gorgon....well 3/4ths really, my dads family is a decendant of Medusa," she curled up in a ball her hair wrapping around her defensively," People arn't really the nicest when they find out, i've been called really mean names, threathened, had stones thrown at my head, one time when I was 8 this guy pulled me in a ally and tried to chop off my head," she poured out.

Ellie came into the room looking at them borh sighing,"I'll get my coat," she sighed heading bacl downstairs. Maria punched one of Vincents walls," Shit the head office is gonna give me hell over this!!" She hissed," when i get my Hands on that girl..." She growled.
"I might have noticed," Oliver said hesitantly, curling the hot dog wrapper into the palm of his hand before sticking it in his pocket. He had actually refrained from making any jokes about that, thinking it would be in poor taste, and he knew how she felt. "I think that's cool, that you're gorgon. Can you freeze people like medusa could?" He asked, tilting his head, looking at her.


"They can't have gone very far, can they?" Vincent mused, running a finger over the broken glass, carefully. "I mean, how far can two fourteen year old get in half an hour?"
After breakfast Alexander was called away by some of his soldiers for a matter he wanted looked in to. Akira started to roam the castle exploring. She found a stair case that led down and followed it she ended up in the dungeons, every cell was empty except for one. I held a woman Akira didn't recognize. 'Why would Alexander have someone locked up down here, did she do something terrible?' She decided to get the Woman's attention "Excuse me? Miss? Why are you down here? Who are you?" (Its the Madame whats her name >.< Akira will end up releasing her and getting her out of there once she finds out who the Woman is IF the woman promises to stop anyone from the Coven from coming after Alexander because she loves him and hes corrupted and its not his fault. Sooo which one of you controls her? @Elfia Nightwing you? @Cryobionic You? who?)
Ase walked into the cafe ,with Excalibur, she looked over at Maria as she punched the wall. "i guess there not here huh!" Ase smiled looking over at Vincent.

"They were." The demon replied tartly, "Crashed in through my window, as a matter of fact. Though, where they are now, is anybody's guess."
"ha....ha.....ha........ i wil break every bone in her little body ....." Ase smiled sitting down at the bar.

Excalibur sat down beside her and began reading the labels on the shelves.

Sophia Bernet was not having a good day.

This was the fifth day of her capture, and she could feel herself getting weaker and weaker by the hour. Her magic had been blocked, an atroucity in it of itself, and she had been a prisoner in this dirty cell for far too long.

She did not know how much longer she could last.

Her eyes had fortunately adjusted to the darkness of the cold room halfway into the first day, making it easy for her to navigate around, though her other needs were hardly properly taken care of. This wasn't her first time being held hostage, she knew, but it had certainly been the worst. Not that she should be comparing acts of terrorizm, though when imprisoned and alone, she didn't have any other company than her own thoughts.

She dearly wished for at least a book, or another change or clothes, and had expressed those desires to that boy who had first taken her here. He had laughed and taunted, though she had been expecting nothing else.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted, when the door to the holding room opened, blinding the head witch, making her have to look away. To her surprise, it wasn't the boy, but a young girl, no older than dear Elinore, she was sure.

When her traitorous thoughts turned to little Elinor, the child of Noire and reincarnate of the great forgotten lady, her heart clenched painfully. That poor child, how lost she must feel, knowing that her destiny was tied to such a tragic outcome.

Sophia Bernet told herself to get those thoughts out of her head, immediately. There was a time and place for her to begin acting sentimentally about her young subjects, thought this was neither. She steeled herself, forcing herself to forget any similarities between this young girl and her Elinor, less she actually show these monsters any feelings.

She held her chin up, focusing her eyes on the girl in the doorway, and spoke with all the elegance and grace of an Ice Princess, piercing the girl with her sharp tone.

"I am Madame Sophia Aceline Bernet, the Head of the witches coven. Who, may I ask, are you?"

(glancing away nervously. How was that?)
(You were great Cryo ^_^ ) @Cryobionic

Akira flinched slightly at the Woman's tone "I'm Akira, Alexander's Fiancee. I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure what the Coven is. Why does Alexander have you locked up down here? Did you hurt him perhaps?" Akira still had an apple in her hand from breakfast, 'I wonder if Alexander gives this woman much food..' She looked around for Keys with her eyes so she could slip the Apple in to the woman.
"That tells me nothing." The head witch replied, standing up from her position on the floor, personally proud of the fact that she was managing to hold herself with more dignity and grace than this child ever would. And she was in a tattered and ballgown, no less.

"If you are expecting me to have some sort of reaction to your name, or the man you call a fiance, you are sorely mistaken, child. The mere fact that you do not possess knowledge of the most influential coven this city has seen, a coven that has held it's place here centuries before you were even born, tells me quite clearly that you and I have no common ground to stand on."

The powerful witch drew herself back, her hands crossing over her chest in one elegant motion. Her eyes were sharp, and following the girls every movement.

"And your acquaintances, have managed to find themselves in a position where they were amenable to kidnap the very head of that coven, thereby risking waging political war over something, that I am quite certain they understand nothing about. The only people I have met while imprisoned here, are nonintellectual, unhygienic brutes with no moderate understanding of personal space, and now a child is questioning me about who I am, and why I am here? Tu es betes comme tes pieds."
Akira sent the witch a calculating glare and stood up to her full height her back straight her head held high automatically, something her father taught her to do to show authority when she felt someone was being disrespectful "I am Princess Akira, I am the last of the Royal Fairy Family of Talos. I'm afraid my father kept me locked away in the castle for many years, the only way I got out was because of Luke and Alexander, even then I was restricted to the kingdom So I didn't learn much of the outside world. I have no idea if you are an enemy or not, If you explained about why he captured you perhaps I could try to understand your situation." She was cut off when she heard a door open, she quickly hid. A group of guards came in and opened the cell door long enough to put a tray of food inside for the witch.

All but one guard left. Akira conjured a pot and floated it over his head and let it go knocking the guard out. "Sorry!" she whispered, she dragged him into the cell next to the witch and locked the door after taking his keys. She then walked back over to the witch. "Alexander is soo going to chew me out for that. But I couldn't let his guards find me and drag me out of here without answers." @Cryobionic
"You may have the title, but you are far from a princess." Sophia stated coldly, her eyes narrowing. "A princess would have spent every moment learning about the world around her, imprisoned or not, so she could better rule when her day eventually arrives. A princess would not let herself be intimidated enough by a mere man, that she would resort to petty violence to escape the consequences of her actions."

Sophia tutted disapprovingly, raising one perfectly shaped eyebrow, "And a princess would know that a hostage would never, as you so impertinently ask, explain herself to her captors."

The witch looked down at the girl, in the way she had perfected over years of disciplining insolent students. It was a look she was quite proud of, a look that made the receiver feel like nothing but a slug under her boot.

"You have yet to learn the true meaning of your title, should your claim hold true."
Akira raised an eyebrow at the woman her eyes flashing purple for a moment a growl escaping her, (Also Alexander lied about the marks to Akira, The marks yes do make it so no one can shape shift into her but it was also to help keep her undetected and keep the darkness in her under control. Unfortunetly its now fading. From the start Alexander has been protecting her, hes wanted her to hate him. He meant for her to run so she'd be far away from the dark fairies. The other darker side of him was truly after her though.) Akira sighed shaking her head "What the hell is wrong with me?" she mumbled. She looked to the woman. She heard the door open again and hid once again, Alexander walked into the room "Akira I know your here." He glared at the spot she hid "Come out" she reluctantly came out "Oh hey Alex, funny seeing you here" He raised his eyebrow looking unimpressed. "What are you doing down here?" There was worry in his tone about her.

Akira sighed and walked up close she noticed the guy she knocked out was awake 'he must have contacted Alexander through the mind, dammit' She looked up at Alexander crossing her arms head held high "Why have you locked this woman up Alexander?" her voice held authority as her eyes demanded an answer. Alexander looked away "Akira, I had to capture her... I would not have been able to do that ritual on you if I hadn't" Akira's eyes held a fire as she then spoke her voice cold "You captured and innocent woman just for that. Just to make sure I couldn't stay away from you" she shoved him "you Jerk!" Alexander sighed and grabbed her wrist when she turned to leave "Akira wait!" he pulled her back to him. "I can explain everything to you both" he sent a look the witches way "If you don't run or try to kill any of us you will get answers. Do you want answers or not?" he asked the woman holding Akira to his side not letting her leave while she sent glares at him.

"You will unhand that girl immediately," The witch snapped sharply, her eyes flashing with dangerously with repressed magic. She would not stand for the manhandling of another female, and certainly not by some insolent child with an illusions of grandeur, "And when you do, I may be willing to listen. Though, if your character is a reflection on your actions, I highly doubt it's worth it." She spat, fixing the boy with a glare so cold, that could have frozen pure alcohol.

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